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Cool, map terrible compression


I was excited to get the PDF version. The resolution isn't bad if you don't need to print it - roughly 6300x9700 for the entire area. Of course I was hoping for higher.

The image compression on the maps is terrible though, visible blocks, chromatic aberrations, ghosted lines, etc.

Looks like someone ran it through a lossy jpg compressor at 25% or so. It's too bad.

Our Price: $7.00


Great visuals and amazing VTT Support

Paizo and PF2E are setting the bar for roleplaying on VTT

Beautiful maps and encounters, supporting journals, NPC art and encounters ready to play.

More fun, less prep. Great work!

Our Price: $21.00


Best VTT module yet.


The foundry VTT support is Amazing! Best in class, with beautiful high-res maps, soundscape and interactive journals. Exceptional experience for both GM and players. Nothing else like it.

Looking forward to more PF2E content!

Add Print Edition $54.99

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Non-Mint Unavailable

Great Adventure Path


Don’t be put off by the term “Mega dungeon” this AP is filled with great NPCs and roleplaying opportunities from top to bottom. You can hack and slash or ham it up as much as you like.

It’s been an excellent game for us, a lot of fun. We’re just done the 1st act, and soon the table will be faced with a moral dilemma…

The foundry VTT support is Amazing! Best in class level with beautiful high-res maps, soundscape and interactive journals.

*edit: I had to come back here and remove a star. The numbering on the PDFs map do not match the text. (it is using the old 3 book version)

this is a basic editing mistake, sadly not uncommon for Paizo.
Should be easy to fix?