As you might guess by the party make up we have no one good at bluffing. Also my Conjurer has an 8 charisma and Taldorian noble; for some unknown reason the party lets him talk. So whe we arrive in port we are asked to pay our dues to this man-god. My Conjurere flips a platnium to the enforcer. This was a bad idea as it appeared to give him we were richer than originally suspected.
So they decided to board our ship. So while putting the gang plank out I cast grease on it. Half of them fall down, YAY!! Gunslinger goes next and tosses a fire tanglebag. Fire + Grease = pretty. I go next and color spray the wolf and the last standing guy. So they are on fire and unconsious. Our fighter goes next and quickly kicks the gangplank into the water. Apparently the fire bag + water + grease = very pretty. We left the town with the water and docks on fire. This was not the first impression we were wanting to make.
We decide to play merchants when we arrive at the Inn. So being that my conjurer is a noble of Taldor he decides to play it up. He doesn't rent one room he rents the entire inn; for a week. Rolled a 19 on the bluff. I roll high enough on my sense motive to know that the sisters are odd but not get anything else. The party splits my character finds the hidden basement. I then gather the party and we go explore.
To protect us from people that might follow I grease the ladder coming down. We found what we could find. We sneak back out and then to my room. Out the window and to safety. So we thought. The sorcerer and her goons were on the roof. I color spray them goons go down and we let her escape due to not wanting to spill blood on holy ground.