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Based on what I've read about this game...it looks as if it's set to be similar in nature to a fantasy version of EVE online. I'm curious if my observations are correct. Based on reading of Goblinworks' website...it suggests that it's going to be skill based and that your skills will go up over time (like in EVE...and such that early adopters of the game will always be better than newer players). It will have a player built economy (also as described sounds sort of like EVE). The PVP virtually everywhere again (with penalties in some places) again sounds like EVE...and guarantees the best to the early adopters in a good group.) Lastly...I heard from a friend that they've even talked to the people at CCP about using parts from EVE. Anyone have any input or info?? ![]()
So here's my problem. In my game the ruler is a priest of Gorum. He's been asking about armies since he started building. I put him off for quite a while with "kingdom not big enough to support any worthwhile army" so instead he's been making sure all the towns have good defensive buildings (castles, walls, watchtowers, etc.) and have been saving up a war fund as he's been wanting to build and army and attack...waiting for being attacked be damned. So now having started Blood for Blood and had his town be attacked (though with all the defensive buildings it was a joke fight anyhow) the players have gotten a little annoyed. Needless to say they immediately wanted to begin building an army...and have armies being trained in every town. They have decided that they need to preemptively strike at their enemies. While the armies were being trained, they took out Fort Drelev and Armag (which almost derailed everything when the General got Ovinrrbaane since he's a Gorumite also). Now that is finished they want to start a war on another country because it's what Gorum would want...and based on their knowledge their closest options are Brevoy or Pitax...and they are still allied with Brevoy and Pitax is just a random country over there that should be part of their country. Any suggestions? ![]()
There was no kinda TPK against the Lamia. I ran this encounter yesterday. The only survivor was the player who couldn't make it yesterday. She's virtually unkillable by the party at a CR 4 above the party level...my party was L6...they'd have made L7 at the end. The tank...when he was flanking, hasted, and above her...needed a 15 to hit...and that was after having his Str buffed to a 26. Everyone else needed a natural 20 to hit. She does after all have an AC of 34. It's listed as 26 in her stat block, but given she buffs with Mage Armor, Shield, and Haste that aren't part of that 26, it goes up by 8 (she already had 1 point of AC.) On top of that she's immune to mind affecting...which shut down the fey blood sorcerer, who only had a couple other spells to attempt that weren't. One was magic missile...shut off by the shield...the other was shut off by the SR18...which at 6th level with bonuses still left only a 50/50 shot of getting a spell off on them. On top of all that...even when she was hit (rarely) the mirror images applied. So then when it was her turn to attack, she averaged 3 hits a round (out of her 4 attacks) which had her doing an average of 48 points a round on a player, so she killed one person a round except the round she stopped to recast (recasted haste after it was dispelled). I ran it as written and even played her less smart than I might've, and it was still a slaughter. Having read through the entirety of RotRL, there are only 5 other opponents with an AC that rivals hers. 1 being the other lamia matriarch, 1 being the creature from the Stoval Deeps, 2 being Dragons, and Karzoug. At the end of the campaign when the party is 10 levels higher, she still wouldn't be an easy hit for any but the fighters. I'm curious how nice the DMs must've been on any run through that the party won...since I know that at least have of my players are fairly hard core about maxing out their characters abilities. I'm also curious how any group of the 4 iconics could manage it. ![]()
SO my group got together tonight...and were discussing the PF changes...and we came up with a huge problem...which makes PF not very transparent...and which will be a huge pain. For a player using a combat feat...he can remember from round to round what combat feat he used last round...but for the poor GM...who has to have his monsters power attack before they can cleave...or whichever chain you are referring to...do you really want the headaches of having to keep track of which monster (out of 20 hobgoblins for example) used power attack...and which ones where further along in their chains. This fact alone will guarantee that I will never use the combat feats as written...and I suspect after using them that way a few times...not many DMs are going to be happy with them. |