
Steven Anderson's page

2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I've been checking my mailbox faithfully everyday looking for my lastest issue of Dragon (#354). Only NO JOY! A friend's copy
arrived in the mail on 3/16 and he's only 3 miles away.

Can you folks help me? PLEASE?! PRETTY PLEASE?! with sugar on top?!


About two weeks ago I received in the mail a renewal notice. I checked with the person who sent in the funds as a Xmas Gift. They confirmed that the check had been deposited (for 39.95) and was then checked off in their checking acct register. This was back in mid-October '05. I have left a message about this on the telephone Customer Service line on Friday (March 31, 2006), but haven't heard anything back yet. Any help would be appreciated, thanx