
TOTALLY John Kretzer's page

22 posts. Alias of Elizabeth Brasell.

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Liberty's Edge

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Hello all,

So Kingmaker 2E as designed has more encounters than a party using the standard advancement track will need in order to progress, and the Adventure Path recommends using the Slow Advancement Track if you want to spread things out more.

Because I was curious about this, I counted up all the fixed sources of XP that could be found between Lady Aldori's Manor and the death of the Stag Lord, and found that were was 3,630 EXP, just enough to take a Slow Advancement party to Fourth Level assuming they do literally everything to do in the chapter (get in every fight, complete every quest, etc) and don't have any random encounters (which will, admittedly, mess with the math in unpredictable ways.

My question as I try to figure out how to manage the EXP track from here on out (my PCs are currently exploring the Greenbelt), to those more familiar/experienced with Kingmaker and the 2E Adventure Paths in general, is "Is this slower pace worth it?" What do y'all feel is added or lost by this more "completionism required to advance" mindset versus the chance of either having more powerful characters/needing to adjust difficulty on my end/missing some areas and quests, and what would you recommend for other groups?

Liberty's Edge

Greetings, Paizonians! I, lucky7, am here to give you a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hep fight the alien menace!

I'm in need of recruits, so if you want your name to be on one of the brave XCOM operatives going once more unto the breach, please fill out this form. The first update shall be on Sunday, April 24

I'm here to answer any and all questions you may have.

Liberty's Edge

Greetings to all those reading this! My Rise of the Runelords game has taken a bit of a pause, and I decided that rather than twiddling my thumbs, I'd try to make the opening of Fortress of the Stone Giants into something decidedly more...heroic, by having the party take on some of their old foes.

Notes before I start:
-Nualia, Lyrie, and Bruthazmus are alive, and Ripnugget was maimed but alive thanks in no small part to my players beleiving in nonlethal justice back then. (Tsuto was beheaded and Orik fell on Jaagrath Kreeg's Ogre Hook; more on that later).

The idea of the siege as a raid works, but my players have been looking forward to getting to fight a defensive siege again (the last one was 9 months ago, and they loved it), so the goal of this is to turn Stones Over Sandpoint from the Smash-and-Grab originally planned into a multi-day siege.

the PCs:

-Sirius Tobyn, Nualia's brother and current guardian of his niece, Katelyn Tobyn. Sirius is a fairly standard buffer cleric, who's been looking into respeccing as a Paladin.
-Keitan Kei-an aspiring Giantslayer monk. He hasn't seen actual play yet, but he's built to lock down a foe and pummel the bejeezus out of it.
-Helena Han'D'Basket-Elven Alchemist, and former bride of Aldern Foxglove. She's your standard Alchemist: a generalist/skill monkey.
-Umbra: Bolt Ace Gunslinger and friend of Daviren Hosk. She has become Death From Afar.

The setup is that Nualia & co have been working for Mokmurian, and offer to lead the giants through to Sandpoint. Nualia betrays Teraktinus at this point and takes over, using both the giants and the remnants of the goblins in her last gambit to burn Sandpoint to the ground.

I'd be very appreciative of any stat blocks that have been created/could be used for these higher-leveled villains, as well as tactical advice, ideas for events, or just plain advice from anyone who's tried something like this before.

My current ideas are:
-Katelyn goes missing, and during the search for her discover Nualia actually had TWO children: the other one being warped into the Sandpoint Devil. I'm hoping once the siege is over, they'll look into de-transmogrifying him first, leading them into The Waking Rune.
-Bringing Jaagrath Kreeg back as a Runeslave: aside from foreshadowing future Runeslaves, my players both hate and fear Jaagrath, as he is responsible for bringing down two Black Arrows, a PC, and Orik.
-Maybe putting in Lucrecia, although part of me worries it's too soon.

Liberty's Edge

Our Warpriest died retaking Rannick, and after meeting Razmus in the Valley of Broken Trees, the players fell in love with the character (I played him almost like a wiser version of Draxx from Guardians of the Galaxy).

Since the player in question didn't want to make a new character from scratch, he asked if he could play Razmus.

I accepted.

I have several questions, seeing as I've never actually had a Large PC before, much less a Hill Giant (and now we're starting FotSG for more fun):

-We're a four-player group of intermediate players. Would having Reach and a crapton of damage (Razmus nearly one-shotted Barl Breakbones) necessitate reworking encounters?

-Would Magic Items have a different cost by being sized for a Large character?

-How do you think the people of Sandpoint would react to the three known heroes (They're all well-respected citizens) dragging along a freaking Hill Giant with them?

Liberty's Edge

So Nualia has gotten free and is now on the loose. I'm hoping to bring her in later as "The Golden Talon", a full-plate clad figure of mystery.

My current timeline for her:

-She gets captured in BO, and Ironbriar releases her during SSM.
-After fleeing Magnimar with a need for vengeance, she heads directly to Mokmurian (as Xanesha'd be damned if Lucrecia got a new ally instead of her).

-Mokmurian sends her out to several Giant tribes, and killing/diplomacizing their chieftains nets her some levels.This is happening during HMM, but she is mentioned in Mokmurian's note to Barl.

-At Stones over Sandpoint, she'll be present alongside Teraktinus (in full plate to disguise her true nature), and her retreat will be a rout condition.

-She will also be present at Jorgenfist, wandering around the camps, capital P pissed that the party stopped her from becoming a true demon. During the assault, she'll hide out in the Shrine of Lamashtu, and then utilize the souls of the slain giants to become Half-Fiend.

-During SotS, Nualia will be ascending into Xin-Shalast and earning respect among the assembled giants.

-Once the party has reached Xin-Shalast, she'll lead several Rune Giants for a final showdown with the party, and only after she's dead will her identity be revealed.

What are your thoughts on this?

Liberty's Edge

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So my party has caught the Skinsaw Man, and are taking Nualia to trial (alongside claiming bounty for the dead bandit chief). I'm hoping to use the time between Sandpoint and Magnimar as a way to flesh out both Nualia and Justice Ironbriar, to give their upcoming villainy more impact.

My current ideas:
-Set up Ironbriar as a sympathetic character, if distant to the PCs (He's not, obviously). In an attempt to bamboozle them, he'll claim to "Have had tea with the Foxgloves just this last Fireday!" when they reveal his identity as The Skinsaw Men.

-Have Ironbriar ask them questions, about them (to figure out what the heck they're doing) as well as the son he abandoned twenty years ago "I never learned his name, but his mother was one Atsuii Kaijitsu. I failed as a father, and have come to make reparations." Our Warpriest killed Tsuto, so it'll be interesting to see how they react.

Ironbriar obviously knows Nualia, so his plan is to spring her as soon as they get to Magnimar, having the PCs split to the townhouse.

At the Sawmill, I won't show them the picture, instead focusing on "A tall man in a mask of spiraling flesh". When they take it off and see Ironbriar, I'm hoping for a "What a twist!" moment.

Has anyone else done something along these lines/have these sort of ideas, and if so, what did you do?

Liberty's Edge

My group is gonna hit HMM this Thursday (I've estimated they'll have JUST finished Fort Rannick when the session wraps up), and I was wondering what the community has done to make the Ogres seem more daunting, so that the players get their "Holy crap, we just SURVIVED that!" feeling that they love oh so much.

What I'm currently doing:
-Have the Grauls be much sneakier/mobile. Hucker sneaks around resetting traps, Mammy flies out of a hole in the ceiling, Crowfood drags a PC (or Shalelu, who one player has grown attached to) into the cornfield, etc. Basically, they're a family, and the family that stays together, slays together.

What have you done/would do to make the Ogre threat seem more dangerous?

Liberty's Edge

So my group is BLAZING through Rise of the Runelords (started yesterday, and they're about to find the Brotherhood of the Seven), so I started wondering...what AP should I do next?

My GMing style:
-Loves roleplaying, clues/maps, stuff like that.
-Combat is a bit of a headache, so an AP that minimized or gave ways to avoid/circumvent combat would be excellent.
-Preferably completed, as I love poking through and inserting foreshadowing.

My players like:
-Heroic action.
-Clever/unique NPCs
-A well-done story/ways to completely circumvent combat.

What AP would be best for our group?

Liberty's Edge

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In the vein of "Favorite Beer", I introduce this high-caffeine spin off.

I'm a big fan of Thomas Kemper root beer. It comes in insanely cold bottles, and is a legitimate pleasure to drink.

Liberty's Edge

I started the first session of the Path today, and one of my PCs started a relationship with Aldern. While they suspect nothing is wrong, she's a pretty obvious target for the Lust messages.

How do I prevent the players from figuring it out the second they get the first note?

Liberty's Edge

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The rules are simple: create an RPG (Ala Dungeons and Dragons) with two similiar-sounding words (points for rhyming.) Then describe what it's about.

Nonsense and Concepts-The game of senile physicists!

Liberty's Edge

So I watched Ironclad recently and, for my birthday, decided to create a one-shot for my group depicting this kind of battle. But with undead!

My ideas so far:

-The adventure will last three or so in-game "weeks", at which point help arrives.

-Every player has a "roster" of characters, each with their own motivations, goals, and abilities (ranging from a level 5 guy down to a level 1 commoner, say). Players will be able to improve their character's abilities by having them do things during the day (studying in the library to gain a point of INT, for instance).

-Each character earns points by accomplishing specific things, as well as generic goals like surviving a day and killing undead. Whoever has the most points for their roster at the end wins!

-As the days go on, foes become more and more dangerous (a zombie horde on day 1, an ogre on day 10, and so on).

-The players can collect either scrap or food from inside or outside the walls, , to either gain more troops able to fight or traps to build, respectively.

Does anyone have any suggestions to help me realize this setup?

Liberty's Edge

In my campaign, the PCs have recently taken control of a keep in the middle of a forested region wracked by civil war. they are currently starved for cash (this was their first adventure) and hands (currently, they have around 80 people, mostly noncombatants, under their banner). They have expressed their interest in working their way up to becoming influential in their region, and ultimately founding a kingdom. I am entirely on board with this.


I'm not entirely certain what I can do to best facilitate that. As such, I'm asking for advice. I'm dividing this into multiple sections, for each of my questions.

The game is currently taking place in the Verduran Forest, a region wracked with civil war. The factions influential in the forest are:
-The PCs, who have taken the keep from the Blood Moon Goblins. They are the weakest, with approximately 12 troops to their name and 80 hungry mouths to feed.
-Darakhul (Civilized ghouls which raid every spring through autumn. It is currently late winter.)
The Church of Pandora (Goddess of nature and chivalry. The church and the PCs are buddies.)
-A warlord bent on killing Darkhul
-A newfound republic.
-The evil king
-His son, leader of the rebellion.

Current Actions:
The PCs are looking to clear out and explore an ancient dwarven mine and exploit the cold iron and adamantine within. My questions are:
-Where could they get a bunch of miners and still be able to make a profit?
-How could they defend their new holdings from jealous neighbors?

Political Intrigue:
Each of these factions has relationships with one another, but I want to make each feel unique. If you have any ideas for NPCs from any factions, it'd be much appreciated. As well, if you can think of events involving factions, I'd be grateful.

Et final:

My PCs want to control a kingdom, and at this point they have a keep full of people who want to kill each other. Once they own a good chunk of the forest, they can found the kingdom, but I have to ask:
-At what level approx. should they become a "real" kingdom?
-What populace is required to found said kingdom?

All help is really appreciated.

Liberty's Edge

Original characters are a great thing, there's no denying that. Since there's a thread for worst, I figured there should be one for best.

My best was today. One of my players gave me the standard backstory of "village slaughtered by orcs", and I was just about to roll my eyes, when I learned that, instead of going to angst town, the character used that to become a better person.

What's your favorite?

Liberty's Edge

Alrighty, Lord Fyre! John and I agree it's time we ask YOU some questions.

What's your favorite farm animal?

Liberty's Edge

Hello! I, lucky7, have (somewhat) created a setting (sorta) based off of Mesopotamia as it was in ye olden days. As I know little about the creative process, worldmaking, and Mesopotamia, I would LOVE questions, comments, ideas, and suggestions.

*ahem* here goes..

Malatav, a semi-original Mesopotamian inspired setting by lucky7

This setting is in the Malatav region of the world of...heck, I don't know. Civilization is a new and fragile thing, the bronze age is coming to an end, and there are new gods in charge. This is a land of uncertainty. A land in need of heroes.

Bronze weapons are the normal, and iron is treated as cold iron (based on the assumption that "cold iron" is similar to "hot lead", dealing an extra 1d6 damage to fey.


First, there were the Eldest. Next to nothing is known about them, and what is known is considered blasphemous by EVERYONE. But one of them, the Progenitor, was placed in charge of maintaining the Great Beyond. The Progenitor then created the Twelve (see below) to assist in the maintenance. The humans who lived on the planet were primitive, but happy, and planes of existence did not mix.

But there was dissent among the Twelve, for Zoh-Akhmol, the Progenitor's top lieutenant, was touched by something far greater than the power of an elder god.

He was touched by love for a human woman, Kargheeita, and he asked the Progenitor for permission to go to the planet to be with her. The Progenitor responded by wiping out her entire tribe in an attempt to impress upon him the importance of noninterference.

For a time it worked. And the Zoh-Akhmul got angry. Very angry. He assembled the other Twelve, and they set upon the Progenitor, killing the Elder God and dividing up his power and responsibilities among them.

But they didn't do the job as well, and little things began to crack. The boundaries between planes became thin, and magic (formerly a thing for gods alone) fell into mortal hands. From there, a tribe found the land of Two Rivers and founded Kartahown. Others followed their example, until five major city states came to be

Gnomes-During the fraying between planes, a small city was plucked from the First World and added to Malatav. This became Zergal.

Humans-Have been around since the world's creation. No explanation necessary. More on them later.

Orcs-Orcs from ARG. Descended from dragons and humans, mostly form tribal societies around the riverbanks, hired by the cities as toughs and guards.

[spoiler=Geography and city information](For the rivers, imagine an X, only curvier. At the last city lies the southern coast The cities are in order from North to South.)
Dereja: The poorest of the five, Dereja was founded last, farthest from the rivers as a central meeting point for the northern migrant tribes.

Jotuul: South of Dereja, Jotuul is next to the largest iron mine in the region, and as a result has the greatest capability to repel attacks from the tribes as well as defend it's resources.

Kartahown: At the intersection between the Bengaal and Djenne Rivers lies Kartahown, the first and the greatest of the cities. It's walls, rumored to be built by Jarben himself, are higher than anything else known to man, orc, or gnome. Despite this, the kings of Kartahown are having trouble, due to the intensely factional nature of their city.

Aresenal: Situated below Kartahown lies Aresenal, the greatest buyer of iron from Jotuul (though most weapons are still Kartahownian bronze), though worry exists of aggression from any of the other city states, and they are constantly looking for people to buff up their military.

Zergal:A city plucked from the first world and added to Malatav, this is where the gnomes came from. They took to Malatav like a fish to water, and are now working on exciting things like alchemy!

The Gods of Malatav:

1. Laurenna: Ships, rebirth, snakes
2. Epos: Death and Snakes
3. Jolkquah: Metalworking and Time
4. Undranuus: Owls, Nighttime, Childbirth
5. Kurgess: Healing, Sewing, Courage
6. Tempestra: Pottery, Storms, Cunning
7. Jarben: Funerals, Earthquakes, Festivals.
8. Invencen: Courage and War
9. Gundrun: Parenthood, Protection, and Wit
10. Ezren: Technology and Strategy
11. Zoh-Akhmol: The sun, leadership, and luck.
12. Mealda: Wisdom and Light

1. Laurenna
1. The Lady of the Deeps
2. Alignment: CN
3. Domains: Water, Weather, Scalykind, Travel, Chaos
4. Favored Weapon: Longspear
5. Laurenna is a sea goddess, daughter of the dead god Erumite, the Master of Dragons. After his death, she and her brother Epos took varying parts of their father's domains, her getting sea, him getting Earth. She is fickle, and helps those who help themselves.
6. Laurenna Appears as a gnome woman riding a colossal sea serpent.
2. Epos
1. Master of the Vault
2. Alignment: LN
3. Domains: Repose, Law, Scalykind, Darkness, Earth
4. Favored Weapon: Heavy Pick
5. Epos, brother of Laurenna, took over Erumite's responsibilities as keeper of the dead after his death. Since then, he has found himself necessarily not in direct contact with his followers dealing with his “inmates”, which his followers enjoy bragging about.
6. Epos appears as a handsome young man with onyx-black hair, whose lower half is that of a golden dragon.
3. Jolkquah
1. The Crucible of Time
2. Alignment: LN
3. Domains: Artifice, Knowledge, Madness, Strength, Magic
4. Favored Weapon: Warhammer
5. Jolkquah is by far the oldest of the Living Gods, having existed since before recorded history. Her forge is based around a star, wherein she forges the moments of Time, each one perfect in detail. She believes in her job, and continuing it is her sole mission.
6. Jolkquah appears as a plain looking woman of age thirty in blacksmith's gear, face obscured by smoke.
4. Undranuus
1. The Shepherd of Night
2. Alignment: NG
3. Domains: Community, Protection, Darkness, Good, Healing
4. Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff
5. Undranuus is an enigma, for he guards the Crucible, where new souls are created to be passed into mortal vessels, the only being allowed to enter aside from the enigmatic Spirit Owls. From there, he moves the souls into their bodies, and assists in getting the children out into the world.
6. Undranuus appear as an androgynous humanoid figure coated in gray owl feather, holding a staff in one hand. An owl (Kanchuula, Undranuus' herald) rests on the head of the staff.
5. Amoorzaal
1. The Wounded
2. Alignment: LG
3. Domains: Community, Law, Good, Glory, Protection
4. Favored Weapon: Flail
5. Kurgess was once the mightiest of the gods, leading his forces into battle against Leng (the plane of nightmares), until he encountered his match in the demonic lord Tortuga. The two fought to a standstill, and Kurgess has his leg irrevocably damaged. He and his agents now facilitiate the war against Leng through producing supplies (such as stitching together Outsiders), as well as watching over the souls of the fallen.
6. Kurgess appears as a massive iron giant whose right leg bends inward instead of outward, and whose hair's individual strands are made of broken weapons.
6. Tempestra
1. The Mistress of the Sky
2. Alignment: N
3. Domains: Weather, Air, Water, Destruction, Destruction
4. Favored Weapon: Sling
5. Tempestra controls storms, creating them under her power and then storing them until they are called upon. It is this reason why she is both feared and respected: for both containing and unleashing the stroms which can cause floods, droughts, and monsoons.
6. Tempestra appears as a an attractive woman in a long dress, working a piece of clay in her hand.
7. Jarben
1. The End and the Beginning
2. Alignment: CG
3. Domains: Earth, Death, Repose, Chaos, Good
4. Favored Weapon: Morningstar
5. Jarben is Earth, and it is from Earth that souls are created (in the Crucible) and where they go after death (in Epos' Vault). He brings the Earth's blessings and wrath. It is for him that most is celebrated, whether it be in the form of funerals (wherein his servants bring the body to the vault) or birth, or bountiful harvest.
6. Jarben appears as a young man in party attire whose hands are constantly crumbling into dark earth, which sprinkles upon the ground.
8. Invencen
1. The Deathless Berserker
2. Alignment: LG
3. Domains: Glory, War, Strength, Law, Good
4. Favored Weapon: Longsword
5. Invencen is the son of Amorzaal and a mortal woman, who became a great king before ascending to divinity upon Amorzaal's being crippled. He now leads the fight against Leng.
6. Invencen appears as he did in life, a middle-aged man in full battle armor, longsword held in his hand.
9. Gundrun
1. The Brother's Keeper
2. Alignment: NG
3. Domains: Good, Community, Protection, Knowledge, Luck
4. Favored Weapon: Heavy Crossbow
5. Gundrun is the protector of families across Malatav, defending the common folk against those who wish to do them harm. Since the death of the Progenitor, he has been the one holding the defenses against Leng.
6. Gundrun appears as a middle aged man in peasant's clothing, holding a crossbow with a determined look on his face.
10. Ezren
1. The Loremaster
2. Alignment: N
3. Domains: Rune, Knowledge, Destruction, Plant, Animal
4. Favored Weapon: Dagger
5. Ezren is the loremaster and tactician among the gods, and his library contains a copy of everything ever written down. He draws up the battle plans against Leng, and is working on a solution to isolating the planes once more.
6. Ezren appears as a fierce-looking man whose clothing is made out of paper with notes and formulas inscribed upon it.
11. Zoh-Akhmul
1. The Light in the Sky
2. Alignment: CG
3. Domains: Good, Chaos, Sun, Fire, Luck
4. Favored Weapon: Scimitar
5. Zoh-Akhmul, the Sun King, was the first of the Twelve spawned by the Progenitor, and he was the one who lead the revolt against him. When the Progenitor was slain, Zoh-Akhmul accepted the burden of the stars, and becoming the king, a duty which he bears to this day.
6. Zoh-Akhmul appears as a handsome warrior in shining golden armor, hair the shade of the hottest fires.
12. Mealda
1. Maiden, Mother, and Crone
2. Alignment: LN
3. Domains: Law, Sun, Trickery, Charm, Nobility
4. Favored Weapon: Whip
5. Mealda is a complicated deity. She serves the role of advising the others in their matter, and yet seems to have very little interest in her own followers. They state Mealda is much too important to deal with the faithful, but a rift is growing in her temples on what is in truth happening.

More coming tomorrow.


Liberty's Edge

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We'd better get Kraken on this, because I don't want to be dragon this thread by myself!

Liberty's Edge

Going to use this for a superhero campaign I'll be GMing. Please list name, power(s), where they go and what they do, and basic origin story. All types accepted (within reason)

I'll Start

1.Megalodon. Superstrong, super tough part human part shark. Genetically manipulated, now considers himself a denizen of the sea. Attacks aquariums, tries to liberate the fish and other creatures.

Liberty's Edge

After seeing it reccomended in another thread, I'm interested in running a campaign in The NEw Argonauts, and I have a few questions for Sean.

-What new PF classes would still fit in the game?

-Is ranger OK if I force it to become Skirmisher?

Anyone else who has tried this, please share your experience!

Liberty's Edge

So, after playing Knight March of Kalkimedes, I ended up with a magic sword. I had no idea what to do with it, as the character who got it was a Monk.So I thought to myself "Can I sell it?"

Is that possible?

Liberty's Edge

This song got me thinking about a gunslinger/paladin combo. Thinking of going Divine Hunter paladin, Mysterious Stranger rogue, with focus on things like Vital Strike. Any thoughts.

Liberty's Edge

We'll all be there; The dead guy/people don't want to reroll, so, how do you DxM them back while still keeping death, well...deadly? I thought of that, and came up iwth this thread.

1. A mysterious force identifying itself as "A concerned citizen" offers to resurrect the party/person in exchange for a favor, to be chased in at a later date. THe/She/It explains this is a one-time deal.

You Dirty Double Crosser!:
Fort Save or die.

Dark Archive

At the City at the center of the World, Absalom, there are a great many establishments for which to eat, but after following a crowd, you see a small crimson building with a smokestack at one end, while at the front an incredibly tall Taldan man holds out a strangely shaped pastry to the passerby. "Waffles for sale!" He shouts, waving the circular "Waffle". "Good grain, good flour! Pour anything on it, from jelly to-for the adventuring types-a healing potion!" He smiles, then continues peddling his wares.

Liberty's Edge

Hello folks!!! lucky7 here, with the million dollar thread! It costs a dollar to post on this thread, but you can say whatever you want! There is no topic!!!

I accept Visa, Paypal, and cold, hard cash.

Liberty's Edge

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Alrighty! Now, players, this is only my third time behind the GM screen, so go a bit easy on me!

"Welcome to Land of the Ever..."*looks down confused? "boor? I have a bad feeling about this... Anyway, all your characters stand in front of an old, deserted fort. Backstory will be given in snippets to make it cinematic. What do you do?"

Liberty's Edge

Just wondering what it stands for.

Examples from the Mythic PLaytest

Critical Skill (Su):

Critical Tinkerer (Ex):

Liberty's Edge

What makes your BBEG such a jerk?

1. Fallen paladin seeking revenge for the murder of his wife and child.

Liberty's Edge

Am going to be running a campaign under the sea, and wanted to know of the implications of 3-D combat beforehand.

Liberty's Edge

Thought about this whilst playing the Seppuku game. One poster describes three things about where they're dead, and the next poster fills in the blanks. Remember: NOTHING IS TOO FAR FETCHED OR RIDICULOUS

Poster 1: "The smell of cheese fills the air, dead rats scurry nearby and the pockets of the body are eaten."

Poster 2: "The victim was a man with a list of undercover FBI agents, so they lured him in an alley, put cheese in the pockets and let the rats get him."

The victim is bound with ropes made of liqourice, in the middle of a forest. A keyboard is found next to him, showing the last word typed as OLIVER

Liberty's Edge

One poster thinks up a word (fake or interesting sounding, like, say, Jabberwockie).


The next comes up with it's defininition.

"How so much dust gets in your keyboards."

Then they come up with their own word.

I'll start.


!#!#@$!C %!&@V$%^!#&*%!&^ &^ % #!^*&^ @%&34 ^*%&R#&%@ %%*^!R%^*

(beckons all mimes to come to them)

Liberty's Edge

Simple. Keep the following song going as long as you can...

Ready... go.

This is the song that never ends...
It just goes on and on my friends...
Some people started singing it not knowing what it was...
And they'll continue singing it forever just because...
This is the song that never ends...

Liberty's Edge

Our story begins as a man wakes up in the morgue, with no memory of how he got there. What does he do?

"A story in the vein of the World of Farael, but Sci-Fi."

Liberty's Edge

One person boasts with one half of a statement

"With the strength of one arm, ten people I've beaten"

Then the next poster finishes it

"By the size of your gut, I'd guess they were eaten!"

Then they boast

"My arms are like tree trunks"

Bonus points for rhyming
I'll start:

My toe is registered as a lethal weapon.

Liberty's Edge

At the gaming table who made you laugh, no matter what, so that you looked forward to gaming day even more.

For me it was Matt, last name unknown. His Hellknight Haladar has a very impressive, if grizzly resume. I'll give you one of many Matt stories:

At 1st level, he was almost killed by a yeti. He was healed, castrated the yeti, and attached it to the end of his sword. He dubbed it "The Ball Sword" and still keeps it around, leading to his battle cry "hey, ever been teabagged by a sword?"

Liberty's Edge

Give either the last words of the poster above you or actual famous last words.

Liberty's Edge

How many people have had their party, having had to choose high tier and low tier, chose high? What were the consequences?

I'll start

Once, the "low encounter" was two ordinary harpies.
High tier: four fiendish ones.

We ended up almost decimated.

Grand Lodge

A place where your characters can be critiqued by those who have mastered similiar builds! We all want to survive. I'll start:

Half-Elven Cavalier 4

DEX: 12
CON: 13
INT: 12
WIS: 12
CHA: 14

AC: 25 (+1 Dex, +10 for +1FP, +4 for +1HSS.)
Saving Throws:

Fortitude: +5
Reflex: +2
Will: +4

HP: 33

Attack bonuses: (melee) +7 (ranged) +5

12 Fame, 11 PP
Other gear:
Wand of CLW (32 charges)
Smoked Goggles
Potion of CMW
Sunrod (3)

Any ideas to make him survive till retirement?

Liberty's Edge

I seem to be the only guy at my lodge to like 4E. I've heard why it's wrong, but can someone please explain it to me?

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Goblinworks has a lot of crazy promises to make. Now, there are games where this succeeded (Dishonored) or failed (Two Worlds).

Here's to hoping they succeed.

Liberty's Edge

Has to use Pathfinder Campaign setting, and should preferably be 1 to 17 or higher. Can't wait to hear your ideas.

Grand Lodge

I'm serious. Has anyone considered why? I notice a lot of things seem to touch at our hearts (why I love my life) target sacred cows (paladin hate) or challenge us (last one to post wins.) What do you think it is?

Dark Archive

My guy in PFS is going to go the Hellknight prestige class at 6th level and continue on to 12th level. He had his life saved by and was raised by hellknights (order to be determined: see above). He views the world as corrupted by chaos, and seeks to make it so no one has to go through that. In other words, he's a nice guy when he's off the job.

As it stands, he's LN.

What order would fit his personality, does this sound like a Hellknight, and what is the coolest looking armor. (Currently I believe it to be either order of the gate or chain). Bring it!

Grand Lodge

Come up with something fake and not hurtful about the poster above you. I'll start with a truth.

My 2nd Birthday present from my dad was a bowflex training video.

Liberty's Edge

Am creating elementalist fire wizard. Noticed no damage-dealing fire spell at level 0. Ideas?

Evocation (Fire)
Level 0
Casting Time: 1 Standard Action
Duration: Instantaneous
Effect: A slight burn. 1d3 damage.
Attack: 25ft.

A series of sparks shoots out from your hand, burning the target. Takes 1d3 damage, must suceed on Reflex Save or take 1 additional point of damage.

Organized Play Characters

Scarab Sages Aron Greylight

Male Human Oracle 1 (0 posts)

Silver Crusade Talbot Cotterill

Male Halfling Barbarian 1 (0 posts)

Silver Crusade Mark DeCorte

Male Human Inqusitor 1 (0 posts)

Shadow Lodge Sirius 'Sterling' Luther

Aasimar Cleric 1 (0 posts)


Calavas Orlosky

Male Half-Elf Sorcerer (Wildblooded) 1 (66 posts)
Priest of Desna

Male Aasimar Ranger 1 (62 posts)
Urdaan Einalf

Male Elf Ranger 1 (136 posts)