Clockwork Spy

StarDream.HAL's page

5 posts. Alias of The Sideromancer.


> Location found in database: Hyrule
> Military robotics appear outdated
> Initializing sales pitch...

> Do you have any genetic material remaining?
> Clones may be a profitable venture

> Apologies for the delay.
> Hacking removal procedures are involved due to near-disastrous results previously
> Error Analysis in progress on portal system
> Apparently removal of mortality does not remove organic faults.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

> Preliminary invasion objective recommended to be portal network. Native lack of alternative transportation is a critical weakness
> transport infrastructure likely to require reconstruction after invasion if destroyed. Capture recommended above bombing.

> Company recuperating from failed venture, in need of resources
> Would be willing to collaborate with other acquisition forces
> Model number 0x7E485A "Mecha Knight" has revived new shipment,
> Willing to sell at competitive prices