Syamy's page

Organized Play Member. 11 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Yup, deck 3. Singapore here.

Mine was sent out on 30 Nov. Still waiting for it. :(

Yes please. I think it'd be good fun for us to know how the class deck characters came about! More flavour for the games too!

Just wanna ask, what's a realistic timeframe I can expect for customer service to finally reply my emails?

I know that you guys have a lot to go through (2000+?), so can we get a gauge for roughly how long we have to wait before we check in again to see if we've been forgotten?

Right now I've been waiting 3 weeks already for an email reply, and I've checked-in with an email once every week, not sure if that bumps my queue down to the bottom again.

Anyway, appreciate a reply so we don't swamp you guys with emails unnecessarily. Thanks!

(Calling is not an option since I'm an international customer)

Thanks so much!

Alright, thanks guys. Think I'll just work separate decks then.

Just thinking aloud, let's say I have a character from the class deck like Darago and I would like to use him for OP, can I still use that character in my S&S adventure, following the same upgrade rules as OP?

The problem I'm thinking is that then he would be overpowered, gaining rewards from 2 campaigns. The alternative is to limit rewards only from OP, but still allow deck upgrades from S&S. Would that work?

Is there a version with the full list of cards in each class deck?

Liz Courts wrote:
Pathfinder Adventure Card Game subscribers will get their 20% discount on the Iconics sets. If you subscribe to both lines, you will get the greater of the two discounts—it does not stack.

Awesome, thanks!

Any updates whether PACG subscribers will get a discount as well? Waiting to pull the trigger on this.

A bit of a long shot, but thought I'd give it a try. Anyone wants to swap their 2nd printing adventure decks for my 1st printing ones? I have 2-4, all cards in shrink wrap. Can get 5-6 in 1st printing from my FLGS too, and would like to swap for 2nd printing adventures, the number doesn't matter, I'll take what I can get. (Note: I'm based in Singapore, though we can try to work things out if you're keen.)

Just stumbled onto PACG recently, got my S&S, and went back for ROTR. Didn't realise there were differences in printing until AFTER I got a 2nd printing base set + add on and first printing adventure 2-4.

Let me know if this isn't appropriate, I'll remove it. Just not sure where else I can put this up as I'm still quite new to PACG.