
Talismand's page

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I am currently i lvl 1 cavern sniper and lvl 1 rogue. I took rogue to get the trap sense and extra sneak and sneak atk at a range. I want to know if it is possible to take a class that sets up traps or maybe even makes turrets out of hand or heavy crossbows? and advice would help thank you to all replies and good hunting.

I am currently in a homemade module with three (soon to be four) other adventurers. I am a drow cavern sniper and im dedicating my first three levels of feats i get into getting greater drow nobility. After that however i want to try to move into a trapmaster type class so i can lay mines turrets ect to make it harder for the enemies to close the distence on me. My question is would it be possible to have some/close to the abilities that the demon hunter in diablo 3 has?

Rumpin: thats what im hoping for but i need to plan in the case that our GM doesnt drop it

Kolo: nah it's just what you but and we are all starting at lvl 1

Ajaxis: I'll have to look into that and see what i can use summon wise to heal thanks

I'm starting a new adventure with some friends and after they picked all of what they wanted i noticed that we have no healer in the group. I know that the GM can fill that role with NPCs or wands but i want to give healing a try. I picked a summoner and was going to be a master summoner but our Gm said no because it was to powerful. So my question is would there be any way to make a healing summoner?

Honestly i can understand all of this. The game is a roleplay game but the lack of excitment can kill it via combat and such. The split group idea i used personally in one of my games we had a rogue,barberian,cleric,ranger,and summoner in the group i split the summoner with the ranger (they are getting married the ranger id a half elf the summoner is a full elf and they rp hating eachother because of it lol) and put the barbarian and cleric with each other and the rogue by himself. Its very challenging to swap between them all but there was combat and RPing throughout it all. Best thing to do is to talk among all of you voice out your opinion and just have a talk about it. Worst that will happen is the DM will just brush you off but at least the thought it out there and he knows you would like a bit more action. As far as the "challenging" goes ive had the same thing happen and i explain everything that goes on as best i can i can see why the GM is upset because it can break the feel of it maybe it would be better for you to have a sit down with him and let him explain encounters and all the fine details you know? i hope this helps and good luck on your GMing.

So I'm passing GMing to a player and now I'm not sure if i should make a healer to fill the spot or make a new one i want to go battle healer focusing on damage but still able to heal for enough to keep a group alive any ideas?

Cavern sniper from the advanced race guide. Maximun flavor.

ok cool i'll see what our GM thinks about it oh btw im going to have an ogre "slave" as well person in our party wants to be an ogre and i think you suggested that he let a party member act like they are his master when in towns so this character is already going to have so many pluses ^^

psion how would you set up the stats i rolled?

i was looking into hobgoblin as well but they look at every other race as a slave race and dont get along to well with others.

i was thinking armor master as well never heard of the crane style monk i'll have to look into it

Hello everyone I'm starting a new adventure with some friends and i want a very good defensive class. we are starting at 4th lvl and my rolls landed as follows (note i did not place stats yet)
18, 18, 16, 14, 11, 11
I just want a very defensive class that can hold its own any help would be awesome. I'm leaning toward stalwart defender if there is a way to spec into this please let me know thanks.

Hello everyone like i said in the title a couple of friends and i just started playing the game and are all at 2nd level (our DM is also a first timer). I was just wondering on this.

I have a Ranger already which i have a generally good grasp on how to use so for now no questions there.

My questions start with the Druid i just made (In case my ranger dies just a backup PC) i rolled the stats and spected him for having a animal companion and the race i choose was a half ling so i wanted to have the ability to mount said pet so as not to slow down the party. I was going to go with an Ape or Cheetah but our DM isn't sure how that would translate toward riding it. the PC only weighs about 30lbs so i would assume it would be no biggy just need some advice from people who know what they are doing. Thanks in advance!!!