Steilos's page

8 posts (31 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


So we have our GM, and then the players disappear? What is this, Schroedinger's game?

I vote for Servant Watcher to take over. I'll have to PM smore stuff once I find it, but...

Oh what became of the likely lads and lasses?

So remember what I said about getting the computer fixed in time to pm you later that day?



Yeah, this is the first time I've been online in two days. I'm writing up a nice summative PM as we speak - assuming that is you're still there.

So my computer commited suicide and I've only just managed to get the effing thing into some semblance of order. I should have it stable by tonight, then I'll gather up everything Acecipher sent me. Wonder what happened to him.

Hmm. How is everyone? If you're still doing IRL stuff, that's coo' but I just wanted to know if this was still ok.

Gonna answer those questions via PM while hunting down a suitable avatar. I'm... having some visibility issues here.

Hey, new guy here. Going to change my name once I have a character to change to.