
Sylph_Life's page

* Pathfinder Society GM. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 13 Organized Play characters.


The Concordance

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Ive been told on a few occasions that hat of disguise gives you a +10 bonus on disguise checks, but no where does it say that. In fact the core rule book states that all you need is a command word and it works. So my question being does it give you a +10 to disguise which requires a role to be added to the plus bonus or do you simply need a command word and it happens?

The Concordance

is there any online character generators i can use to help me build my storm sylph wizard? i have the required material (the Advanced Race guide, and the Core rulebook). Although i do not quite understand how to get all of my ability stats and skills made properly. Please help.

The Concordance

is there any online character generators i can use to help me build my storm sylph wizard? i have the required material (the Advanced Race guide, and the Core rulebook). Although i do not quite understand how to get all of my ability stats and skills made properly. Please help.