
Sterling's page

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I did some research and put some things together. Most of the texts the party gets ingame I typed out, got some yellow card stock paper, and printed it out for the party. Some of it is just info I shared with them, some actual documents. I used old-school fonts which I don't know how to make show up here, but rest assured that it can look a lot more genuine. This is just the sailing info I decided on, some sailing gear I found balanced, and the ship's manifest I threw together. The player's really enjoyed getting titles and distributing jobs, as well as having an easy way to keep track of all their passengers. Feel free to jack it for yourselves or add to the pile.

Sailors in the party knew the following:
In order to effectively sail a ship such as the Sea Wyvern, at least seven crewmembers are needed. The party should decide who will fulfill what duties ahead of time and hire the others as needed. The crew role names and duties are:
1. Captain - in charge of hiring men, organizing finding, buying, and loading the supplies, selling cargo, dividing profits, and otherwise leading the ship's daily functions. The best sailor on the ship is usually the captain. Key skills, Profession(sailor) and Profession(merchant).
2. First Mate - in charge of keeping all functions of the ship running in the Captain's absence. Usually the second best sailor on the ship. Key skills, Profession(sailor).
3. Navigator - in charge of charting/plotting the ship's course and consistently understanding where the ship is. Also usually in charge of monitoring the weather. Key skills, Knowledge(geography) and Survival.
4. Helmsman - in charge of steering the ship by the ship's wheel for the most part. Key skills, a strong arm.
5. Deckhand - in charge of aiding w/every other function of all other jobs. Rather than being the easiest of duties, this is often the most demanding as it requires the most diversity. Key skills, everything.
6. Boatswain - in charge of directing gear for the captain (much of the more complicated operations of handling a ship) and relaying orders in times when weather impairs sound. Key skills, Use Rope and a loud voice.
7. Cook - in charge of food preparation and food dispensation. Key skills, Profession(cooking).

Those are the main seven roles. Optional functions are as follows:
1. Prelate (for praying)
2. Surgeon (for healing)
3. Artillery Sergeants (for shooting)
4. Marines (for fighting)
5. Page (for serving)

Repair Team (necessary for repairs)
6. Carpenter
7. Caulker
8. Diver

To hire an entire core crew is 20gp/day.

Bizwor's Balms in the Azure district has low price seasickness "cures". Various Marketplaces hold a variety of items, listed as follows:

Gnomish Swimming Gear: 100gp, +3 on swim checks, 2lb (the paddles mean 1/2 movement on land, the gloves mean -2 on Disable Device, Open Lock, Sleight of Hand)
Waterproof Scrolls: +10%gp (can cast underwater)
Waterproof Scrollcase: 5gp (or scrolls ruined by water)
Sailor's Wax: 10gp, wax protects armor/weapons from rusting from water
Navigator's Toolkit: 100gp, necessary for plotting courses
Sextent: 250gp, +2 Knowledge(geography)
Float Bladders: 10gp, 3lbs, keep a medium creature afloat
Sea Chest: 25gp, waterproof inside, latching system
Spyglass: 1000gp, magnifies objects to twice size
Very fine bicorne hat: 50gp, looks cool, worn by captains or admirals
Very fine tricorne hat: 35gp, looks cool
Oilskin suits: 10gp, 10 lb, keeps out the chill and wetness

The party calls themselves the Bronze Phoenix. In my word document I have the names of the dead or that have left the ship (Rowyn, Leah, Conrad) strikethrough-ed with a line. I also used block text for the parts of the Manifest that would look the same on a form sheet, and cursive looking text to fill in the rest, the names and Sea Wyvern-specific info.

Ship’s Manifest, Sasserine City Harbor
Destination: Farshore Colony

Ship’s Master: The Bronze Phoenix, Inc.
Ship’s Weight: 216 tonnes
Ship’s Captain: Mr. Mick Hodges (BP)
Prior Owner: Crimson Fleet
Ship’s Name: The Sea Wyvern
Port of Departure: Sasserine

Ship’s First Mate: Ms. Amella Venkalie
Ship’s Navigator: High Citizen Alastair van Orman (BP)
Boatswain: Mr. Alveon (BP)
Helmsman: Mr. Copernicus (BP)
Ship’s Cook: Lady Liriandra of Stormy Shore
Ship’s Surgeon: Father Rupert (BP)
Deckhand: Ms. Sela
Cabinboy: Tavey Nesk

List of Passengers:
High Citizen Avner Meravanchi of the Noble House Meravanchi
Mr. Ronald Freyrks, aid and page to High Citizen Avner
Mr. Gart Rewthfield, aid and page to High Citizen Avner, died at shipwreck
Ms. Leah the Red (BP), turned to stone at Tamoachan, left in care of Lady Lavinia
Ms. Lirith Veldirose, experienced sailor and marine
Mr. Skald, artillery sergeant experience
Father Theo Feres, Conrad Horst, criminal left in care of Chief Ixawhani, Renkrue
Ms. Atyara Woodbridge, herbalist
Mr. Urol Forol, sage
Mr. John Boy Sullivan, artillery experience, died nobly at Journey’s End
Mr. Freddy Franks, artillery experience
Mr. Pischcho, carpenter
Mr. Rolo, caulker, died at shipwreck
Mr. Lerny, diver, died at shipwreck
Rowyn Kellani, stowaway, attempted assassination, left in care of Lady Lavinia
Mr. Ro Laren, Ship’s Intelligence and Bronze Phoenix Applicant

I'm curious how everyone handles this. After leaving on the Sea Wyvern (unless the party pooled their limited resources and purchased a scroll of raise dead or two and has a cleric) there's pretty much no way to handle bringing back a dead character.

There's the chance that the party has a cleric with them and at level nine after Farshore is saved the cleric may somehow get ahold of the 5000gp material component for raising someone. Or a cleric might gentle repose someone while they travel all the way back to Sasserine (again after Farshore is saved).

I have an NPC cleric of Fharlanghn with the party. During the voyage south 3 of the party members got turned to stone by the basilisk at Tamoachan. Knowing Urol only had two doses (they asked him point blank) they were pretty much screwed. I can't see any way for them to get more stone salve or raise dead from dying (or failing that save after the stone salve, which could kill) for at least 4 more levels when they can do it themselves. I can have the NPC cleric, in four levels when they reach level nine, break enchantment on the stone, or teleport hop (domain) a couple times back to Sasserine if he's lucky to get material components, then teleport hop back and raise dead.

What is everyone else doing in the interim? Just making lots of new characters? That sucks because I'm taking such pains to build story with each character as we progress.