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Joanna Swiftblade wrote:

My campaign consists of a bunch of people chasing after a particularly annoying Efreet, who is causing havoc throughout the land, granting evil people one of his three wishes. There is a lot of running from town to town as they chase after him, fighting through the wake of destruction he has left behind.

The real fun starts when my PC's will be fighting over who gets the last wish, as they're all separately motivated to get find the Efreet.

That really sounds great!

And I am surprised that there are quite a lot people that are into the slow leveling here - especially since the official stuff encourages bursting through the levels.

That's the reason why I will most likely never run an Adventure Path ;)

Hi there.

I was curious at what rate you guys like to level up?

Personally I don't like the "by the book" level progression in PF, even the "slow" advancement seems way to fast for me. My group is kind of "oldschool" and feels comfortable with leveling every 15 - 25 Sessions, thus making the feel of gaining a level and advancing your character something special.

Back in AD&D our best character storys where built over the years, something which doesn't seem possible if you play PF "by the rules" - after all a standard adventure advances your characters 2 - 3 levels - that's 10 - 15 % of an entire campaign (if you take level 20 as the standard retirement age for a character)!

So as I said: I like gaining a level once every few months - but what about you?




That's not a complaint about PF in general - after all the level advancement is the among the easiest thing to change. I'm just curious ;-)

Thank you for your answers.


Thanks, I will look into these. Feast of Ravenmoor is really looking great.

@Jiggy and Cpt_kirstov:

Yes, it seems like I have to homebrew it - but the mentioned chronicles seem like a good idea, thanks!

And while it is true that combat is the main way to get experience, I don't quite understand why they put the old "XP for quest objectives" out of the modules (but of course I can add these myself). What I also don't get is why new modules only have 36 pages? My old AD&D adventures are all 64 pages minimum.

I may sound like a grumpy old man, but I am just curious. As I said, I really like the game and it's not like I hate combat (in fact just yesterday I ran The Dragonfiend Pact from Dungeoncrawl Classics and it was a blast) - I just don't want to play a tactical wargame where a fight pops up every five foot my players are taking ;-)

Anyway, thanks again for your answers.



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Hi there.

First of all: I have been playing AD&D 2nd Ed. for about 10 Years, before skipping 3rd and instead switching to Earthdawn and a few german RPGs like Midgard and "Ruf des Warlock". Now I came back to my roots by buying Pathfinder - and so far the system looks good and the first few evenings have been great fun.

But there is one thing that concerns me - am I looking at the wrong places or is nearly every single Module out there for PF and 3rd Ed. a simple Hack'n'Slay fest with almost no story or roleplay at all? Don't get me wrong - I like a good dungeon romp now and there as anyone does, but where have all the atmospheric, story driven adventures gone? I bought "Crown of the Kobold King", "Carnival of Tears" and a few other Pazio Products as well as some 3rd Edition Modules and what can I say - in CotKK you have an encounter in EVERY ROOM!

Or take Carnival of Tears. It's a great adventure, I love the style and it has plenty of roleplaying opportunities - but suddenly it all comes down to killing dozens of baddies again.

So I wonder: Are there any mystery modules? Investigative Modules, maybe in a city, where you have to solve the riddle of gruesome murders? No matter what the publisher is?

Of course Adventure Paths come to mind. But there is one problem - our group is used to leveling really, really slowly. Slowly as in "1 Level per 3 - 5 Adventures slow". Now it is not a problem to modify a single module to my needs, but a whole AP? Besides, it's a bit unrealistic when a group of level 4 Heroes fights demons and saves the world three times in a row or so.

Well, long story short - are there any low to non-combat modules? And changing the system (as well as leveling faster) is not an option, as our group always loved the D&D-feeling the most - we have come to stay ;)



Oh, and sorry for my English, I am not a native speaker.

Hey Ion,

I am starting a PF Game in a couple of months and by reading through the books I always felt that the PCs are going to be Superman at the higher levels, which is something I definitely want to weaken a bit. Then I found your thread and it's exactly what I had in mind. Thing is - I already made up my mind and produced a pretty long list of changes, but one thing I haven't done yet is the spells.

So, lazy as I am, I wanted to ask if you have worked on the spells yet and could post some of your most significant changes here? I don't mean to be greedy or something it's just that if one member of the community has already done some work, why shouldn't I use it? ;)

Well, I hope you are reading this - and thanks.

