Talisein's page

Organized Play Member. 4 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Meirril wrote:

So I'm looking for opinions on either of these builds, or your own suggestion for a pro-active bard that does things. There are a few things to keep in mind:


I've run a bard to lvl 12 based loosely on the Controller build Treantmonk suggested in his PF guide to bards.

Florian is a half elf, vanilla bard who is by now the epitome of jack of all trades. I don't have the starting stats, but at this point without stat boost items his 14, 14, 14, 14, 8, 18.
Feats are largely combat based so in order;
Exotic weapon(Net);
Net Adept
Weapon Focus (Whip)
Whip Mastery
Improved Whip Mastery
Discordant Voice
He also has Skill Focus ( orator) and Lingering Performance

In combat therefore he has options to net and entangle others, he carries 2 nets, but net adept allows them to be reused in combat time if needed. The whip was a steel or scorpion whip as soon as I could afford it and is now a +1acidic scorpion whip so 1d6+1d4+4 before buffs, it threatens a 15 ft radius so makes flanking a lot easier as Florian is many things but not a front liner (hp93 AC25). Versatile performer means he is using Perform instead of intimidate so demoralising is also a useful trick and on BBEG, the net and intimidate can be a -4 non magic debuff at least. Inspire Courage is +3 and discordant voice adds 1d6 sonic damage to all affected allies.
Spell loadout was a mix of the usual hideous laughter type debuffs, confusion, rainbow pattern, with general utility ( invisibility, Haste, Dimension door) and Blistering invective (1d10 + possible burning to all intimidated in 30ft radius). A wand of versatile weapon helps get a whip past alignment DR
Rounds involved spell casting, buffing, debuffing and attacking with net and whip, ensuring rogues and slayers get flanking. Dimension door for combat dropping fighters behind the boss's minion screen.

I can honestly say there were very few times I had rounds of sitting around doing nothing, normally only against heavily armoured constructs or high CR mindless undead and vermin.
With the out of battle skills and abilities this was a fun character to play, and one that got party invitations even over a similar level battle cleric of Gorum I also had.

I'm running a group through Second Darkness (currently about to start book 6) and they've developed the strategy of scouting via the ethereal plane. Basically they get to know a spot well, plane shift to ethereal then teleport back to the spot, since plane shift moves them up to 500 miles out. Then they can explore in relative safety for a bunch of clunkers..
I've ruled that peering across the planes is described as indistinct so they can't see creatures moving around, but still gives a big advantage knowing the lay of the land and layout of buildings, not to mention allowing study of areas behind the frontlines for teleport destinations. They've come across forbearance a few times and this could seriously inconvenience them when they meet senior demons with true seeing, but for now it's very, very effective.

It seems like an unusual way to use some relatively big spells to protect the party, so wouldn't say it was broken, but any suggestions for something I've missed or how to manage the effect?

Hi, eldritch scrapper (advanced race guide) is a sorceror archetype which replaces the first bloodline power with the brawlers martial flexibility options. So far so good.
I have a draconic bloodline sorceror so first power is claws, given my character naturally has claws this is of no benefit however as I intend to later take dragon disciple it throws up a question. Dragon disciple will get the ability draconic bite which adds a small bite attack when the claws ability is activated.Not sure the text was meant to nerf a. Prestige class power but Since thats not going to happen I can see two options, one the bite is lost no claws mean no further powers, or two if martial flexibility is swapped out for claws bite could be used in the minute that that ability works. Thoughts?

Addendum, I know the archetype blurb says I could take the claws instead of the lvl3 power but the resistance and ac bonus is way better

So I'm part way through running endless night, and the party have been grumping a little about a lack of revenue.
They kind of have a point, I'd not noticed in advance but there are no wages for working as a drow they've been at it for a few weeks in game been bumped up to trustees and got one pp each for taking out the driders. Yes room and board is included but beyond the very occasional loot any thoughts on wages for house vonnarc?