Pathfinder Adventure Path: Abomination Vaults

3.90/5 (based on 14 ratings)
Pathfinder Adventure Path: Abomination Vaults
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When the mysterious Gauntlight, an eerie landlocked lighthouse, glows with baleful light, the people of Otari know something terrible is beginning. The town's newest heroes must venture into the ruins around the lighthouse and delve the dungeon levels far beneath it to discover the evil the Gauntlight heralds. Hideous monsters, deadly traps, and mysterious ghosts all await the heroes who dare to enter the sprawling megadungeon called the Abomination Vaults!

Pathfinder Second Edition's most popular campaign yet bursts from the pages of this massive hardcover compilation, containing all three adventures in the fan-favorite Abomination Vaults Adventure Path, a dungeon-delving campaign like no other, along with support articles, rules, monsters, and more!

Content Warning: While Abomination Vaults contains typical Pathfinder action and adventure, it also presents themes of suicide, ableism, body horror, and human experimentation. Before you begin, understand that player consent (including that of the Game Master) is vital to a safe and fun play experience for everyone. You should talk with your players before beginning the adventure and modify descriptions or scenarios as appropriate.

Note: This Abomination Vaults compilation hardcover is not included in the Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription. Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscribers who preorder Pathfinder Adventure Path: Abomination Vaults will receive a free PDF when their physical copy ships.

ISBN-13: 978-1-64078-410-9

"Abomination Vaults" is sanctioned for use in Pathfinder Society Organized Play. The rules for running this Adventure and Chronicle sheet are available as a free download (907 kb PDF).

Other Resources: This product is also available on the following platforms:

Fantasy Grounds Virtual Tabletop
Foundry Virtual Tabletop
Pathfinder Nexus on Demiplane
Roll20 Virtual Tabletop

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This product is non-mint. Refunds are not available for non-mint products. The standard version of this product can be found here.

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3.90/5 (based on 14 ratings)

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Fantastic Adventure Path!


My table just finished Playing Abomination Vaults. I GMed us through 80 total sessions, each one averaging about three and a half hours. My players LOVED it, I loved running it. All in all, a fantastic adventure!

In particular, my players enjoyed the setting of Otari as a home base and motivator for their delving into the horrors of Gauntlight Keep. Wrin Sivinixi proved a table favorite, and is likely to make cameos in all our future games. The town being full of interesting and memorable NPCs provided loads of downtime RP opportunities and connections for the player characters to the town.

As for the dungeon itself, one of my players described the feeling that there was a great deal of mystery and careful exploration at first, paired with a series of loosely connected, if at all, tough fights. As they progressed deeper and pieced together the story of Belcorra and Gauntlight, the sense of mystery fell away, and the fights became the main focus as the forces of Belcorra banded together to stop the progress of the player characters. By that point, the motivation for the players was clear and they were fully invested in seeing Belcorra dead. Again.

I will say that I had to do a decent amount of re-tooling here and there to make the story flow nicely, but the narrative and encounter structure of Abomination Vaults is fantastic, needing only as much extra work as you as a GM want to put in.

The biggest change I would recommend is stripping out the majority of the wisp fights. Yes, they are thematic and narratively relevant... but they are not fun to fight over and over again. Especially replace the ones in the final floor with more engaging enemies! Please!! Your players will thank you.

Abomination Vaults is considered a difficult AP in terms of combat. I'd say that a great deal of difficulty comes from player character builds and party composition. Encourage your players to have magical AND mundane healing. The town of Otari can sell consumables up to level 10. Give your players a little extra treasure to fund their potion and consumable habit! There are several single enemy encounters in close quarters which can be rough. It is easy enough to add some minions and adjust the big enemy's stats as needed.

Single enemy encounters and lack of thievery


Adventure recommends being good at Thievery, but there honestly isn't a point. Traps are either too high level to disarm reliably and doors are easily broken down by Athletics with no consequence.

Most encounters are like, 1 enemy, which makes it so your abilities mostly won't do anything because the enemy is strong.

The saving grace of the adventure is the narrative, with lots of factions interacting with each other, with multiple layers of history to the place.

Decent Dungeon Crawl, but not the best introduction to PF2E


Abomination Vaults is a decent enough dungeon crawl, but it is a rather poor introduction to PF2E - I would recommend against playing this as your first venture in Pathfinder 2E, or as a follow up to the beginner's box, as it is a high difficulty dungeon crawl that violates some of the guidelines about low level encounters to its detriment.

The setup for the adventure is simple enough - an abandoned necromancer's tower called the Gauntlight has lit up near the town of Otari, and your friend Wrin has called you in to try and figure out what is going on. Delving into the tower, you quickly determine that the necromancer Belcorra who created the tower is only mostly dead, and it is up to you to delve down into her abomination vaults, fighting your way down through ten floors of undead to lay her spirit to rest for good.

This is very much a dungeon crawl, not an RP-focused adventure; while the town of Otari is decent enough, it is barely involved in the actual adventure for the most part. Early on, there's several events that involve the town, and that's really nice for keeping the characters invested, but as you get deeper into the vaults, the town becomes less and less important; by the final three floors, Otari has been completely forgotten.

This is a pity, because Otari is only 15 minutes away from the Gauntlight, and you go back there to go to sleep every night; they could have easily given the players something to do there between each level to break up the dungeon crawl, which is otherwise generally pretty light on RP, with only a few floors in the middle having significant RP aspects to them. A lot of what you're doing is moving from room to room, killing monsters.

Belcorra, the big bad of the dungeon, has far too small a presence as well; you only start encountering her at the very bottom of the dungeon, which is a pity, as it means she gets little opportunity for characterization.

The biggest flaw with this dungeon, however, is that it is kind of brutal in the first few floors. A session zero to get a balanced party together is essential for this dungeon, as otherwise the many over-level encounters in the first half of it are likely to kill characters or even cause potential TPKs. There's a wood golem on the fourth floor which is really poorly signposted, is immune to almost all magic, and which also is resistant to physical attacks, and thanks to its configuration can easily put the characters in a spot where they're dying on the ground with no possibility of escape or being drug to safety or be safely healed. This is hardly the only encounter in the dungeon that can kill players, and the first half of the dungeon is kind of infamous for TPKs. It gets easier in the second half as the players are simply stronger than they are in the first half and have more resources, and the encounters tend to be more varied in the number of enemies in the encounter as you go in deeper.

My own group of TTRPG veteran players managed to get through the dungeon without too much trouble, though there was a character death on the third floor due to bad luck, and a temporary stand-in PC made by the DM died on the 9th floor when a player was absent for a session, with that character also dying to the same thing (multiple unlucky crits). We were never in any real danger of a TPK, though, so the dungeon, while challenging, is not grossly unfair; that being said, groups of newbies regularly struggle with this module and you see a weekly post on the Pathfinder 2E subreddit of a GM or player talking about how they're getting slaughtered by this module, looking for help with what they're doing wrong.

The dungeon is also full of monsters that are immune to precision damage, as well as a number of monsters that are immune to athletics maneuvers due to being incorporeal, which can screw up some kinds of builds, and some entire classes (gunslingers, rogues, precision rangers, investigators, grab fighters, grapple monks) are heavily penalized by the design of the dungeon as their build will not work on a number of major enemies, including the final boss.

This is a fine dungeon crawl if you are up for a bunch of combat encounters with some light roleplaying aspects here and there, but it's not the greatest module in the world - I liked it OK, but I felt like it could have been more than it was, and I've preferred Paizo's other modules to this one.

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Marketing & Media Manager

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Tallus wrote:
With the new compilation coming out is there any plans to release flip maps for the vaults, would be really nice to have especially if sold as a bundle featuring each floor

No. This has been asked before and I remember James Jacobs saying adventures have to be designed for Flip-Mat Use from the very start. (Like our standalone Adventures are now.) But this Adventure Path was not designed like that. Some people want this to be like the Pathfinder Emerald Spire Superdungeon of the past, but we can't retrofit it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tallus wrote:
With the new compilation coming out is there any plans to release flip maps for the vaults, would be really nice to have especially if sold as a bundle featuring each floor

No plans. The maps weren't designed to fit or feature on flip mats.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I can't tell if it's too late to pre-order or not for the free PDF. Can someone confirm this please?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

If your May subscription hasn't gone out you probably should be able to do it, but you might have to email CS to make sure

Aaron Shanks wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Hardcovers are not included in the subscription. Usually, we have a deal where if you have the Adventure Path subscription, and you preorder the book, then you get the PDF. We will confirm.
BTW was there confirmation that if we preorder this we will get pdf as freebie?
Yes. Pathfinder AP Subscribers who preorder this compilation will get a free PDF. The Webstore team will update the product page to reflect this.

Hi Aaron, sorry to bother you again with this but, just to make sure.

AP Subscribers do not get the book as a subscription, but if they preorder they get the PDF. Correct?

Marketing & Media Manager

Cori Marie wrote:
If your May subscription hasn't gone out you probably should be able to do it, but you might have to email CS to make sure

This. I'd have to ask CS.

nightpanda2810 wrote:
I can't tell if it's too late to pre-order or not for the free PDF. Can someone confirm this please?

Oh wow, I guess I also missed the boat with the preorder. I hope we do get that PDF, I am partly getting this to get the discount for the VTT option.

Marketing & Media Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.
lex_dm wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
CorvusMask wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Hardcovers are not included in the subscription. Usually, we have a deal where if you have the Adventure Path subscription, and you preorder the book, then you get the PDF. We will confirm.
BTW was there confirmation that if we preorder this we will get pdf as freebie?
Yes. Pathfinder AP Subscribers who preorder this compilation will get a free PDF. The Webstore team will update the product page to reflect this.

Hi Aaron, sorry to bother you again with this but, just to make sure.

AP Subscribers do not get the book as a subscription, but if they preorder they get the PDF. Correct?

Correct. I believe any order placed before Street Date is a preorder. But we are well into May, so at this point, please email Customer Service to make sure they grant you the PDF in case the system does not catch you.

Marketing & Media Manager

lex_dm wrote:
nightpanda2810 wrote:
I can't tell if it's too late to pre-order or not for the free PDF. Can someone confirm this please?
Oh wow, I guess I also missed the boat with the preorder. I hope we do get that PDF, I am partly getting this to get the discount for the VTT option.

Just order it and email CS to be sure. :)

Aaron Shanks wrote:
lex_dm wrote:
nightpanda2810 wrote:
I can't tell if it's too late to pre-order or not for the free PDF. Can someone confirm this please?
Oh wow, I guess I also missed the boat with the preorder. I hope we do get that PDF, I am partly getting this to get the discount for the VTT option.
Just order it and email CS to be sure. :)

I hope they are as prompt as you! Thank you my friend.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

9 people marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
Tallus wrote:
With the new compilation coming out is there any plans to release flip maps for the vaults, would be really nice to have especially if sold as a bundle featuring each floor
No plans. The maps weren't designed to fit or feature on flip mats.

Look at me, replying to myself!

When I designed all of the dungeon levels for Abomination Vaults, I did at one point consider constraining the size to what could appear on a flip mat. This is what we did for Emerald Spire back in the day. But a big problem there as that this is simply not a large enough canvas to create what I feel is a viable, complex megadungeon level that has lots of room and areas for different groups and factions and themes to be represented. And of course, I designed one of the deeper levels to be twice as big in order to get in some sprawling deep cavern feels as well.

So it was my creative choice to go for larger maps, which does mean that flip-mats weren't really an option.

(I just did a square count of the 1st-level map, and at about 55 squares along its longest side, the levels of this dungeon wouldn't even fit on the largest flip-mat we publish.)

Marketing & Media Manager

Let's not make any additional work for the CS team. If there are any issues with your order, please reach out to our CS team for assistance. If the system works, then there is no need to email them.

Aaron Shanks wrote:


Let's not make any additional work for the CS team. If there are any issues with your order, please reach out to our CS team for assistance. If the system works, then there is no need to email them.

If the system works there is no need to email them????

That IS the system. How else do people "reach out to our CS team for assistance"?

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Dancing Wind wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:


Let's not make any additional work for the CS team. If there are any issues with your order, please reach out to our CS team for assistance. If the system works, then there is no need to email them.

If the system works there is no need to email them????

That IS the system. How else do people "reach out to our CS team for assistance"?

I'm pretty sure he means that there is no need to contact CS just to make sure everything is alright when you can just contact them when something is wrong.

Ahhh, I see, yes, that could be how it is meant to be read.

Marketing & Media Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Roll20 will have the Abomination Vaults Adventure Path compilation available on their marketplace on the day of release, Wednesday May 25.

Aaron Shanks wrote:
Roll20 will have the Abomination Vaults Adventure Path compilation available on their marketplace on the day of release, Wednesday May 25.

What confidence level is there that the FoundryVTT module will be available the same day?

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Does ordering the HC before the PDF available count as a 'pre-order' to get the PDF for free? Just say yes it feels good.

Marketing & Media Manager

Lord Viator wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Roll20 will have the Abomination Vaults Adventure Path compilation available on their marketplace on the day of release, Wednesday May 25.
What confidence level is there that the FoundryVTT module will be available the same day?

I have heard nothing to indicate otherwise.

Marketing & Media Manager

Jedhed242 wrote:
Does ordering the HC before the PDF available count as a 'pre-order' to get the PDF for free? Just say yes it feels good.

This is what I meant when I posted "I believe any order placed before Street Date is a preorder." above.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Thanks, Aaron. Based on your statements here, I've preordered the hardcover.

It placed the order to my sidecart, to ship with my next subscriptions, and it confirmed my order. My intent is to qualify for the free PDF, and my reading of what you've said here is that this will qualify even though it won't ship til next month. If that's not accurate, please let me know so I can place a ticket to Customer Service.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I've just done the same, I'm hoping I get the PDF automatically with no trouble.

On a side note, did I just miss something or did this compilation kind of fly under the radar? I'll admit I don't religiously check new product announcements since I get most of them by subscription anyway, but I didn't hear anything about this product until I got my weekly Paizo newsletter. I'd hate to think you guys are missing out on sales due to lack of marketing.

Marketing & Media Manager

Lord Bowser wrote:

I've just done the same, I'm hoping I get the PDF automatically with no trouble.

On a side note, did I just miss something or did this compilation kind of fly under the radar? I'll admit I don't religiously check new product announcements since I get most of them by subscription anyway, but I didn't hear anything about this product until I got my weekly Paizo newsletter. I'd hate to think you guys are missing out on sales due to lack of marketing.

Thanks for your feedback. Promotions continue. We can always to more.

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Lord Bowser wrote:

I've just done the same, I'm hoping I get the PDF automatically with no trouble.

On a side note, did I just miss something or did this compilation kind of fly under the radar? I'll admit I don't religiously check new product announcements since I get most of them by subscription anyway, but I didn't hear anything about this product until I got my weekly Paizo newsletter. I'd hate to think you guys are missing out on sales due to lack of marketing.

Thanks for your feedback. Promotions continue. We can always to more.

I only learned about it by stumbling upon it in the Foundry PF2 discord channel looking for something specifically for AV. That's also the same time I learned about the Foundry releases.

So it looks like the Foundry VTT module did not launch today. Is there any update on when it might be ready?

Marketing & Media Manager

BobusX wrote:
So it looks like the Foundry VTT module did not launch today. Is there any update on when it might be ready?

Thank you for calling that to our attention. It is 9 AM here. I am inquiring as to its status internally.

Vigilant Seal

BobusX wrote:
So it looks like the Foundry VTT module did not launch today. Is there any update on when it might be ready?

The day is but a pup. Give it some time.

Marketing & Media Manager

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Aaron Shanks wrote:
BobusX wrote:
So it looks like the Foundry VTT module did not launch today. Is there any update on when it might be ready?
Thank you for calling that to our attention. It is 9 AM here. I am inquiring as to its status internally.

From the Department of Expectation Management (isn't that what James Jacobs always says?) Foundry VTT products will launch at 11 AM Pacific on Release Day, now and forevermore, Amen.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Potentially stupid question here, I ordered the hardcover and got confirmation that it was about to shipped from the warehouse. I got the impression that the PDF would be included in that, but it doesn't look like it showed up in my Digital Content area. Was my impression false and I need to *also* order the PDF if I want to start digging through the adventure path before my book arrives? Related question, will I need to do a separate purchase for the Foundry module?

Aaron Shanks wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
BobusX wrote:
So it looks like the Foundry VTT module did not launch today. Is there any update on when it might be ready?
Thank you for calling that to our attention. It is 9 AM here. I am inquiring as to its status internally.
From the Department of Expectation Management (isn't that what James Jacobs always says?) Foundry VTT products will launch at 11 AM Pacific on Release Day, now and forevermore, Amen.

Thanks. I just saw that the .pdf launched at 12AM PST, so I figured all digital products launched at that time.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Aaron Shanks wrote:
From the Department of Expectation Management (isn't that what James Jacobs always says?)...

Yup! Although it originated as one of Tom Rex's sole duties.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
James Jacobs wrote:
Aaron Shanks wrote:
From the Department of Expectation Management (isn't that what James Jacobs always says?)...
Yup! Although it originated as one of Tom Rex's sole duties.

SHH! Trying to hibernate here! Sheesh.

Marketing & Media Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Well I think it is clever!

Vigilant Seal

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Been messing around with the Foundry VTT implementation, and all I can say is that I'm mega impressed. Fantastic job on this.

Now if you can just do me "Curse of the Crimson Throne" converted to 2e and implemented in Foundry, I will be a happy camper indeed.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Brodda Rindoc wrote:

Been messing around with the Foundry VTT implementation, and all I can say is that I'm mega impressed. Fantastic job on this.

Now if you can just do me "Curse of the Crimson Throne" converted to 2e and implemented in Foundry, I will be a happy camper indeed.

While it's not official, and I can't help you with 2e conversion, but I've been using DungeonDraft and Forgotten Adventures assets to rebuild the maps (through book 2 right now, will be doing book 3 in a bit) and have Foundry json files to add lighting, walls, doors etc if you'd want them. You'll have to replace the tokens with ones for 2E versions, but otherwise it should work for you if you want it

Vigilant Seal

Cori Marie wrote:
Brodda Rindoc wrote:

Been messing around with the Foundry VTT implementation, and all I can say is that I'm mega impressed. Fantastic job on this.

Now if you can just do me "Curse of the Crimson Throne" converted to 2e and implemented in Foundry, I will be a happy camper indeed.

While it's not official, and I can't help you with 2e conversion, but I've been using DungeonDraft and Forgotten Adventures assets to rebuild the maps (through book 2 right now, will be doing book 3 in a bit) and have Foundry json files to add lighting, walls, doors etc if you'd want them. You'll have to replace the tokens with ones for 2E versions, but otherwise it should work for you if you want it

That would be brilliant

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
SeanChevalier wrote:
Potentially stupid question here, I ordered the hardcover and got confirmation that it was about to shipped from the warehouse. I got the impression that the PDF would be included in that, but it doesn't look like it showed up in my Digital Content area. Was my impression false and I need to *also* order the PDF if I want to start digging through the adventure path before my book arrives? Related question, will I need to do a separate purchase for the Foundry module?

The PDF is given on physical preorders only if you are a subcriber to the Adventure Path line, as written in the product description above.

Product Description wrote:
Note: This Abomination Vaults compilation hardcover is not included in the Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscription. Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscribers who preorder Pathfinder Adventure Path: Abomination Vaults will receive a free PDF when their physical copy ships.

If you do buy the Foundry Module, it is a separate purchase, but that one DO come with a free PDF for everyone. (Or a price reduction equal to the PDF's price if you already have access to the PDF.)

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Brodda Rindoc wrote:
Cori Marie wrote:
Brodda Rindoc wrote:

Been messing around with the Foundry VTT implementation, and all I can say is that I'm mega impressed. Fantastic job on this.

Now if you can just do me "Curse of the Crimson Throne" converted to 2e and implemented in Foundry, I will be a happy camper indeed.

While it's not official, and I can't help you with 2e conversion, but I've been using DungeonDraft and Forgotten Adventures assets to rebuild the maps (through book 2 right now, will be doing book 3 in a bit) and have Foundry json files to add lighting, walls, doors etc if you'd want them. You'll have to replace the tokens with ones for 2E versions, but otherwise it should work for you if you want it

That would be brilliant

All of it is here in the Box.

Vigilant Seal

All of it is here in the Box.

Thank You

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

No problem, I don't mind sharing my work where it's helpful!

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Cori Marie wrote:
No problem, I don't mind sharing my work where it's helpful!

Thank you so much for sharing the maps and json files!

Marketing & Media Manager

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Now on Pathfinder Infinite: Abomination Vaults GMs Guide.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Aaron Shanks wrote:
Now on Pathfinder Infinite: Abomination Vaults GMs Guide.

That looks pretty good.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The numbering on the Interactive PDFs map do not match the text. It is using the old 3 book numbering with each book starting over at A, instead of the anthology numbering A-J

This seems like a basic editing task, and almost a comical failure. Except when you actually go to use the maps.

SweetSquid wrote:

The numbering on the Interactive PDFs map do not match the text. It is using the old 3 book numbering with each book starting over at A, instead of the anthology numbering A-J

This seems like a basic editing task, and almost a comical failure. Except when you actually go to use the maps.

It looks like the updates they've released to the PDF fix this, and have added the side-view and Otari maps to the Interactive Maps file... but have removed the Smuggler's Refuge map which was present in the initial version of the Interactive Maps file.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Disappointed there are no discounts that can be applied over on Demiplane for the digital version.

Marketing & Media Manager

Decron82 wrote:
Disappointed there are no discounts that can be applied over on Demiplane for the digital version.

They do not have this product for sale yet. They are selling the three volumes separately and in a bundle, but that is not PZO2033. Make sense?

Aaron Shanks wrote:
Decron82 wrote:
Disappointed there are no discounts that can be applied over on Demiplane for the digital version.
They do not have this product for sale yet. They are selling the three volumes separately and in a bundle, but that is not PZO2033. Make sense?

Yes it does. Thank you for following up so quickly.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Is this any different from the three books already out?

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