StrykerWolf |
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You are mis-interpreting the power. In all fairness there are almost multiple ways it could be interpreted (silly English), but Vic and Mike have stated that you only get the bonus for one check.
When you attempt a check, you may display any number of allies; for each Ally displayed add 1 (◻ 2) to the check.
1) (Bubbe's interpretation) For every check, determine how many displayed allies there are - take a bonus for each ally. In this case "displayed" is an adjective. For this to be the correct interpretation, you would need to switch the word "Ally" with the word "displayed" (and even then, the interpretation could be argued either way)
2) (Correct Interpretation) The act of displaying the ally is what gets you the bonus. You therefore do not get the bonus for a single ally on multiple checks. In this case the word "displayed" is being used as a verb, not an adjective.
The rule about displaying cards on pg 10 is a non-sequitur for this conversation. As First World Bard has already stated, you aren't using the power on the ally to get the bonus, the bonus comes from the action of displaying the ally (unless you had an ally that said while displayed you get a bonus to all checks - in that case you could get the bonus the entire time the ally is displayed)