I'd like to release a module for foundry which creates "Loot Actors" which can be used in the abomination vaults adventure path.
Each loot-actor is named by its room number, and contains VTT objects which can be moved to a players character sheet using drag and drop. There's no description text, or artwork being copied. Each actor is stand alone, and would need to be manually placed into a map in the VTT.
for example:
Actor: A12 Hidden Drawer
- Comprehension Elixer (lesser)
- Elixer of life (minor)
- Skeptic's Elixer (lesser)
Actor: A15 Acolyte Skeletons
- Channel Protection Amulet
- Gold tooth (4gp)
Actor: A15 Thief's Corpse
- +1 Rapier
- Dagger
- healing potion (minor)
- Darkvision Elixer (lesser)
- Silver ring (5gp)
Would this be acceptable use? (of course complying with the other terms like free use, non commercial, Etc...)