
Tali the Nomad's page

10 posts. Alias of Jesse Heinig.


This is my other prior character, focused on desert survival and support magic! Since it sounds like the team already has a front-liner coming up, a caster might be more useful. I'll dust this one off to match recruitment.

I guess that's what happens when you have to go out of town for family right at the tail end of a recruitment!

Nidhi Aashirya wrote:

Nidhi walks over to Tali, hips swaying gently. She places a hand on nearest table, her palm facing towards the center of the table and fingers curling around the table’s edge. Nidhi responds back to Tali in Osirion:

“Yes, I’m a tailor! I work with my grandmother, Jharna Aashirya, in her shop here in Midwife. She may be interested in a trade.” Nidhi angles her head to the side in interest. “You’re in a tribe? Please tell me about yourself and your people. Do remember any songs unique to your tribe? ”

Nidhi leans forward with her last question, as if particularly interested in hearing about music.

Tali replies, "نعم، عائلتي هي البدو الرحل. نقوم به بعض التجارية هنا في الواطي، وتبحث عن الأدوات والمواد الغذائية لتحمل لنا من خلال هذا الموسم.

أنا لا أعرف الكثير في طريق الغناء. أنا لست موسيقيا. ابن عمي إيتام يلعب الطبول وأحيانا من الخشب والناي"

"Yes, my family are nomads. We are doing some trading here in Wati, looking for tools and food to carry us through the season.

I don't know much in the way of singing. I am not a musician. My cousin Etam plays drums and sometimes the wood-flute."

To Hyir she says, "I did not know that it was possible for magicians to remove curses - I thought they could only bestow them. It sounds very risky!"

Tali says to Nidhi, "كنت خياطا؟ لدي بعض الكتان مصبوغ ناعم وقبيلتي قد تبدو للتجارة في وقت لاحق، ربما ينبغي لنا القيام بأعمال تجارية في المستقبل، إذا كانت هذه الفوضى لا تخرج عن نطاق السيطرة!"

"You are a tailor? I have some fine dyed linen and my tribe may look to trade later, perhaps we should do business in the future-if this chaos does not spin out of control!"

"You are a priest, then?" says Tali to Hyir. "To remove curses and calm the unquiet spirits of the dead?"

Tali pokes at a piece of the goat meat, somewhat more satiated now, and says to Hyir and Nidhi in equal measure, "The reward of gold balanced against the ancient curses and deadly magics of the tombs... some of which can span across generations," she finally says after some hesitation. "I suppose it depends upon what is at stake. Some riches may be safe to take, but it's true, some are better left undisturbed. Along with their slumbering owners."

Tali shifts slightly to her right and says to whomever is there which I don't know because nobody has referenced me with a position, "Are so many people from beyond these lands this willing to throw themselves into peril? The rewards must be great indeed."

Tali gratefully accepts her grilled goat's meat along with the cacik, and tries to find a spot where she can squeeze in at the edge now that the place is filling up. She eats with her hands, tearing the strips of grilled goat into small bites and dipping them in the cacik before devouring them. She cranes her head to listen to the discussion between miss Hypaxes and Abdur, then when that business concludes she skips past the occasional flirting and then finally settles on listening to Tetradia's description of her sacred duty to rebuild the necropoli. She still chews slowly on pieces of the goat, slowing a bit as she thinks.

GM Euan wrote:
Tali, can you talk a little about how you’ve recently come into some money and where some of it might have gone in your background?


"Ah," says Tali noncommittally. She fiddles with a pouch or purse under her burnoose - not readily visible - then finally says, "Well, perhaps I could stay for a bit of the goat. Do you have fresh cacik as well? What is your price?"

Cacik is a kind of strained goat-yogurt-sauce. If you've had Greek food it's called tzatziki.

The door opens again, and the desert wind blows in a hot, dry wisp of sand on the heels of a traveler.

Garbed desert fashion in a hooded burnoose, the woman moves away from the door quickly to avoid blocking other patrons. Little is visible of her other than her hefty goatskin pack and her piercing eyes, set in a sun-touched face that hides under a kerchief. Her hands come up and hesitate briefly before finally removing the hood and pulling down the kerchief, to reveal that she is a woman of young adult age, not yet completely weathered by the harsh desert wind, but with parched brown skin nonetheless. She has the long face and dark hair common to the Garundi nomads, and immediately after removing the hood her hands come back down to her waist, where one rests on her belt dagger. She glances from side to side, then moves up to address the ostler, saying, "I am in need of information. These outlanders have all come because of the announcement about the tomb, yes?"