Holy Vindicator

Taedos Shyr's page

245 posts. Organized Play character for @scottg0.

prepare all the things

Gameday VIII

prepare all the things

Gameday VIII

prep all the things

Gameday VIII

Please dot in here and post your character details. You can save the day job role until after if you like.

Player Name:
Character Name:
Organized Play #:
Character #:
XP speed (Normal or Slow):
Day Job Role:

Edit: forgot to add character fears.

Be aware that themes involving fear and horror may make some players uneasy. Please let me know (in PM if you prefer) if there is any issue with fear or horror for you as a player that I need to know about.

Continuation with the part one team. Closed game.

My gameplay campaign thread is not working, can someone please fix it.


Feel free to introduce yourself here to me and your other players. Anything you want them or me to know about buffs or actions you normally take. What role do you normally take, like tank, healer, dps (melee or ranged), etc.?

Include as much or as little as you like, we have a month until we start.

Feel free to introduce yourself here to me and your other players. Anything you want them or me to know about buffs or actions you normally take. What role do you normally take, like tank, healer, dps (melee or ranged), etc.?

Include as much or as little as you like, we have a month until we start.

Feel free to introduce yourself here to me and your other players. Anything you want them or me to know about buffs or actions you normally take. What role do you normally take, like tank, healer, dps (melee or ranged), etc.?

Include as much or as little as you like, we have a month until we start.

I refreshed the Paizo boards this morning, and found that I was logged in as someone else.

This is Really Bad.


Over a century ago, hordes from the Abyss tore through a weak point in the Material Plane and surged forth onto Golarion, creating a corrupted and blighted land that would come to be known as the Worldwound. Legions of crusaders fought against the demonic incursion, containing it behind a wall of holy artifacts. In Pathfinder Society Season 5: Year of the Demon, forces bolstered by Pathfinder agents pushed back a demonic siege and even reclaimed land that had long languished under demonic control. The heroes of the Wrath of the Righteous Adventure Path finished the job, sealing the Worldwound and slaying the demon lord responsible for its creation, Deskari.

Yet the land where the rift to the Abyss once stood remains scarred and fragile, and on the Abyss itself, some artifacts and powers tied to Deskari remain unclaimed. One of the Pathfinder Society's most formidable enemies, the demon Koth'Vaul, is eager to seize upon these opportunities. Unless the PCs thwart him, Koth'Vaul's will become even more powerful than ever before, and wreak truly terrifying vengeance upon the Pathfinder Society.

WARNING: This is a seeker level Core game that is deadly to Core PCs. As this is Core, there are limited options to mitigate a Mythic big bad guy. You have been warned.

This is a placeholder and will be the official mustering location for Outpost II. I will update the thread when it is available.


With the unique blessing of a celestial ambassador, the PCs depart Magnimar and rush into the swamp, chasing after the mastermind behind the corruption of several of Magnimar's iconic monuments. This mastermind isn't the only one who wants to see the PCs perish in the swamp, however. If the PCs are to find the mastermind and undo these schemes, they'll need to keep their wits sharp and make the most of their newfound powers.

The Howling Dance is the second scenario in the two-part "Mysteries Under Moonlight" campaign arc. It is preceded by Pathfinder Society Scenario #10-05: Testament of Souls. Both chapters are intended to be played in order.

This is a placeholder and will be the official mustering location for Outpost II. I will update the thread when it is available.


Something ominous is afoot around Magnimar's famous monuments. The mayor hired an official investigator to get to the bottom of the situation, but the latter's methods have overlooked key evidence. Unable to secure the investigator's cooperation, a local governing body called the Varisian Council has turned to the Pathfinder Society for aid. The Pathfinder Society's efforts to cleanse the monuments and discover the source of their corruption are certain to stir up trouble as the PCs draw closer to a confrontation with a lurking evil force.

Testament of Souls is the first scenario in the two-part Mysteries Under Moonlight campaign arc. It is followed by Pathfinder Society Scenario #10-07: The Howling Dance. Both chapters are intended to be played in order.

This is a placeholder and will be the official mustering location for Outpost II. I will update the thread when it is available.


I'm looking for anyone that would like to play 7-98 Serpent's Ire on Thursday (8/4) Evening (8:00 PM) in CORE Campaign. Paizo is not mustering any core tables this year and last year it was a disaster so I don't have high hopes of playing.

I've already played this at PaizoCon and I have a ticket to play it at Gen Con and I'd like to be able to play it again. If we can get a full table of folks, we can play CORE.