Kreighton Shaine, Maste rof Spells

Symon_Mx's page

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Claxon wrote:
Being catfolk should have nothing to do with how much damage your bow does. If you're using a medium sized longbow (as a medium creature) it should deal 1d8. It would only deal 1d6 if you were small (and catfolk are medium). You could be using a shortbow instead of a longbow, but why would you? Hunter's are proficient with longbows and there's no advantage that shortbows have over longbows.

Yeah, I missed that, I'll be switching to a longbow. Thanks for the reminder.

Claxon wrote:

Just saw gravity bow mentioned. Gravity bow is actually not a great spell. If you can use it before a combat starts it's not bad.

But you are a level 8 hunter. You have a BAB of +6. You have probably picked up precise shot via Precise Companion class feature. You should have point blank shot, and rapid shot. Possibly Many Shot or Deadly Aim.

That means you can fire up to 4 arrows in one turn. Instead of Many Shot you might have Deadly Aim. So you deal 1d8+4/5 (9.5 avg) 3 times. Or 1d8+1 (5.5 avg) 4 times. With gravity bow you can deal 2d6+4/5 (12 avg) 3 times or 2d6+1 (8 avg) 4 times.

It's hard to do a comparison without chance to hit, but that requires more info than I have handy. But gravity bow versus without gravity bow you have a 2.5 point damage change (on average). But you spend a turn dealing no damage in combat to cast the spell. Even if you hit only once on that first turn, you now need to hit nearly 4 times to make up for casting gravity bow when you could have shot the enemy. And if on that first round you hit more times it would take even more gravity bow shows to make up the damage. If combat only last 3/4 rounds, it's usually not much of a damage bonus if you look at your total damage contributed in the fight and might even be less damage than just attacking.

Not that I don't get it, basically I am definitely not pursuing Pack flanking for ranged attacks, which is why I said I'd use other means to improve my Atk & Dmg.

About the snap shot, I do understand it, I just don't want to be that close to an enemy (10ft).

Yes, my BAB is now +6/+1 (2 attacks), and I am going to negotiate with my GM a feat change and I think I'll be getting Rapid Shot to get an extra ranged attack, for a total of 3. (Good point about spending 1 turn casting gravity bow).

My character's class is a Catfolk, so the bow damage is 1d6 (+Str if I can get a hold on a composite bow, and increasing my Str with the bull's animal focus).

So, again, I'll stick to other means to improve Atk & Dmg.

Claxon wrote:
Symon_Mx wrote:

Thanks to all for your comments, I was affraid (almost sure) about this, though I wanted to consult here.

Have a great day all! =)

Well I'd like for you to clarify what your take away here is.

Because while what your proposing can work, it requires you to be adjacent to the enemy (unless you have Improved Snap Shot and even then it only works at 10ft) for you to be threatening the enemy. And your animal companion doesn't have ranged attacks, and will need to be adjacent to the enemy (or more specifically have them in reach, if they are large size they might be able to further away if their attacks have 10ft reach).

Without you and your companion flanking (and threatening) the enemy by being next to it, neither Enfilading fire or Coordinated shot come into play. Pack flanking comes in by allowing you to ignore the normal rules of position required to achieve flanking.

So what were telling you is that this can work under specific circumstances, but I have suspicions that it's not the circumstances you think, and that you're not qualifying to get the bonuses.

Well my take away here is:

1 - I now have clear that flanking applies only to melee attacks.
2 - My intention was to use Pack flanking to get the benefit of enfilading or coordinated shot while been at a range greater than 5-10Ft (such as the Snap shot feat describes). But since threatening means that I need to be at melee I will not be able to get the bonuses as I was thinking.

I guess I'll stick with other feats and stuff to improve my attack and damage for ranged attacks, such as: Weapon focus, get a masterwork bow, point blank shot, rapid shot, many shot, deadly aim, use the TIGER animal focus to improve my Dex +4, gravity bow spell to increase the damage roll of my bow.

Thanks to all for your comments, I was affraid (almost sure) about this, though I wanted to consult here.

Have a great day all! =)

I have a lvl 8 hunter with a tiger companion. I wanted to make it more of a ranged attacker but I'm having problems with some feats.

I am thinking on using Pack flanking to get the benefit of Coordinated shot and/or Enfilading fire. Though my GM says no due to the rule of flank only applies for melee attacks, but here's my argument.

The benefit of Pack flanking says:

When you and your companion creature have this feat, your companion creature is adjacent to you or sharing your square, and you both threaten the same opponent, you are both considered to be flanking that opponent, regardless of your actual positioning.

Both enfilading fire and coordinated shot require to have an ally (my companion) threatening and flanking an opponent.

So, if my companion is by my side and both of us ARE NOT in melee with an opponent but ready to attack it, can I get the benefit of the feat to do a ranged attack with either Coordinated shot/Enfilading fire (or both at the same time, if I had them)?

My take on "threatening" is: If I am facing and ready to attack an opponent, then I am threatening it.

Please help me clarify this, as if this doesn't work as I am suggesting here, then my Hunter is definitely not good for ranged attacks, nor melee due to my stats.

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Thank you all for your comments.

So yes, my math was clearly wrong as I didn't consider the cost of spells' duration and the extra spells increasing its cost.

It's the first time I use a Wizard and I'm a bit dissapointed, IMHO spells are too situation-specific and I cannot be always prepared for either combat or whatever situation with the right spell (unless a combat is expected and I can prepare the spells I actually want to use).

Yes, as Derklord mentioned, spells can do damage as well, but once I have spent all of them the wizard is basically useless if the combat still goes on.

I am using an amulet as bonded object, so I guess I'll stick with adding a few Windy Escape charges just to avoid any surprise melee damage.

I do have the Craft Wand feat, so I may be crafting a wand of Cat's grace or gravity bow, just in case.

On a side note, I may be switching character to build a proper archer.

Again, thank you all for your comments, I really appreciate it.

In the words of Limp Bizkit "Keep rolling rolling rolling..." get it? hehe.

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Hello all, I really need your help here.

I am playing with a 7th level Wizard with a bonded object and I want to add to it some spells with charges/day; based on the description of the bonded object on page 78 of the PHB:
" A wizard can add additional magic abilities to his bonded object as if he has the required item creation feats and if he meets the level prerequisites of the feat."

So I want to add:
Cat's grace 10 charges/day
Gravity bow 10 charges/day
Windy escape 10 charges/day

To calculate costs I based on table 15-29 from page 550 PHB.

Bonus spell - Spell level squared × 1,000 gp
Charges per day - Divide by (5 divided by charges per day)

So a 1st lvl spell (gravity bow and windy escape) would be each: 1000 / (5/10) = 2000gp
2nd lvl spell (Cat's grace) would be: 4000 / (5/10) = 8000gp
BUT since creating an item costs half the price, prices would be 1000gp & 4000gp

I do fulfill requirements in GP and caster level to add these spells to my bonded object, buy my GM is saying NO because of some "rule in the master's book" that I don't know about and I'm getting quite mad.

So my questions are:
1 - Can I add these spells as I intend?
2 - If no, WHY NOT?
2a - And if not, WHY IN DANTE'S 9 CIRCLES OF HELL does the friggin book says A wizard can add additional magic abilities to his bonded object as if he has the required item creation feats? if I won't be allowed to do what I'm intending here.

P.S. If you want some context, our party is a 6lvl Bard/1lvl cleric, one 7th lvl fighter, one 7th lvl druid and me a 7th lvl wizard and we recently were abandoned by our other 7th lvl fighter, meaning that future encounters may be a bit tough. So with the spells I want to add to my bonded object, I am planning to use my Wizard as an archer as well.


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I do have another question (6 years later), for how long does it last this ability?
I am about to gain this ability and I am curious about it. As a Wizard my intention is to use it as a protection from ranged attacks, not much as a "weapon".

Belafon wrote:
Symon_Mx wrote:

So when creating a staff what determines how many charges per spell will the staff spend?

From the example in the original post, what determines that Dismissal will use 2 charges? You get my point?

I have a wizard and I am planning to create staves (given that I reach the proper level hehe), so this charges thing has me wondering and the CRB does not clarify this. Because if it was up to me, when I create my staves I'd say 1 charge per spell.

It is determined by the creator of the staff. You can lower the cost of your staff by increasing the number of charges a spell uses.

CRB page 552 wrote:
If desired, a spell can be placed into the staff at less than the normal cost, but then activating that particular spell drains additional charges from the staff. Divide the cost of the spell by the number of charges it consumes to determine its final price.

A staff of abjuration, to use your example, would cost 9,750 gp more in construction materials if dismissal only required one charge to use.

** spoiler omitted **

Got it!! Thanks for the clarification.

So when creating a staff what determines how many charges per spell will the staff spend?

From the example in the original post, what determines that Dismissal will use 2 charges? You get my point?

I have a wizard and I am planning to create staves (given that I reach the proper level hehe), so this charges thing has me wondering and the CRB does not clarify this. Because if it was up to me, when I create my staves I'd say 1 charge per spell.

Jared Walter 356 wrote:
Symon_Mx wrote:

Hello all,

I hope someone reads this since the original thread dates 2 years ago hehe.

In the CRB page 491 STAVES (first paragraph) says "...spells. A staff has 10 charges when created."

So I'd say this answers the very first question here, although I guess it is up to the GM if he allows more than 10 charges i.e. in my game we recently found a Staff of healing with 15 charges.
Unless there is some sort of rules update that I obviously don't know about I'll appreciate if you tell me about it.

And about recharging staves, page 492 says "...A staff cannot gain more than one charge per day and a caster cannot imbue more than one staff per day."

Now my question here (because I am playing a wizard and am planning to create staves when and if I reach the proper level.)

What defines how many charges/spell the staff uses?
Existing staves from the CRB say how many charges uses each of the spells stored. But when I create one, how do I know how many charges per spell it will spend. If it was up to me, I would obviously say 1charge/spell.

Thanks in advance if I get my question answered =)

I think this is a PF1 question. You are in the PF2 forum.

LOL I kinda had a feeling about it... thanks anyway =)

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Hello all,

I hope someone reads this since the original thread dates 2 years ago hehe.

In the CRB page 491 STAVES (first paragraph) says "...spells. A staff has 10 charges when created."

So I'd say this answers the very first question here, although I guess it is up to the GM if he allows more than 10 charges i.e. in my game we recently found a Staff of healing with 15 charges.
Unless there is some sort of rules update that I obviously don't know about I'll appreciate if you tell me about it.

And about recharging staves, page 492 says "...A staff cannot gain more than one charge per day and a caster cannot imbue more than one staff per day."

Now my question here (because I am playing a wizard and am planning to create staves when and if I reach the proper level.)

What defines how many charges/spell the staff uses?
Existing staves from the CRB say how many charges uses each of the spells stored. But when I create one, how do I know how many charges per spell it will spend. If it was up to me, I would obviously say 1charge/spell.

Thanks in advance if I get my question answered =)

Serum wrote:
However, while it allows a single spell of 1st through 6th level to be cast into it, that spell cannot be cast out of the ring again.
One spell. Period.

Ok, but what if I add DISPEL MAGIC, will it work as a counter spell?

Dispel magic description says it can be used to counterspell.

What about adding a spell to be used at will?
I have not been able to find how to calculate the cost for this. Any help?

Thanks to all for your comments and clarification, glass, avr and Mark Hoover 330, it has been very helpful.

Take care and keep on rolling.... (hehehe see what I did there? )

... yeah, a bad joke XD

See you around guys =)

glass wrote:
Symon_Mx wrote:

Hello, I am like 10 years late in this post but still.

So does this mean that I can add my CMB when doing a touch attack?
meaning 1d20 + CMB = Touch attack total number

My DM says it is only the 1d20 roll and that's it (and the bonus granted by Spectral hand when using it).

I hope someone still reads this and can provide an answer. I am playing a wizard and I'm having trouble landing touch attacks :(

Thanks in advance.

No it does not mean that (although your GM is wrong too). You add you base attack bonus and your strength or dexterity bonus as appropriate (dex for ranged touch, str for melee touch unless you have weapon finesse in which case dex for that too).

EDIT: If you are a first-level wizard (so your BAB is +0) with a Strength of 10 or 11 (so your strength modifier is +0), both of which are plausible, then it will effectively be a flat d20 roll for you, now - maybe that is what your GM meant. Fortunately, if so it is temporary. As soon as you hit second level, your BAB will go up to +1.


I have a (now) 7th level Wizard, Str 10 & Dex 14.

So making a touch attack or ranged touch attack is basically like normal attacks?
Melee: 1d20 + BAB (+3) + Str mod (0) = 1d20 + 3
Ranged: 1d20 + BAB (+3) + Dex mod (2) = 1d20 + 5

Besides increasing Str & Dex, is there any other way to improve my number when making a touch attack?

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Sylvanite wrote:
I don't have a page number for you, but a ranged touch uses Dex, as do all ranged attacks unless you have some ability that says otherwise. As nonsensical as it may seam, a melee touch uses Strength as all melee attacks do unless you have something that specifies otherwise. If you have weapon finesse, however, I believe it can be applied to a touch attack since it is technically a light weapon.

Hello, I am like 10 years late in this post but still.

So does this mean that I can add my CMB when doing a touch attack?
meaning 1d20 + CMB = Touch attack total number

My DM says it is only the 1d20 roll and that's it (and the bonus granted by Spectral hand when using it).

I hope someone still reads this and can provide an answer. I am playing a wizard and I'm having trouble landing touch attacks :(

Thanks in advance.

Artofregicide wrote:
Symon_Mx wrote:
I have a wizard and just leveled up to 5th. Thing is, at the beginning of the game I choose the arcane bond not the familiar. Now I really want a familiar and my question is with the IMPROVED FAMILIAR Feat, can I get one?
Unless you retrain or get one from another source, you don't qualify.

Man, that's a bummer! Well thanks for the info. Stay safe everybody and happy role playing!

I have a wizard and just leveled up to 5th. Thing is, at the beginning of the game I choose the arcane bond not the familiar. Now I really want a familiar and my question is with the IMPROVED FAMILIAR Feat, can I get one?

Melkiador wrote:

Bestiary, page 294, according to archives of Nethys.

Here’s a link

THANKS A BUNCH!!! It's exacly what I was looking for.


Where in the books, or in which book (and page) explains the celestial template?
I have a 3rd level Wizard and I have no clue as to what the "celestial template" does to a Summoned Monster.

Thanks in advance.