
Talon Starblade's page

27 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I've heard (or read) -1 to -2 levels behind the PC's is reasonable. We even picked up both Celestials. As for any class direction, I guess it's whatever you might want. Been looking at the PC's teaching some or all a level in Martial Artist Monk (Possibly combo'd with Wanderer Monk)to up the the options... But that's just me.

I've got a campaign that's on hiatus for a while, but the Paladin in the group who'd bonded with Radiance had been "talking to it" in character, as if it had been awake... Then it talked back, after they picked up Legendary weapon feature (which is still needed for the player to activate abilities). The features chosen were:

Flexible Bond (allowing other party members to work with Radiance)
Upgradable (allowing for adding enchantments to Radiance, see next entry)
Intelligence (Radiance became fully intelligent, adding the rules for Intelligent weapons. The Upgradable feature allows new abilities to be added, without effecting the base values of a Holy Avenger, but effects the Ego of Radiance.)

An additional side effect of gaining the Intelligence feature was that one special ability on the list could be chosen (while others could be bought or upgraded with additional selections of Legendary Weapon)I felt the "Transfoming"ability might be interesting.

So, end result is that Radiance now becomes a little fairy-like creature (the size or mass of the weapon), who can work with anyone in the party, and can be upgraded with an 8-hour ritual and currency. Intelligent item abilities are easier and cheaper, since I use the full value of Radiance in her (yes, HER) fully activated state for calculating magic weapon adds.

Hope this helps. And for how we've been playing this... See the Anime "Soul Eater" for reference... It's been some fun sessions.

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Between referencing Wikipedia (thanks for the link, btw) and grabbing my "Inner Sea campaign guide," I actually found a prime candidate for making use of such a system:

Grand Duchy of Alkenstar.

As a place within Golarian that is devoid of any functional magic, having a system like that would be very beneficial, until or unless they develop actual technologies like the electric telegraph, or the light-based signal system with powerful light sources and shutters, or even wireless radio, they would need something like this, since magic simply isn't an option.

Of course, most of your standard post would still make more economical sense by horse or carriage relay, but in those emergencies where a message needs to go from one side of the region to the other, this one could do in minutes, what a rider might need days for.

how many he can make, depends on how the 1k/day limit is worked with...

Using a metal cartridge as an example, he could make 133 bullets (assuming that the 1k is charged vs. 1/2 cost of 7g5s),


66 rounds (assuming the 1k is measured against the full market value of the bullets).

A little question I've never been able to get clarified.

Thanks for the suggestion, that helps. I'll have to consider buying it.

So, any thoughts on the glowing moss?

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feel free to move if in the wrong section...

Ok, been thinking on this for a few hours and it hit me, has anyone ever thought of doing a write-up or book on basically Fantasy Herbology? Things that natural herbs, plants, roots and fungi can do in this fantasy world.

This question came about due to my pondering a random table in the "Curse of the Kobold King" starter adventure, where one of the items you can find is a natural growing moss that will bio-luminesce, and if cut and bottled will last for up to 3 days. a simple vial's worth will shed light equal to a torch. was this ever listed or displayed elsewhere?

So what other plants show possible utility like these? Does anyone else think there might be a book or booklet in on this subject?

Thanks for the find Bob... And in answer, that's what an optical modem and a computer network are for.. hehe.

I'm looking forward to this product. I've been wondering if anyone was gonna do a book like this one. I'm gonna have to keep an eye out for it.

my question is more in the neighborhood of: When can we expect to actually see the book? is there a prospective release date at this time?

Feel free to move, if I've posted in the wrong forum...

Ok, I was disapointed with the failure of "Sailing the Starlit Sea," which had been MORE than kick funded. But that's old news. So advance the time over an year, and not seeing any posts on the subject I bring the question back:

Is anyone currently working on a Fantasyspace game ala Spelljammer or similar? (and yes, I have "It came from Beyond" and "Between chains and starlight.")

I ask because I'd always liked the setting and the idea of putting a scifi and space games on their ear. Probably why I like Steampunk some. Even if just someone's doing a conversion of Spelljammer into Pathfinder I'd like to know. All I have is the pdf of a Dragon mag article I scanned of a 3.x conversion, and it still doesn't feel quite right.

Discussion is freely encouraged. Thanks in advanced. =)

Well, in keeping with a Druid's idea of a bracelet...

A masterwork bracelet of Darkwood (for quality and strength) inset with a small bead of obsidian (symbolic of volcanic heat), in lieu of using any metals (feels more like something a druid would do).

All you need is Craft wondrous, your "material cost" and the spell... and if I'm reading the rules right, you don't even need that... DC 8 with the spell, DC 13 without the bloody spell. Either get a Druid to cast the spell or get a scroll of Produce Flame for the same effect. You may need to discuss this with your GM to confirm his thoughts on it.

As for price I came up with 2 prices based on the whether the item is command activated or use activated, the costs are doubled if the item does not take up an item slot. The prices were based of the input from the Core book, page 550, table 15-29. Making the item a daily charged item only pays off if the number is less than 5 charges a day (take cost and divide by (5/# of charges), so 5x/day yields a cost equal to usable anytime (If I'm understanding it correctly).

(costs are in gold pieces)
Command word: SpellLevel(2) x CasterLevel(3) x 1800 = 9,000 (No space x2)
Use activated: SpellLevel(2) x CasterLevel(3) x 2000 = 10,000 (No space x2)

Additional costs are materials and Masterwork construction on the ring.

What? Nobody's got anything?

Ok, this is a magic item question... For some reason as I was pondering a game story for the Dragonstar variant game ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dragonstar ), I was strangely drawn to the idea of the classic "Looking Glass" two-way communications mirror (Look in the mirror, and see and hear the person holding the other one). Now for some reason I am convinced that it exists in some edition of DnD (Possibly going as far back as to 1st ed). So the question is, if I'm just having a senior moment, what might one list as the spells needed to create this little gem of an item?

For those interested, in the story I'm working on a character form a more modern day world (not unlike our little piece of Heaven) had the bright idea to use such a set of devices to get past the light-speed communication problem they seem to have. Pair a set of these little babies and imbed them into an optical network communication system. Since light and sound seem to pass in one mirror and out the other, this seems to be viable way to pass high-speed information from one star system to another.

Any takers? Find us the mirrors or suggest construction... Let's rock here.

I'm just glad I'd gotten my hands on a copy of Dragon Magazine that printed a 3.0 version of some of the old Spelljammer stuff years back. Then I scanned it into the computer and made a straight pdf of it. Still, I was liking what they were starting to come up with.

As for back-ups, I've got copies of my stuff on two separate portable hard-drives in addition to this computer, one of my portables and a random thumb drive.

Makes two of us, Wolf.

thanks for the info, guys. I knew about Distant Worlds (I've had it for a while), and thanks to the info, I just picked up It Came and Between for $14. Not a bad deal, given the volume of material.

and yeah, even with the success of the kickstarter, they pushed back the release date, and then it just vaporized in front of us.

So enjoy if you have them. I've got reading to do.

Ok, with the complete demise of "Sailing the Starlit Sea," does anyone know if the there's any products in the works that may come close to what it had been expected to be or other similar game supplements? I've always thought the Starjammer idea was pretty cool, so I'm still hopeful of a suitable upgrade on the idea compatible with Pathfinder.

And for those who know of it, I loved Dragonstar as well.

Wow, thanks for all the information on this and everything else... I set up this thread because I was one of the unlucky ones that didn't find out about the KS till it was bought and paid for, and closed. So I don't get the backer updates.

I am a patient man, so I'm still looking forward to seeing the finished product when it finally does land. Fans making the books they would like to get, I can understand things taking more time than expected, but I also know they wanna make it quality.

So keep on working, and remember us here from time to time. So when this book gets done, I WILL be getting it. =]

I'm still just hopeful that the thing will come out, but this IS the first news of any kind I've heard in 6 months. Any word from the Clockwork Gnome people? I remember some of them sounding off before.

Hehehe... Seeing the title of the thread, the first thing that popped into my head was the "Guntank" from the manga "Gunhead." I had to look around, and could have sworn that somewhere I'd bought the DVD for the live action Gunhead movie... but i guess I was mistaken. But my brain had also gone to Gundam... Amazing how that works, isn't it.

I think it all comes down to just how much a lead costs in your world... And if you look at the spell, the material cost is "1lb of lead OR other soft metals worth 2gp." So you could actually just use 2 gold pieces, and then use your lead.

Based on the production cost of standard issue Firearms bullets, you're using 15gp worth of lead to produce 1/2 lb of ammunition. So unless sling bullets and Firearms ARE using a different metal, or the difference in cost is actually more due to the work than the materials, there is definitely a bit of a disparity between the the ammunition. Additionally, you get the full pound for the sling stones, but it eats half of the lead to create the 30 bullets.

So I guess the question is, just how much do you really charge for actual lead? I would then think of changing the cost of the ammunition to account for it all. Or perhaps say that standard sling stones are properly shaped but still rock, and that actual metal slugs would dish out more damage from a sling.

Food for thought.

Hey all, glad to see this thread of mine is still going and informing. Thanks to all for the new flows of updates and information. From teh sounds of things, we should be seeing a finished book very soon. Like may, I am a non-backer, but looking very forward to this project, having been a fan of the Spelljammer books for a long time.

Ok, got an interesting discussion piece here... Has anyone else spotted the actual SLING-SHOT that was pictured in the GM's Guide on page 122?

So given that the real world characteristics of the sling and the sling-shot are a bit differing, what do you guys say would be the mechanical information on a Sling shot?

Personally, I would think increased range and/or lighter ammunition for same effect... But with a Sling-shot, you'd have to build them specifically for greater strength to get the strength bonus, like a composite bow.

So what do you guys say on this one? The hotline is open, so let's sound off.

Thanks for the info, guys. I wasn't one of the backers, so didn't have access to things. It's really appreciated. =]

Ok, I was excited on the concept of this one last year when I heard about it. But now I feel like I need more. The kickstarter completely cleared its minimum by $900, and I remember them mentioning that it wouldn’t be till around now that they’d be able to actually get to it. And that’s where the info stops.

So for the guys at Clockwork Gnome or anyone else in the know… What’s the word? How’s the project actually coming? Do we have a release date actually planned yet? Come one, give us something to actually work with here.

If i'd had the money, i sure would have contributed. Now i just need to wait on the actual production on the book. Hey, how're you guys fixed for artists? :D

I actually have the books for Dragonstar. I found the idea interesting, and even thought of a story or two using the idea, combined with a version of spelljamming tech and even the modern setting. I'm still looking forward to the Spelljammer update for Pathfinder.

Howdy all, first post, though I've bought the books and lurked for years.

On to the point now... Just picked up the Distant Worlds campaign book, and while I love it, I've noticed that it's not covering a few things... Most notably spell and artifact information, as well as additional info on the mechanics of stellar travel.

so my question is, have I missed something?

Spells were mentioned in DW as being available in the Inner Sea book, but I'm wondering what other information has been printed by Piazo,and what books they might be in. I know about Sailing the Starlit Sea, so we don't need to cover that one. As it is, i don't own the GM's guide or the Inner Sea campaign book.

Info and suggestions would be appreciated... As all I have for dealing with Space Fantasy is the article from Dungeon (or was it Polyhedron)which printed an update for 3.0 on both Spelljammer and Dark Sun. (I converted them to PDF for easy viewing a while ago)