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![]() Undead are very tricky for a witch. I have only a few suggestions and I'm not an expert by any means. For hexes, you can use Healing and Major Healing though according to the FAQ I believe the undead would still get a will save for half damage. That said, it is also a touch attack, which you should likely avoid--though this does depend on your build.
Witches (depending on patron) do get access to spells like Greater Heroism, Righteous Might, Divine Power, and Divine Favor. With spells like that (and buff spells like Bulls Strength), you can make yourself fairly respectable in melee. This is patron and build dependent however. Looking at Bestow Curse, I'm pretty sure undead are not immune to it. If you combined it with the reach metamagic feat, you can stay out of melee range and give the vampire a a 50% chance to act normally; otherwise, it takes no action. Not too bad.
And last, you could always bump Use Magic Device and pick up some scrolls or wands with wizard spells that could work around their immunities. Hope that helps. ![]()
![]() d20pfsrd.com wrote:
Is it just me or is this spell underwhelming? I want to use it in play, but I can’t bring myself to. Has anyone used this effectively in play? Anyone ever make a build based on Transformation? I’m wondering if it’s possible to make a pure caster who uses this spell in combat effectively. I'm not sure what feats would be helpful beyond something like Power Attack, or if there is any gear that could make this more viable.I searched the forum but wasn’t able to locate anything.
![]() riatin wrote: I've given this some thought over the past few days and wondered about some of the hidden ramifications of doing so. One of the benefits, I think is that it would make for a more dynamic maneuver filled combat, since the primary deterrent to many of these is the AoO. Its a given that it will renders some feats useless, or nearly useless. Feats a tier above could simply be moved down to fill the slot of the previous feat. Casting would become easier, reach would be slightly less useful, abilities such as Come and Get Me could still create attacks. I'm wondering if there's anything game breaking that would rear up. Would trip be too good? Perhaps, but as it is now, I find it rarely used at all. Movement would be less restricted and much of the debate on where and when something provokes would be removed. Large advantages in my opinion. Thoughts? Have you heard of Trailblazer? It bills itself as a 'system optimizer' for 3.5; it presents an alternate to the core AoO rules. It reduces the instances in which you get an AoO and also limits the number of AoOs a character can make per round based on your BAB. The big change is that moving into a threatened area does not provoke an AoO. Though some actions still provoke an attack, such as casting spells and similar actions. If you are interested in a viable system that still uses AoOs in a limited fashion its worth checking out. Our group used it and the sky didn't fall on us. ![]()
![]() First off, I just want to compliment you on an elegant solution to a problematic spell. My group will be using this for certain. mdt wrote:
This last category, Mishap, when or how is this used? I'm missing something... Quote: So, similar to the existing tables. It's safe to teleport to a known node from a node. And the strength of the node adds to your caster level (both nodes do really, it's easier to 'home in' on a strong node) for purposes of distance. How does the caster level effect the casting, the distance you can travel? Maybe tell us a little more about how the rating of the nodes works? And creating a Node Stone requires Caster Level 15? ![]()
![]() Spes Magna Mark wrote:
I am intrigued by your action point system. What are Action Dice and how do you add them to your dice pool? And how do you earn action points in play? Thanks! ![]()
![]() Ævux wrote:
I really like both of these. A question about the MW weapons and enchanting: do you keep the increased die size after the weapon has been made magical? ![]()
![]() I'm looking to make the bonded object more like the familiar, with abilities that scale as the wizard gains levels. Each familiar grants the wizard a special ability, generally a +2 or +3 to a skill, save, or hit points. I'm trying to come up with abilities for each of the object types: amulet, ring, staff, wand, and weapon but I'm not really happy with anything I've come up with as of yet. Help me! ![]()
![]() I'm confused as to what effect this hex has on the target. From the description in UM, I assumed (and I know where that usually gets me) it meant it affected the target as the bane spell. Ultimate Magic, p. 81 wrote: Beast of Ill-Omen (Su): The witch imbues her familiar with strange magic, putting a minor curse upon the next enemy to see it. The enemy must make a Will save or be affected by bane(caster level equal to the witch’s level). No where in the description does it specifically use the word spell, though it does make reference to caster level. So when I looked it up at d20pfsrd.com, the word bane is linked to the magic weapon property of the same name. So, which is it? ![]()
![]() Ravingdork wrote:
That sounds interesting indeed, care to elaborate? ![]()
![]() Ambrus wrote: If you're willing to delve into 3.X material from a reliable source, Monte Cook's Complete Book of Eldritch Might has the Mage Tuned weapon special ability. It's a +1 enhancement which, when added to a weapon in the hands of a wizard or sorcerer (which I'd extend to include other full arcane spellcasting classes such as the witch) provides a +4 luck bonus to attack rolls. It's made for just what you're considering; providing a BAB deficient class with a bonus to hit sufficient to allow them to contribute meaningfully in melee combat. Interesting, that's just the sort of thing I was looking for. Thanks! I'm pretty sure there isn't anything in pathfinder that is similar, but I could be wrong.I suppose I could use a scroll of Transformation, but they are rather pricey and again, losing your casting ability while in melee is painful. ![]()
![]() MinstrelintheGallery wrote:
I'd think the Old Spice Man would go Cockatrice all the way, which opens some options for Dazzling Display and related 'I'm better than you feats,' no? ![]()
![]() Tem wrote:
Humor my feeble mind for a moment. I roll 5d4, I get 14. Half of which is 7. I add 14 and 7, bringing the subtotal to 21. Now I add 20 (for maximized 5d4) to my roll of 21 for a total 41 points. Tem wrote:
Which follows from the first example, gotcha. Thanks to Ravingdork & Tem (and everyone else!) it was the 'apply each metamagic feat to the base spell' that was throwing me off.![]()
![]() Generic Villain wrote:
So the Intensified effect doesn't apply? Wouldn't empowered + maximized = 7d4+20? I don't see where Intensified is calculated anywhere... I'm guessing there is no official FAQ/Errata anywhere regarding applying multiple metamagic feats to a spell? ![]()
![]() Ravingdork wrote: Should the PCs get anywhere near her home, her door frame has a sign with a symbol of persuasion trap. If the trap doesn't get them, the medusa certainly will. ![]()
![]() Liongold wrote:
Or you could do the sensible thing. ![]()
![]() Paul Watson wrote: You might want to look at The Cavalier's Creed. Although it's primarily a book of new feats, it also dissects the Cavalier and gives you some example builds, one of which is a two-weapon Cavalier. Thanks for the suggestions. I downloaded it and I'm reading it over now. ![]()
![]() Mojorat wrote: the scimitar has a high crit chance and the teamwork feats trigger off of crits. twf is to get lots of attacks with your challenge damage bonus. Aha! The only Teamwork Feat I'm seeing that has a trigger for a critical is Outflank. Not that crits are bad or anything, just that it only applies to that feat as far as I can tell. More attacks with challenge bonus makes sense though, I'll have to consider a TWF build. Any suggestions on how to do TWF right? ![]()
![]() Ardenup wrote: Take shatter defensesno dex to ac is nice. Consider TWF (you get enough feats for it and mounted) Shatter Defenses is nice--I missed that one somehow but I'll be sure to take it. Why TWF? Ardenup wrote: Use a Scimitar and your teamwork feats should be paired Oppurtunists and Outflank in that order. Tactician with these and flanking allies creates a lot of free attacks at +4 or +8. Why a Scimitar? I think I missed something. I do plan on taking both Paired Opportunists and Outflank, those flanking bonuses are very nice. Thanks for the reply. ![]()
![]() Thanks for the reply, looks like you have a very solid outline here. I like it. I hadn't even realized you could mix and match the alternate class features from APG—nice work. After looking them over THUG is very solid, but I noticed RAKE would work too. APG p.134 wrote: Bravado’s Blade (Ex): When a rake hits an opponent and deals sneak attack damage, she can forgo 1d6 points of that damage and make a free Intimidate check to demoralize the foe. For every additional 1d6 points of sneak attack damage she forgoes, she receives a +5 circumstance bonus on this check. This ability replaces trapfinding. It looks like the THUG's demoralize lasts a bit longer, but the RAKE might be able to land it more consistently. The SCOUTs charge is really nice. Only question I have is: does it work while mounted? My gut tells me it doesn’t but I could be wrong. If it does—wow, that's nasty. Even if it doesn’t, it's still a reliable source of damage and it plays off of the Cockatrice Cavaliers challenge bonus damage. Generally if you charge an enemy, you're probably the only one threatening it for at least a round. Cavalier Tactics: I agree completely here and have been wrestling with which one I like best. I think the only other one to consider is Paired Opportunists (especially if you take GANG UP). At 9th level, I'd probably go with Outflank if I don’t take either of the ones you suggested. Roleplaying I was thinking LE or LN with evil tendencies…and he wants to be the "best knight" or at least the most famous. Seeking fighting, fame, and fortune he'll stop at nothing to get what he wants and makes sure he gets the credit for all of the party's good deeds—and none of the blame for the bad. Kind of a bastard, so I'm still working on making him likable enough that the others won't throw him in the latrine-lair of an Otyugh. ![]()
![]() SpaceChomp wrote:
Somehow I missed the list in the class description before. Thanks again for all your help. ![]()
![]() I have the APG and the Witch spell list seems perilously small so after some searching, I found another list here. Does anyone know where this list came from? Is this considered 'official' Pathfinder material? Any help is appreciated. |