Modoru Redgrave

Starcoffin's page

125 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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((I truly hope this is the right board for build help threads. Was not sure about here, Advice, or Suggestions.))

In short, I want to make Rico Suave, The Most Interesting Man in the World, with a hint of Austin Powers, all wrapped up in our king Fabio.


  • A pretty, humanoid race. I don't care how many ranks you have in charisma, goblins and kolbolds are not pretty boys. Prefer nothing with features that are off-putting to beings not of that race. EG: The pointed ears of an elf, fine; the slightly green tinted skin of a half orc, acceptable; the feathers and beak on a tengu, not so much.(Edit: No racebuilder, forgot it even existed)
  • No 3rd party or 3.5 converted abilities. Anything printed by Paizo for Pathfinder from the splat books, core rulebook, to a trait found in an AP is fair game.
  • Abilities need to be focused on communicating with others; cha, int, wis, bluff, diplomacy, knowledge, languages, anything that makes him be able to smooth talk his way in and out of anything and everything is what I want.
  • Steals the show. Let the meat shields, backstabbers, spell chuckers, holy nutters, and skill monkeys deal with combat. When it comes to being the party face, that is his forte.

Let it be known, combat is beyond secondary for him. If he stands in the back and smiles like Chip Skylark holding a crossbow the whole fight, that is fine by me. That being said, if you can fit showy swordsmanship to woo the ladies into his arsenal of tricks, please do. I was thinking the most effective way was to go bard, but feel free to show me otherwise. This character will be in two campaigns; one is a level 20 dungeon crawl where the party "has all of the bases covered, make whatever you want". The other is being brought into the Mummy's Mask AP. That party will be loosing a tanky character in the form of a Huntmaster Cavilier.

With that, feel free to...

  • post any builds you have (no matter how complete)
  • link threads to similar topics
  • tell me a feat/skill/trait/random tidbit I should know
  • explain why I am a bad person for going into a dungeon crawl with the intend for trolling my friends
  • something gimicky that would be fun
  • a personality trait/flaw that could enhance the fun of this amazing man
  • not spoil the AP for I have not read anything and know nothing beyond the first tomb you complete.

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Am I the only one that finds it weird that the God of Storms does not have the STORMS subdomain in the weather domain?

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Dear lord, what is your DM sending you against that grants enough experience for two levels? Are you gods?

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I can see what these players are coming from. In my first campaign we had a basic team with all the basic party needs (a healer, a swinger, a spell-chucker, a glass cannon). The DM did the basic "You are all togther as a party, because gods say so and you have no reason to object." and then sent us against an adult dragon right out of the gate. So for my first year of gaming I did nothing but power game and find ways to make my character invincible. After over a year of that type of gaming, I was joined another DM and had to be explained that what I was doing, while in the rules (none of us rolled twice or cherry-picked feats from the DM), was not in the spirit of the game. Four years later and a dozen systems learned, I still have a hard time not grabbing a feat or dipping a level into X to prevent myself from headlining in a campaign. Don't get me wrong, sometimes it is great to walk to the table of a one/two shot campaign with a character that can blow away the stars and only have expended a cantrip.

TL;DR: Give them some time to get use to it. The way my second DM got me to relax was to give me a random race and class and make a character based on that while only using the core book (3.5 at the time). I ended up with a dwarf monk. As a rehabilitating powergamer it was a rough campaign for me when I knew all I needed was this feat from book X to make things so much easier. Luckily, the rest of the players in the new group also limited themselves to the core book and remade there characters with with the same rules I was given. The funny thing is, you find out a lot of interesting things about a class when you are not focusing on damage, speed, or something else.

Another way the DM helped kicked me of that crutch was he gave all the base classes a number. We rolled twice, the first number was your first level class, the second was your second level class. for every 3 levels you had in one class, you had to have at least one in the other. You learn to find synergy when you are a level 1 cleric and a level 3 ranger. Now, most people would not like that idea, but for me, it worked and helped kick my urge to power game. Yeah, you are weaker then most other PC's, but creating a back story as to why you are what you are can be even more fun.

Wow, that TL;DR turned out to be longer then the post... Uhh, oh well. TLA;SNR (To Long Again; Still Not Reading), years later, I still have to fight my gaming roots to not power game.

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We were playing a homebrew 3.5 campaign (that allowed 3.5 spells) that was based heavily on Final Fantasy. We had modified HP and weapon damage was multiplied by 50 on average.

We had gotten rather cocky and the DM wanted to take us down a peg and remind us that their are beings capable of killing us outright in a single round. Death was not a big issue since Phoenix Downs were plentiful. So, to remind us we are still weak as hell, the DM decided he would have us fight the BBEG early to get us back on course and our heads on the ground. The BBEG was Chaos (The evil god of this world) and he played him at full strength. Most of the party fell in a round or two as the DM expected, the exception was myself, the cleric, and the psion. I was the typical optimized 3.5 cleric with one additional ability that I earned in game, which was to be able to jump in front of any attack and block the attack, if it hit my AC, I took 200% damage. Every round I did this and did not make an offensive action, i gained +2 to my AC and saves. Using spells like delay death (with diehard feat), heal, and undying aura I did what a battle cleric did and became unkillable.

Well to save the boring details, myself and the psion survived the first two stages of Chaos before getting to his final feral stage. using the same tactics we were whittling away his HP until the Chaos (and the DM) got rather pissed and claimed that Chaos used his power as a god to banish me to another plane of existence. I responded with Plane Shift, greater and dropped back into the battlefield. Chaos responded with banishing me and claiming in this plane Cosmos did not exist, and therefor, did not have my spells anymore. The psion panicked and used I think Timeless Body of whatever the psionic ability that allows you to freeze in time and not be affected by the world for X rounds. Chaos used this time to summon me back and try to kill we while I had no spells active. I had lost contact with my deity so as a result all my active buffs were gone from myself and ally. So he summoned me back and tried to kill me, the DM forgot in his rage that Delay Death was an immediate reaction and banished me for good. Once the psions immunity dropped he was killed rather quick. The Dm told me I had to make a new character and once it was completed, I could continue playing. (I was OK with this, as a result I am no longer allowed to play clerics with that DM)

Now this is where the story gets funny. I decided I would just watch the rest of the session and make my new character during the week. The DM told the rest of the PCs that they would wake up next to Cosmos (the good god in this world). The player for the psion proceeded to laugh hysterically which caused everyone but myself to become very confused. It was then the player reminded the DM that a few session earlier the psion had given my character his astral seed and would have joined me in whatever new world I was placed in. It was beautiful, the DM freaked and ended the session because 2 of the 5 players needed to make new characters. Our characters lived on for eternity because with his psionic abilities he used reality revision to allow me to use my spells and he turned me into an Elan like himself. Their is currently a plan for a follow up one shot where myself and the psion take over our new world where we make everyone an elan, welcome them to the metaconcert, and then proceed to microcosm them to increase our psi points.

((Not really a player death, as mush as the players no longer existed in the world, same thing yes?))

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The 3rd level ability Endure Elements, how many use a day do you get? Most spell like abilities you get 3 a day, but it gives no limit here.