The Mad Priest (Ghost)

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According to my GM when you levitate you become weightless and can be blown away (or need fly checks) when a gust of wind comes along.

In my opinion you just move yourself ... let's say ... telekinetically using magic ... not becoming weightless and floating ...

I've searched the forums and books ... but cannot find anything about this subject.

Levitate allows you to move yourself, another creature, or an object up and down as you wish. A creature must be willing to be levitated, and an object must be unattended or possessed by a willing creature. You can mentally direct the recipient to move up or down as much as 20 feet each round; doing so is a move action. You cannot move the recipient horizontally, but the recipient could clamber along the face of a cliff, for example, or push against a ceiling to move laterally (generally at half its base land speed).

A levitating creature that attacks with a melee or ranged weapon finds itself increasingly unstable; the first attack has a –1 penalty on attack rolls, the second –2, and so on, to a maximum penalty of –5. A full round spent stabilizing allows the creature to begin again at –1.

Perhaps it's in between the sentences ... But I would love some help in this matter :)

Cheers in advance.


I've just made a weapon/shield ranger because I can have access to shield master at lvl 6 now instead of 12 ;)

However do I NEED to take 2 weapon fighting ?

At level 1 I can attack once, I can either use my weapon or my shield.

Since the shield is an offhand attack I would get the -4 penalty and only half strenght(right?)

When I get two attacks at level 6, can I alternate the attacks ?
Round 1
Attack one: Shieldbash
Attack two: Weapon hack/slash
Round 2
Attack one: Shieldbash
Attack two: Weapon hack/slash

Since I'm not attacking with two weapons at the same time ... I don't need two-weapon fighting ... right ?

Ofcourse this will become better at around level 12 with shield slam/shield master ... So until then I can just hit with the sword ...

Hope I got this right :)
And I know the damage is not good, that's besides the point, I just want to try and knock my opponent down and then attack him.


I'm thinking of playing a Mystic Theurge, and was curious about the 7 ranks in Knowledge(Arcane)/(Religion).

Can I go 3wiz/3clr at level 7 takes the 7th skill rank and become a Mystic Theurge ?

Or do I need to take one more level of wizard or cleric for the 7 ranks ?

Cheers :)


Since I didn't make it to Cry Havoc's Council of Thieves PbP I was wondering if someone else is thinking about being a GM for this particular Adventure Path.

I would love to join ... and I think about 5 or 6 others "rejects" would jump to the occasion :)

(Btw, no hard feelings at all against Cry Havoc ofcourse, a DM has to do, what a DM has to do :))


Male Half Elf Wizard 3 / Cleric 3 / Mystic Theurge 1

Delwyn, and the Masters of the Universe

On the planet Eternia, the evil Skeletor and his army of darkness have taken over Castle Greyskull, the mysterious castle, and imprisoned The Sorceress of Greyskull. Skeletor has begun draining The Sorceress of Greyskull's powers as he bids to claim the powers of Greyskull and become master of the universe. Mighty warrior Delwyn Mane, the most powerful man in the universe and his companions accidentally find themselves on Golarion, after being teleported away to another world by the evil Skeletor.

Male Half Elf Wizard 3 / Cleric 3 / Mystic Theurge 1

Delwyn, and the Masters of the Universe

On the planet Eternia, the evil Skeletor and his army of darkness have taken over Castle Greyskull, the mysterious castle, and imprisoned The Sorceress of Greyskull. Skeletor has begun draining The Sorceress of Greyskull's powers as he bids to claim the powers of Greyskull and become master of the universe. Mighty warrior Delwyn Mane, the most powerful man in the universe and his companions accidentally find themselves on Golarion, after being teleported away to another world by the evil Skeletor.

I have a question concerning a Large Warhammer.

If my ranger (medium fellow) uses a Large Warhammer two-handed, does this negate the -2 penalty ?

I will NOT use it one-handed, because then I will get that penalty which I really don't want :P

I want to use this weapon, because there is nothing like a maul or something similar.




I had some spare time .. and I thought of the Intimidator(tm) :P

Half Orc Fighter 7 / Barbarian 8 - Fearsome Intimidator !

Str 19
Dex 8
Con 14
Int 10
Wis 9
Cha 14

Level 4 - +1str
Level 8 - +1str
Level 12 - +1str

Level 1 / Fighter 1: Feat(Power Attack)
Level 1 / Fighter 1: Feat(Intimidating Prowess (add str to intimidate checks))

Level 2 / Fighter 2: Feat(Cleave)

Level 3 / Fighter 3: Feat(Weapon Focus: Falchion)

Level 4 / Fighter 4: Feat(Skill Focus(Intimidate))

Level 5 / Fighter 5: Feat(Dazzling Display)

Level 6 / Fighter 6: Feat(Shatter Defenses)

Level 7 / Fighter 7: Feat(Persuasive)

Level 9 / Barbarian 2: Rage Power(Intimidating Glare)
Level 9 / Barbarian 2: Feat(Critical Focus)

Level 11 / Barbarian 4: Rage Power(Roused Anger)
Level 11 / Barbarian 4: Feat(Extra Rage)

Level 13 / Barbarian 6: Rage Power(Renewed Vigor)
Level 13 / Barbarian 6: Feat(Extra Rage)

Level 15 / Barbarian 8: Rage Power(Terrifying Howl)
Level 15 / Barbarian 8: Feat(Extra Rage)

I took the extra Rage Feats because I had no other ideas of what to take. Perhaps someone has some other nice suggestions.

I'd like to hear your thoughts :)

Cheers in advance.



We've just started Council of Thieves (Playing a Ranger) with PFrpg core rules .. and we can only play once a week.

Since I'm really enthusiastic about it, I want to play more. And then I found this thing called Play by Post.

I'm rather new to the rules, but I've read just about as much as I can and feel I can do pretty well.

I'm a 1st edition DnD convert and never played anything else. So I only know the PF Core rules (and 1st ed. ofcourse :P)

So, should someone have an opening somewhere .. I'd LOVE to join.

I work as a system administrator so I have access to my computer/internet all day long. And I'm happy to play just about anything .. because it's all new to me :)

I'm from Holland, so I don't know how the time difference will affect the play.

Hope to hear from someone soon :)

You can reach me by mail aswell, sander.nooy AT


Sadly a friend of mine lost his level 1 paladin while rescuing somebody in Council of Thieves.

He now wants to play a fighter, and since we just started Pathfinder I've noticed the fighter is a good at hitting things. And that's just what he wants. No other rules, just clubbering.

Now, I'm helping him a little, by putting together a fighter which is also a little centered on harassing casters and the like.

I want him to have alot of movement when he has all the feats he "needs" to be an effective caster harassing fighter. I took Fleet 4 times at higher levels, in a Mithral Breastplate he will have a movement of 50ft :)

Here's the fighter ... Does this look in any way viable ?

He'll be sporting a Falchion or Greatsword, crossbow for ranged and just a simple spiked gauntlet as a "backup weapon".

20 point stat buy.
+2 from human

Str 16 + 2 (10) - Str is his main stat ofc.
Dex 14 (5) - +2 reflex, AC and initiative
Con 12 (2) - +1HP is always nice, and +1 fort. save
Int 10 (0) - you already don't have enough skill points ... so -1 is a huge loss imho.
Wis 14 (5) - +2 perception and +2 will saves. Imho very important vs casters.
Cha 8 (+2) - meh ... only dumpstat. But a -1 won't hurt you seriously.

1 - Feat(Step Up)
1 - Feat(Mobility)
1 - Feat(Dodge)

2 - Feat(Iron Will)

3 - Feat(Lightning Reflexes)
3 - Armor Training (Normal move in Medium Armor, -1 ACP, +1 Max Dex Bonus)

4 - Feat(Improved Overrun)
4 - Str +1

5 - Feat (Power Attack)
5 - Weapon Training (Heavy Blades (+1 AB/ +1 Dmg))

6 - Feat(Greater Overrun)

7 - Feat(Disruptive)
7 - Armor Training (Normal move in Heavy Armor, -1 ACP, +1 Max Dex Bonus)

8 - Feat(Critical Focus)
8 - Str +1

9 - Feat(Fleet (+5 movement))
9 - Weapon Training (Crossbows(+1 AB/ +1 Dmg) / Heavy Blades(+1 AB/ +1 Dmg))

10 - Feat(Disruptive)

11 - Feat(Fleet (+5 movement))
11 - Armor Training (-1 ACP, +1 Max Dex Bonus)

12 - Feat(Fleet (+5 movement))
12 - Str +1

13 - Feat(Fleet (+5 movement))
13 - Weapon Training (Close (+1 AB/ +1 Dmg) / Crossbows(+1 AB/ +1 Dmg) / Heavy Blades(+1 AB/ +1 Dmg))

All pointers, comments and adjustments are welcome ofcourse :)


Sadly a friend of mine lost his level 1 paladin while rescuing somebody in Council of Thieves.

He now wants to play a fighter, and since we just started Pathfinder I've noticed the fighter is a good at hitting things. And that's just what he wants. No other rules, just clubbering.

Now, I'm helping him a little, by putting together a fighter which is also a little centered on harassing casters and the like.

I want him to have alot of movement when he has all the feats he "needs" to be an effective caster harassing fighter.

I've read that at level 7, you have Armor Training which allows you to move your normal full speed (30) when wearing heavy armor. Great.

I thought I can then add Fleet a couple of times to give him a nice advantage in range (3x Fleet, maybe even more).

In addition, a fighter can also move at his normal speed while wearing medium armor. At 7th level, a fighter can move at his normal speed while wearing heavy armor.

Unfortunately with the feat fleet (try saying that five times in a row ;)) it says:

While you are wearing light or no armor, your base speed increases by 5 feet. You lose the benefits of this feat if you carry a medium or heavy load.

Is there any way the fighter can make use of this feat while in heavy armor ... or is the feat completely useless.

Ofcourse he could use a Mithral Breastplate ... but in the end the fighter just wants that Full Plate :)

If at all not possible ... is the 3 AC going to be a huge loss ?

Cheers for any answers :)

Here's the fighter btw ... maybe someone has some pointers there aswell.

20 point stat buy.
+2 from human

Str 16 + 2 (10) - Str is his main stat ofc.
Dex 14 (5) - +2 reflex, AC and initiative
Con 12 (2) - +1HP is always nice, and +1 fort. save
Int 10 (0) - you already don't have enough skill points ... so -1 is a huge loss imho.
Wis 14 (5) - +2 perception and +2 will saves. Imho very important vs casters.
Cha 8 (+2) - meh ... only dumpstat. But a -1 won't hurt you seriously.

1 - Feat(Step Up) - Haunt enemies to provoke AoO
1 - Feat(Dodge) - extra AC and needed for mobility
1 - Feat(Mobility) - you want to get PAST the fighters to reacht the caster. +4AC is nice :)

2 - Feat(Iron Will) - can never have enough saves vs casters as a fighter.

3 - Feat(Lightning Reflexes) - jumping away from those blasts to take half samve is nice.

4 - Feat(Improved Overrun) - You REALLY want to get past the fighters to reach the caster.

5 - Feat (Power Attack) - Wielding a Falchion for extra crit. extra damage is always nice.

6 - Feat(Greater Overrun) - You REALLY, REALLY want to get past the fighters to reach the caster.

7 - Feat(Disruptive) - Harass the caster while next to him.

8 - Feat(Rapid Reload) - Not really sure if you need this ... you can shoot twice with a light crossbow now ... might change it to fleet.

9 - Feat(Fleet (+5 movement)) - More movement :)

10 - Feat(Disruptive) - Harass the caster even more.

11 - Feat(Fleet (+5 movement)) - More movement :)

12 - Feat(Fleet (+5 movement)) - More movement :)


Ok, so I'm playing a Ranger in the Council of Thieves adventure path and I decided to go with two weapon fighting while using a shield as a weapon.

I have some questions I would like to know the answers to when I take it up with my GM :)

I'd like to end up with a Bashing Heavy Spiked Shield +2/+2 (AC/Attack).

1) A heavy spiked shield does 1d6 damage, bashing adds 2 sizes, it becomes huge ... how does this end up at 2d6 damage I've read about ?

2) When creating the shield, can I first add a +1 armor bonus, a +1 weapon bonus, add the bashing ability, upgrade to +2 armor bonus and upgrade to +2 weapon bonus ?

3) Can I use the shield attack as a primary attack, and use a short sword as my offhand attack. Taking a -2 penalty instead of the -4 penalty when fighting with two weapons ?

4) If I make the shield out of Mithral, does it count as a light weapon ?

At level 11 I will have the following feats invested in this " shield bashing venture":

Normal and Greater Two Weapon Fighting, Improved Shield Bash, Double Slice, Shield Slam, Two Weapon Rend and Shield Mastery.

Am I right when I,
- have 5 attacks, 3 shield bashes and 2 short sword attacks ? (Two weapon fighting feats)
- keep my AC bonus when shield bashing (Improved shield bash)
- get 3 free Bull Rushes without attacks of opportunity (when I hit with my shield) and when I push them into a wall they fall prone.(Shield Slam)
- add my full strength bonus to my offhand attacks (Double Slice)
- don't have the two weapon penalty when bashing with my shield (Shield Mastery)
- do another 1d10 + 1 1/2 strength bonus per turn when both weapons hit the target (Two weapon rend)

I kinda hope I'm correct ... because although it's a heavy investment in feats, it's pretty awesome.

Cheers in advance for answering my questions :)


I'm confused here.

How excactly does adding extra abilities to magic weapons work ?

If I read it like it's printed I can add a +1 AC bonus to my shield for 1000gp. Then adding bashing cost me a +1 bonus on top of the +1 bonus price. Which is 1000gp for the +1 and another 1000gp for the second +1 (the bashing price) ...

But I keep reading other things around this forum making me think I'm wrong ;)

So if someone could please explain to me how it's supposed to work ... because I'm confused right now.

Cheers in advance.


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I was reading through some old post about the League of the One Trick Pony and Gworeth came up with a SHIELD bashing Fighter bad-@ss.

(read about it here).

I did some thinking, and since I started a Ranger last friday, I thought it might be do-able as a Ranger aswell. Granted, a little less damage and attack bonus than a fighter, but I was interested in any comments on my "build".

Human +2 bonus went into Strength.

Stats (20 point stat buy)
Str 18 (for damage and attack bonus)
Dex 14 (a little extra for initiative/armor class)
Con 12 (HPs are always to few, so I figure even a +1 is nice to have)
Int 8 (I'll be hacking, slicing and slamming ... no thinking about it :P)
Wis 14 (I'll want those lvl 4 spells, and a +2 perception is never wrong)
Cha 10 (Handle Animal and Intimidate work of Charisma, I did not want any penalties here)

Stat progression
Level 4 - +1 str
Level 8 - +1 str
Level 12 - +1 dex or con
Level 16 - +1 dex or con

Feat Selection:
Level 1
Quickdraw - I think this is good to have when need to ready your shield, ready your weapon AND have at least one attack.

Improved Initiative - I like winning initiative ;)
Shield Focus - Another +1 armor class is nice to have.

Level 2 (Ranger Weapon Style, so no need for dex 15)
Two weapon Fighting - I need this to get the penalties WAY down.

Level 3 Improved Shield Bash - Keep my shield AC bonus when doing my second attack ... I can probably live without it until level 3.

Level 5 Double Slice - Extra damage, can never have enough damage I reckon :)

Level 6 (Ranger Weapon Style, so no need for dex 17)
Improved 2 weapon fighting - More attacks with my shield.

Level 7
Shield Slam - A free bull rush, since I will be playing an Urban Adventure, there will usualy be walls into which I can smack baddies t o fall prone.

Level 9
Power Attack - I waited until after level 8, here it really starts to shine with damage and the -3 attack bonus is doable.

Level 10 (Ranger Weapon Style, so no need for dex 17 and BAB 11)
Two Weapon Rend - 1d10 + 7 damage extra per round if both weapons hit. There is a VERY large chance this will happen every round.

Level 11
Shield Master - No more penalties for fighting with shield + add shield bonus to attack/dmg rolls. So here comes the full BAB two weapon fighting :)

Level 13
Heavy Armor Proficiency - Finally using that Mithral Full Plate of Speed ;)

Level 14 (Ranger Weapon Style)
Two Weapon Defense - Don't know if this work when using a shield as an off-hand weapon
Greater Two Weapon fighting - Another two attacks per round, but the -10 attack penalty is pretty hefty :P

Now to sum it up at, and let's take level 12 for arguments sake, I will do 4 attacks all at full BAB (with only a minor -5 attack bonus) AND without losing my shield AC.

Now for some math ... please correct me if I'm wrong or calculating this the wrong way.

While using Power Attack at level 12 it does -4 AB / +8 damage.
I'll mostly be using a longsword which does 1d8 and a spiked shield which does 1d6 damage. My strength at this point is 20, so +5 AB / +5 damage. I will not factor in any magical items or favored enemies.

Primary Attack 1 (longsword)
Damage: Str +5 Power Attack +8 = 1d8 + 13
Attack Bonus: BAB +12 Str +5 Shield Mastery +2 Power Attack -4 = +15

Offhand attack 1 (Spiked Shield)
Damage: Str +5 Power Attack +8 Shield Mastery +2 = 1d6 + 15
Attack Bonus: BAB +12 Str +5 Shield Mastery +2 Power Attack -4 = +15

Primary Attack 2 (longsword)
Damage: Str +5 Power Attack +8 = 1d8 + 13
Attack Bonus: BAB +12 second attack penalty -5 Str +5 Shield Mastery +2 Power Attack -4 = +10

Offhand attack 2 (Spiked Shield)
Damage: Str +5 Power Attack +8 Shield Mastery +2 = 1d6 + 15
Attack Bonus: BAB +12 Offhand penalty -5 Str +5 Shield Mastery +2 Power Attack -4 = +10

If primary AND offhand attacks hit, add another 1d10+7 damage because of 2 weapon rend.

Phew ... that looks pretty darn awesome at level 12.

Now I know you're better off using a fighter for this, but this way there is no need for an insanly high dex which does nothing for damage. And by this time, a +2 or +4 dex item should be no problem if you really want more AC/Initiave/CMD etc.

Any thoughts on this lengthy rant ?


(edit 1: fixed some copy/paste errors)
(edit 2: added lvl 13 and 14 feats)

It's a small question .. but I hope it can be answered easily.

I took the skill Craft (Armor) to be able make my own armors.

In the end I would like to end up with a Mithral Full Plate for my ranger ;)

(level and price is unimportant at this moment)

Can I actually craft my OWN fullplate armor ?

Since it's the only armor that says it has to be fitted personally.

Cheers in advance.


Hi all,

Me and a group of friends will start the Pathfinder adventure path Council of Thieves. We've already done a GM starter game to get in the mood, and learn the basic rules.

I've made a ranger for a first time character (party because I've read Treantmonk's guide to Rangers ;)) and because I like all the various skills he gets along the way.

However, in Treantmonk's guide he mentions getting Quickdraw asap!

Now, since I'm going for a greatsword and a longsword, how useful is Quickdraw below level 6. Or how useful is getting Quickdraw before you get 2 (or more) attacks per full round action ?

Other than that, I'm mostly setup and eager to start :)

Cheers in advance.


PS: I'm no novice gamer, been mostly playing DnD version 1.0 ... so I get how most things work ;)