Amin Jalento

Tate Argensier's page

47 posts. Alias of Taliesin Hoyle.

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Please cancel my subscription to the Pathfinder Adventure Path. End my subscription to the campaign setting line too.

I have been with you all since the beginning, and have been (perhaps inordinately) proud of my charter tag, but I have enough Pathfinder now.

I have twenty two hardcovers, 102 adventure path volumes, seven modules, and every bit of setting lore you have brought out since before the gazetteer. When my son is older, he will have enough adventures to last a lifetime. I also still have a metre high stack of Dungeon magazines in my storage.

Enough is enough. I rolled my will save against hoarding.

Thank you all for your work, and your play.

I have kept a subscription to the Pathfinder Role Playing Game line since the days of the beta.

Recently, I have been running Cypher System games, and every time I look at my shelves of Pathfinder rule-books, I feel the weight of them.

I intend to run Pathfinder again, but when I do, I will use only what I consider the most essential rulebooks, and bestiaries. Everything else is up for sale. This forum is the best place to find people who might be interested in picking up some hardcovers or some of the setting softcovers.

If I were to sell them on Amazon, or eBay, Paizo would get no benefit from the sale, so I wish to sell them here, and be paid in store credit. When you get the hardcover or softcover, you credit me the agreed amount.

All of the books are in excellent condition.

Here is what I am selling.

Campaign Setting softcovers: US$10.00 each.

Classic Monsters Revisited(3.5)
Dragons Revisited(3.5)
Dungeon Denizens Revisited(3.5)
Gods and Magic(3.5)
The Great Beyond - A Guide to the Multiverse(3.5)
Guide to Darkmoon Vale(3.5)
Into the Darklands(3.5)
Artifacts and Legends
Book of the Damned - Volume 1: Princes of Darkness
Book of the Damned - Volume 2: Lords of Chaos
Book of the Damned - Volume 3: Horsemen of the Apocalypse
Castles of the Inner Sea
Chronicle of the Righteous
Cities of Golarion
Classic Horrors Revisited
Classic Treasures Revisited
Demons Revisited
Distant Worlds
Dragons Unleashed
Dungeons of Golarion
Faction Guide
Fey Revisited
Giants Revisited
Hell Unleashed
Lost Cities of Golarion
Lost Kingdoms
Lost Treasures
Misfit Monsters Redeemed
Mystery Monsters Revisited
Mythic Realms
Mythical Monsters Revisited
Occult Bestiary
Occult Mysteries
Pathfinder Society Field Guide
Paths of Prestige
Seekers of Secrets - A Guide to the Pathfinder Society
Tombs of Golarion
Towns of the Inner Sea
Undead Revisited
The Worldwound

Player Companions: US$3.00 each.
Elves of Golarion(3.5)
Osirion, Land of the Pharoahs(3.5)
Taldor, Echoes of Glory(3.5)
Adventurer's Armory
Andoran, Spirit of Liberty
Animal Archive
Blood of the Night
Champions of Purity
Cheliax, Empire of Devils
Dungeoneer's Handbook
Dwarves of Golarion
Gnomes of Golarion
Knights of the Inner Sea

Rulebooks: US$25.00 each.
GameMastery Guide
Mythic Adventures
Occult Adventures
Pathfinder Unchained

Please cancel my RPG subscription.

I will keep my subscriptions to the Adventure Path, and to the Campaign Setting.

Thank you.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

He probably wanted to argue semantis. He red something edited by Erik and saw tooth find closure.

Perhaps the medio really are galti of promoting violence. Akae check the data, but I am too lazy, and eye aben de go over that much text is not a personal gol I want to ari on. That seems like some sort of torturous pun ish ment.

I am looking for a few players for a short game of The Strange, a Cypher System RPG by Monte Cook Games.

The system and setting will be used to support a quick-paced and free moving game. In the Cypher System, players roll all the dice, so the applicant should be willing to share in the creation of the story to an extent unusual in PBPs.

For example, a character is in immanent danger of being discovered removing an embedded card from an interbabbage sub-brain in an office of the New Amsterdam Imperial Bureau of Investigation. The GM writes:

'As the door opens, you see a male figure backlit by the fluorescent orbs in the hallway. Light haloes through thin white hair. The man has coveralls, and a cart of cleaning products. He used the cart to push open the door, which grants him some cover. He is level 2. Level 3 versus ranged attacks, because of the polycarbonate cart. He has not noticed you, as he reaches for the light switch, but he will in about three seconds.

The player chooses an action, applies edge or effort, rolls the d20, in an out of character post, then narrates their action, AND THE RESULT, in world.

Le combat en armure au XVe siècle

Please cancel my subscription to the Pathfinder modules line. Please cancel the pending order for Daughters of Fury.

Can you please cancel my Pathfinder Roleplaying Game subscription?

Please cancel my subscriptions.

All of them, except my subscription to The Pathfinder Adventure Path.

I lost my job, and four interviews so far have been fruitless.
I have been happy with everything I have received so far, but can simply not afford a fluctuating expense.

Thank you in advance.

Please cancel my subscription to the Pathfinder Companion line. If at all possible, please yank the three companions out of the pending order. I am sending this as an email also, so please be aware that this request may be redundant, if another rep has recieved the email and already cancelled the order.

Thank you in advance.

Please cancel my subscription to the Pathfinder Role Playing Game.
Please cancel my subscription to the Player Companion.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Well written. Poignant. Transparent. I love this series. There is nothing on I look forward to more.

I wish to cancel my subscription to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game.

I will happily keep my subscriptions to the Adventure Path and the Campaign Setting.

I feel that I have enough to go on with what I have already. The race guide looks fun, but I have been unemployed for a while now, and cannot justify the expense of any more hardcover books. The shipping alone is a dreadful expense. Thank you for taking care of this request. Were I employed, I would subscribe to, and order more than I currently do. I simply have to cut back.

I just got my geeky hands on the colossal red dragon and gargantuan black dragon figures from the Dungeons and Dragons icons line.

Each is in fine condition. The red has his cone of fire. I have the booklet and card for each, but do not have the red dragon's battlemap.

I want to sell them to you.

Here are all the details I think need to be laid out:

I live in Taiwan. I need to get enough for them to warrant paying for shipping, but I will pay to ship them. Your bid is what you will pay, with no other charges.

I will send the dragon(s) to you before you pay. Pay me on receipt.

I will thus want to ship them as cheaply as possible. If you want some fancier shipping options than 'cheapest with insurance', let me know, and we can come to an arrangement, but then you will need to pay the difference.

I will pack them well, to ease the ravages of international travel. Getting broken things in the mail sucks. I will do my best to not have that happen.

Please post your bids in this thread, in the format:

Red: $x.xx
Black: $x.xx
Location: x
Preferences or questions: x

There is no fixed date for the end of this auction. Lets just see what happens.

My preferred payment method is Paizo gift certificates. I am open to other options.

You can buy one, both, or none.

I prefer not to have people PM me with bids. I want everything done here where everyone can see each others bids, and nobody is operating with incomplete information.

Thank you in advance.


I have them.

I want to sell them.

I am going to make a thread on the forums and sell them directly to one of the people who expressed interest. If Paizo wants them, you can contact me at:

Or just P.M me.

Something interesting posted on EnWorld.

Jonathan Tweet & Rob Heinsoo: Making their own 5th Edition?

Furthering the tradition in which the people who are laid off or otherwise shed by WotC end up competing directly with them, and often doing a better job? Or just another fantasy heart-breaker?


I sent an email to on March 11th, the text of which is as follows:

text of email:
I just got my geeky hands on the colossal red dragon and gargantuan black dragon figures from the Dungeons and Dragons icons line. does not have these figures on the site. I don't know if you ever did.

Are you interested in buying them, at least in theory?

Each has a card, and a 'Rules and Scenarios' insert but neither are in boxes, and I don't have the battle grid.
The red has its cone of fire.

There are no blemishes or imperfections in either of them.

Please let me know if they are something I can sell to you.

eBay is my plan b.

Taliesin Hoyle.

It may have been overlooked, so I am putting it up here.

Thanks for your attention.

I just dipped in to get the book about pirates.
Please cancel the subscription to the Companion line.
Thank you.

A city caught under martial law. Not marshall law.

Please cancel my Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Subscription.

I do not want to buy, or pay shipping on, the beginner box.

I will resume my subscription in time for the Bestiary 3, which I greatly look forward to.

Please cancel order no. 1756631, placed Jul 28, 2011.

The announcement of Pathfinder minis allows me to sever the last thread of attachment to WotC plastic.

I just spent the better part of an hour trying to set up an account at the Acaeum so that I could tell them about this sale. The Ravenloft stuff may include some collectables.

I intend to start a PBP nWoD game here on the 25th of March 2011.
This thread is for anybody who would like to play.

I will give preference to people who have not had a chance to play in a PBP before. If you are currently in another game, please do not apply for this one, unless there are no responses by the 15th of March

Game information

Characters will be mortal, built from the core book only.
Character creation is exactly as per the core rules, with no houserules.
The unique twist to the game I offer, is that I will roll all dice for the players, and will judge all rules issues behind the scenes, allowing the game thread to be purely narrative. After character creation, I will keep your character sheets. You will be able to play without needing to consider the rules. Character advancement will be done in the OOC thread, but the game thread will be exclusively in character.

The setting will be a fictional small city in 1979. I will provide a map of the city, and will also provide setting details. There may, or may not, be supernatural forces at work, but the characters will not start with any knowledge of such matters.

Instead of using the resources dot system, we will use currency. I will provide price lists for the period at hand. All characters will start poor.

Characters will be criminals and outsiders. This is crucial for the story I wish to share. The primary motivation for the game will be for the characters to advance their interests and gain wealth through any means necessary. This will not be a heroic tale.

I will allow no more than three players, to keep things simple.

I previously ran the Evening of an Empire PBP, after the original DM dropped out. This will be my second PBP.

Here is some inspiration: Across 110th Street.

Order # 1626298
Placed February 13, 2011
Purchaser Taliesin Hoyle

Just to let you know. It doesn't negatively impact me at all. I thought it might be something you would want to be told.

>>For the uninitiated, or the nostalgic.<<

>>> -Renaissance <<<

Red Box Renaissance
by Alexander Macris

Interview with Mike Mearls on the Escapist website.

Please cancel my subscriptions to the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and to the Player companion.

Keep my Pathfinder subscription and my Pathfinder Chronicles subscription.

I have two copies of PF 34. Would you like me to send the extra copy back to you?

Hello. There is a thread languishing unseen. I am hoping that this thread will fare better.

Previous thread.

The current blog post claims that many miniatures are now available. The last time that happened, I ordered a hundred dollars worth, and, as you know, the shipment never reached me. Now that many of the miniatures are in stock, perhaps for the last time, could I please get you to decide what you intend to do about the product that went astray.

If you decide that it is not feasible to replace the minis that went missing, it has been almost six months since the initial order. Tell me that you are not going to replace them. I can then order the ones I need from Paizo, or another store.

If you decide that it is feasible to replace, then please grab them now before this run of minis sells out.

Here, for your convenience, is the list of what I am still waiting for.

Order # 1259420
Placed October 7, 2009
Purchaser Taliesin Hoyle

D&D Miniatures—Night Below: Greater Barghest
2x D&D Miniatures—Night Below: Ice Mephit
D&D Miniatures—Night Below: Medusa Archer
2x D&D Miniatures—Night Below: Prisoner
D&D Miniatures—Night Below: Large Chaos Beast
Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures—Desert of Desolation: Astral Stalker
5x Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures—Desert of Desolation: Blood of Vol Fanatic
Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures—Desert of Desolation: Snaketongue Cultist
Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures—Dungeons of Dread: Drow Wand Mage
Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures—Dungeons of Dread: Giant Centipede
4x D&D Miniatures—Against the Giants: Ochre Jelly
D&D Miniatures—Demonweb: Deathlock Wight
5x D&D Miniatures—Demonweb: Sharn Redcloak
D&D Miniatures—Demonweb: Guard Drake
D&D Miniatures—Demonweb: Troglodyte Curse Chanter
4x D&D Miniatures—Dangerous Delves: Foulspawn Grue
D&D Miniatures—Dangerous Delves: Hippogriff
D&D Miniatures—Legendary Evils: Balor
2x D&D Miniatures—Legendary Evils: Doomdreamer
4x D&D Miniatures—Legendary Evils: Goblin Cutter
2x D&D Miniatures—Legendary Evils: Human Rabble
2x D&D Miniatures—Legendary Evils: Minotaur Thug
2x D&D Miniatures—Legendary Evils: Scarecrow Stalker
3x D&D Miniatures—Blood War: Harmonium Guard
Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures—Unhallowed: Strahd Zombie
Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures—Unhallowed: Torturer
D&D Miniatures—Harbinger: Gnome Recruit
2x D&D Miniatures—Harbinger: Werewolf
D&D Miniatures—Dragoneye: Gnome Fighter
D&D Miniatures—Dragoneye: Hobgoblin Warrior
2x D&D Miniatures—Archfiends: Dalelands Militia
D&D Miniatures—Archfiends: Sage
D&D Miniatures—Giants of Legend: Displacer Serpent

Please reply in the original thread. This is just a signpost.

Thank you.


I am still waiting on order

Order # 1259420
Placed October 7, 2009
Purchaser Taliesin Hoyle

I usually wait thirty business days before I start to worry. There was a request for a telephone number, which may have caused a delay. It is not uncommon for parcels to take a long time to reach me here in Taiwan. This is quite a large order.

Please use whatever tracking you have to find out where this Paizo goodness and sweet sweet plastic have got to.

Could you please check on this order, with whatever tracking you use:

Order # 1259420
Placed October 7, 2009
Purchaser Taliesin Hoyle

I usually allow thirty business days before I start to worry.

Thank you to Caladors for a succesful trade of miniatures for a Fiend Folio and Dragon magazines.

What is the nicest thing anyone outside your family has ever done for you?

I am a daddy. My son, Merlin Faraday was born on the 6th of June 2009.

I will put a photo up soon. He is mixed Chinese-English. 3850 grams. A beautiful boy. So tiny.

A player emailed me about his concerns with the economy in Pathfinder. I am posting it here because I want to see if anyone has thought of ways to fix the unreality of the magic item economy. I am aware of Frank Trollman's writing on the topic. I know about Iron heroes. I am curious if there are any other fixes floating around.


Hey Tal,

again don't be in a hurry to read/digest/respond to this before our next session, but as I was taking a spare couple of hours to peruse the manuals and think about stuff, I thought I'd forward it for your input.

The game world of Pathfinder seems to me to be comparable in institutional complexity to early renaissance Europe. They have ledgers, a system of credit, banking, promisory notes etc. The degree to which government is involved in the actions of citizens in places like magnimar is fairly high... Within that framework, we have magic items. Which are in some cases have the potential to destroy a lot of valuable property, impinge on the privacy of citizens, and otherwise f%$! with the system. The system doesn't like to be f@$$ed with.

Also, once you get past the +1 longsword, ring of protection family of items, the amount of gold being thrown around is quite obscene. Comparable to buying a ship and hiring a crew, or the cost of fixing an election in a provincial town, or the price of a mid level assasination. Nothing but magic items costs tens of thousands of GP. They are the single most concentrated form of liquid wealth in existence, worth hundreds of times their weight in gold. As such a state that can make them reliably might even use a minumum generic level of them to back its currency in lieu of gold.

So on one hand, you have the thematic requirement of DnD that the party be a party, that it go adventuring, and the transparency of the challenge rating system pretty much demands that (knowing they're going to face challenges, and knowing that levelling up does not symetrically scale their various offensive, defensive and utility powers) the party accumulate magic items from fallen enemies, liquidate them, and then purchase or order more of them to prepare for future challenges.

[In this framework as well, the ability to have magic items made to order means that party members taking item creation feats is pointless and wasteful. In the narrow confines of adventuring, survival and advancement, you're surrendering a feat, which is useful, for a savings in gold on your item creation, which is not.
If the feats gave access to items that were otherwise not available, then they would be worth something.]

On the other hand, you have the system of the world the adventurers inhabit. Landed gentry who generate their wealth through pastoral or agricultural land ownership and use can't hope to compete with people who can make magic items, and quickly cease to matter. Merchants, it seems, are the new nobility, and magic is a means of essentially generating wealth from a vaccum.

DnD game worlds are unavoidably hokey, due to the concerns listed above. No matter how well their background is written, they simply wouldnt function the way they do if people behaved like real people and had access to magic items. Just crossing a border with all that glowing swag should require taxes and paperwork out the ass, or require paying someone to smuggle us in. I think that Pathfinder handles this better than most, as Corvosa seems to follow the natural course of people viewing magic and demonic power as a source of wealth, security, and military might, with other elements verging on steampunk.

How many adventurers are there in the lost coast region? How many NPCs bearing magic items are there?
I don't think a real economy could function with more than a couple of adventuring parties per million people. In which case magic items past the +2 category would be extremely rare. People capable of making such items would also be either in hiding or exclusively in the control of the state, and you would require a permit to purchase and carry such items.

The fact that you can go to a market and buy spells that open vaults and set fire to buildings is insane. No king would allow this. Heads would roll. S######'s mithril chainmail seems pretty harmless, but for sure he's on some kind of watched list... the fact that he's brazenly wearing something with the obvious resale value of a comfortable early retirement should already create a series of low level individual trials, poisonings, etc that have nothing to do with the story arc. Its like having gold plated rims on your escalade. Everyone knows you're a gangster.

I'm sure you're aware of all this, and it's one of the reasons you're looking forward to playing a more comprehensively designed, story oriented game. What I'd like to discuss is what can be done to the game world so that players like J### can be made happy, while at the same time our suspension of disbelief about the people and institutions we are adventuring to protect remain possible.

Placing restrictions on sale and purchase does little, because the characters are not real people. We just create un-rp'ed down time while the paperwork goes through or we search in vain for a buyer for our enchanted monkey head. Same is true of making high level enchanting hard to find. We spend the requisite time finding it and avoid following any plot threads till that is accomplished, with the knowledge that the challenge may require we first have said items in order to survive.

Two things come to my mind at this point. First is Neil Gaiman's "Stardust" where the witch creates an entire inn by the roadside using her finite and depleting stores of magic, in order to procure the star and ensure a fresh supply. The second is the scene in Shallow Grave, where the accountant character returns to find his flatmates have gone on a shopping spree with the dead man's stolen cash. "Five hundred pounds is what you paid for it. We don't know what it cost us yet."

What you pay for something, vs what it ends up costing you... I believe that within the context of the game world's human societies, the ownership of powerful magic items should cost more than just what you pay for them. This could mean that there are is no such thing as a generic enchantment, and that every item has some unforseen kinks in it- unique as the soul of its creator and the intersection of gods who were called upon to make it... including a name, a story, conditions under which it may behave erratically, or temporarily stop working altogether. Or it could simply mean that being a known concentration of incredible wealth makes you a constant target of thieves and assassins. Either way, the characters should learn to be respectful of magic items, cautious about their use, etc.

hope the new semester isn't too heavy thus far. See you this Sunday.


Is it something to do with the Pathfinder Society?

I refer to the new tab on our accounts.


Rejoice, for a pathfinder character generator has come!

Pathfinder Character generator, and spell list generator.

Spread the good word.

Sample output here:


Male human Wizard 3
LG Medium humanoid
Init +5 ; Senses Perception +0 (+3 to opposed checks in dark or shadows)
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 dex)
hp 18 (3d6+20)
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +5
Defensive Abilities Dodge
Spd 30 ft./x4
Melee Dagger, melee +2 1d4-1 19-20/x2
Melee Dagger, thrown +2 1d4-1 19-20/x2
Ranged Shortbow +2 1d6 20/x3
Special Attacks
Str 9, Dex 13, Con 8, Int 19, Wis 15, Cha 14
Base Atk +1, Cmb+0
Feats Dodge (PFB 85), Improved Initiative (PHB 3.5 96), Scribe Scroll (PHB 3.5 99-100), Weapon Finesse (PFB 97)
Skills Appraise +8, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +8, Knowledge (history) +10, Knowledge (religion) +10, Linguistics +9, Profession (advocate) +8, Profession (bookkeeper) +6, Profession (teacher) +6, Spellcraft +10
Languages Common
SQ Arcane Bond, Diviner's Fortune
Combat Gear Dagger, melee, Dagger, thrown, ShortbowFALSE
Other Gear

Level 0: Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
Level 1:: Mage Armor, Magic Missile
Level 2:: Minor Image

Rejoice, for a pathfinder character generator has come!

Pathfinder Character generator, and spell list generator.

Spread the good word.

Sample output here:


Male human Wizard 3
LG Medium humanoid
Init +5 ; Senses Perception +0 (+3 to opposed checks in dark or shadows)
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 dex)
hp 18 (3d6+20)
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +5
Defensive Abilities Dodge
Spd 30 ft./x4
Melee Dagger, melee +2 1d4-1 19-20/x2
Melee Dagger, thrown +2 1d4-1 19-20/x2
Ranged Shortbow +2 1d6 20/x3
Special Attacks
Str 9, Dex 13, Con 8, Int 19, Wis 15, Cha 14
Base Atk +1, Cmb+0
Feats Dodge (PFB 85), Improved Initiative (PHB 3.5 96), Scribe Scroll (PHB 3.5 99-100), Weapon Finesse (PFB 97)
Skills Appraise +8, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +8, Knowledge (history) +10, Knowledge (religion) +10, Linguistics +9, Profession (advocate) +8, Profession (bookkeeper) +6, Profession (teacher) +6, Spellcraft +10
Languages Common
SQ Arcane Bond, Diviner's Fortune
Combat Gear Dagger, melee, Dagger, thrown, ShortbowFALSE
Other Gear

Level 0: Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
Level 1:: Mage Armor, Magic Missile
Level 2:: Minor Image

Rejoice, for a pathfinder character generator has come!

Pathfinder Character generator, and spell list generator.

Spread the good word.

Sample output here:


Male human Wizard 3
LG Medium humanoid
Init +5 ; Senses Perception +0 (+3 to opposed checks in dark or shadows)
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 dex)
hp 18 (3d6+20)
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +5
Defensive Abilities Dodge
Spd 30 ft./x4
Melee Dagger, melee +2 1d4-1 19-20/x2
Melee Dagger, thrown +2 1d4-1 19-20/x2
Ranged Shortbow +2 1d6 20/x3
Special Attacks
Str 9, Dex 13, Con 8, Int 19, Wis 15, Cha 14
Base Atk +1, Cmb+0
Feats Dodge (PFB 85), Improved Initiative (PHB 3.5 96), Scribe Scroll (PHB 3.5 99-100), Weapon Finesse (PFB 97)
Skills Appraise +8, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +8, Knowledge (history) +10, Knowledge (religion) +10, Linguistics +9, Profession (advocate) +8, Profession (bookkeeper) +6, Profession (teacher) +6, Spellcraft +10
Languages Common
SQ Arcane Bond, Diviner's Fortune
Combat Gear Dagger, melee, Dagger, thrown, ShortbowFALSE
Other Gear

Level 0: Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
Level 1:: Mage Armor, Magic Missile
Level 2:: Minor Image

Kindly bump for a few days, or comment, so people can see this message.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Rejoice, for a pathfinder character generator has come!

Pathfinder Character generator, and spell list generator.

Spread the good word.

Sample output here:


Male human Wizard 3
LG Medium humanoid
Init +5 ; Senses Perception +0 (+3 to opposed checks in dark or shadows)
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +1 dex)
hp 18 (3d6+20)
Fort +0, Ref +2, Will +5
Defensive Abilities Dodge
Spd 30 ft./x4
Melee Dagger, melee +2 1d4-1 19-20/x2
Melee Dagger, thrown +2 1d4-1 19-20/x2
Ranged Shortbow +2 1d6 20/x3
Special Attacks
Str 9, Dex 13, Con 8, Int 19, Wis 15, Cha 14
Base Atk +1, Cmb+0
Feats Dodge (PFB 85), Improved Initiative (PHB 3.5 96), Scribe Scroll (PHB 3.5 99-100), Weapon Finesse (PFB 97)
Skills Appraise +8, Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (architecture and engineering) +8, Knowledge (history) +10, Knowledge (religion) +10, Linguistics +9, Profession (advocate) +8, Profession (bookkeeper) +6, Profession (teacher) +6, Spellcraft +10
Languages Common
SQ Arcane Bond, Diviner's Fortune
Combat Gear Dagger, melee, Dagger, thrown, ShortbowFALSE
Other Gear

Level 0: Detect Magic, Light, Prestidigitation, Read Magic
Level 1:: Mage Armor, Magic Missile
Level 2:: Minor Image

The Holy Avenger sword is very much a part of a Paladin's schtick. It is supposed to be a rare item. I have seen many paladins with holy avengers in my time.

What if the Paladin were to gain the ability to enchant a mastework sword through faith. At first level, it would simply be a masterwork sword, then it could gain pluses as the paladin levels.

Paladins used to quest for a mount. Perhaps they could choose whether to quest for a mount, or to enhance their swords.

The d20SRD wrote:


Holy Avenger
This +2 cold iron longsword becomes a +5 holy cold iron longsword in the hands of a paladin.

It provides spell resistance of 5 + the paladin’s level to the wielder and anyone adjacent to her. It also enables the wielder to use greater dispel magic (once per round as a standard action) at the class level of the paladin. (Only the area dispel is possible, not the targeted dispel or counterspell versions of greater dispel magic.)

Strong abjuration; CL 18th; Craft Magic Arms and Armor, holy aura, creator must be good; Price 120,630 gp; Cost 60,630 gp + 4,800 XP.

All very well and good. Now what if this becomes an ability that opens up over time. The paladin quests, and gets a +2 iron longsword. After a few levels, it becomes +3, then +4, then finally, +5 at high levels.

Dispel magic could be similarly scaled. Starting with 1/day dispel magic, SR 1, then increasing to the full Greater dispel at will, SR 5 plus level, at a sufficiently high level.

I know I have not tried to plot it out. Mechanics are not my strong suite. I like the idea of enhancing a weapon as part of a legacy. I think a player would far rather make a weapon great, than buy it in downtime.

It allows the paladin a specialised, role-appropriate progression that has a unique character. What do others think?

The SRD has a cleric variant. It is in the spoiler below.

Cleric Variant: Cloistered Cleric
The cloistered cleric spends more time than other clerics in study and prayer and less in martial training. He gives up some of the cleric's combat prowess in exchange for greater skill access and a wider range of spells devoted to knowledge (and the protection of knowledge).

Most cloistered clerics are nonchaotic, since they believe that a disciplined lifestyle lends itself better to learning.

Hit Die
The cloistered cleric uses a d6 for his Hit Die (and has hit points at 1st level equal to 6 + Con modifier).

Base Attack Bonus
The cloistered cleric's lack of martial training means that he uses the poor base attack bonus.

Class Skills
The cloistered cleric's class skill list includes Decipher Script, Speak Language, and all Knowledge skills (from the Knowledge domain, see below). The cloistered cleric gains skill points per level equal to 6 + Int modifier (and has this number x4 at 1st level).

Class Features
The cloistered cleric has all the standard cleric class features, except as noted below.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
Cloistered clerics are proficient with simple weapons and with light armor.

Lore (Ex)
Thanks to long hours of study, a cloistered cleric has a wide range of stray knowledge. This ability is identical to the bard's bardic knowledge class feature, using the cloistered cleric's class level in place of the bard level.

Deity, Domains, and Domain Spells
Most cloistered clerics worship deities associated with knowledge and learning.

In addition to any domains selected from his deity's list, a cloistered cleric automatically gains the Knowledge domain as a bonus domain (even if the Knowledge domain is not normally available to clerics of that deity). He gains the Knowledge domain granted power and may select his bonus domain spell from the Knowledge domain or from one of his two regular domains.

Add the following spells to the cloistered cleric's class spell list: 0—message; 1st—erase, identify, unseen servant; 2nd—fox's cunning; 3rd—illusory script, secret page, tongues (reduced from 4th level); 4th—detect scrying; 6th—analyze dweomer; 7th—sequester; 9th—vision.

It is in the SRD. It allows people to play skilled clerics, without rejigging the whole skill system. More on this later.

The Pathfinder Chronicles campaign guide has a cleric variant. It allowed clerics to sacrifice domain powers, in exchange for fighter BAB and d10 hit die.

A sidebar with these class variants would open up the cleric to new interpretations, without changing the base class further.


Text of a broadsheet in my ROTRL campaign.

Randy Buehler wrote:

While we’re talking about the magazines, I can’t resist the urge to tease some October content as well. One of the coolest things R&D is doing with Dragon is to use it for playtesting. They already did this once with the artificer -- it’s a class that won’t actually be published until the Eberron campaign setting books are released next year, but R&D showed off the current draft of the rules that is being actively developed in house in order to solicit feedback. The idea is to let you guys participate in playtesting. Well, next month we’re planning to do this again, and this time it’ll be the barbarian class from the upcoming Player’s Handbook 2 that gets the full treatment. R&D is actively working on this book right now, and the version of the barbarian that ultimately gets published probably won’t be the same one as we show off in Dragon, but that’s a good thing. With feedback coming from a horde of external playtesters, we’re hoping to make it even better.

October will also see the Domains of Dread return to D&D, with the long-time Ravenloft concept being folded into the core now. Meanwhile we’ll also be trying out a new rules concept that allows you to multiclass into classes that don’t really exist, like gladiator. I should probably stop now before R&D gets forbidden from feeding me previews.

As always, please do hop onto the forums if you have a question you want me to answer or a comment you want me to see.

Randy Buehler
Vice President of Digital Gaming
Wizards of the Coast