Trinia Sabor

Suny's page

1,354 posts. Alias of Sunset.

Current Campaigns

Corsairs of Varisia

“Corsairs of Varisia” is a homebrew campaign which has low magic; emerging technology in the form of firearms; reavers, swashbucklers, buccaneers, and pirates.

“Corsairs of Varisia” campaign pits the starting party in a emerging town situated between Riddleport and Magnimar.

The town, formerly Roderic’s Cove, had been conquered by pirates from Riddleport, but has been recently liberated from support from the south to stop the advance of Riddleport into their waters.

The town was renamed “Beacon” and the lord of the town is calling on any who wish to make their fortune and become something great; with little to aid them but their wits and steel.

DM Sinvel's A Pound of Flesh in Freeport!

Freedom of the Open Seas

Leading a battered ship to Rickety's Squibbs, our intrepid pirates are very close to beginning a lucrative career as real pirates!



Infamy and Disrepute Charts
Side Quest: The Missing Ships:
You've heard only rumors, but it seems that the Miriam's Love isn't the first ship to show up dead in the water with no crew and no trace of what happened to them...

Side Quest: The Mysterious Slavers:
You've heard rumors at the Tavern in Rickety's Squibbs that a huge vessel, carrying slaves of an indeterminate race, came in for repairs. The guard onboard were heavily armed, and several people claim to have seen "lizardly humans" through port windows when they were able to sneak up. Voices were also heard at night, trying to get passers-by to release them, with promises of rewards.

The World Weapons:
It appears that there will be some sort of "demons" invading the Shackles, and the ancient Azlanti World Weapons are somehow connected. There is a cave, off of the cost of Rickety's Island, where you can learn more...


Limbo PbP

Wardove's Side-Treks

Elven team in Campaign Elves vs Dwarves -- Dwarves and Gnomes Keep Out (inactive)

An old school homebrew campaign for a party of Elves. They will interact with a party of dwarves on an increasing basis.
Current map

The Fallen Shall Rise (inactive)

Brave aventurers help settle far-flung Arcadia for the glory of Taldor and the Known World.