Jay Heinrich wrote:
I have a Vanara,and SFS Formian and red lizard race boon I would trade either or both.
Lucas Servideo wrote:
Lucas Servideo wrote:
Spider, Aquisitions Specialist wrote:
Oh and I don't know if I am allowed to do this but I will anyway and if it isn't allowed you can remove this line or ask me to do it but... You can also buy his art printed on T-shirts http://www.itsagamersthing.com.
Congratulations to you Andrew Barlow of Dark Platypus Games, always loved your products, and still think you should have won that innovative design award at Gencon for the first generation of bendy walls over the dice people. Congrats again from Andrew at It's a Gamer's Thing. Great place to make it big, love the stuff they sell here.
dulsin wrote:
Summoner = Shapeshifer? then create a whole new class called shapeshifter imo. As far as "EVERYONE" wants to play a summoner because they are OP. I have seen several post including mine where people have chosen shapes that aren't OP because of RP reasons. As far as everyone in a party playing one where's the flavor in that even as an example it is bleh. Imo there are many thing that I think are OP in the monk class, like SR, but as a GM I have the right to make changes I see fit too, or just say NO you can't do this, and all my players understand that and if they argue a valid enough point I may comprimise with them. Eh, whatever, like was said above, they aren't gonna revamp the entire class at this point in developement anyway, just tweak it.
So I've read a lot of posts, I've read the class and am playing/testing summoner. Love the concept, I love the idea of more or less designing your own personal pet. People are going on about power/balance one class over the other and I'm not trying to slam those that are, I understand the urge to have that. But there is one thing I have learned in my time playing D&D 2nd-ed - 3.5 and now finally with a DM besides myself interested in running it Pathfinder and, and in several other RPGs. There is no such thing as Balance in D&D some classes are better in certain or multiple situations than others, especially when you factor in equipment and monster abilities/resistances. That said when I read the change about not wearing armor it really took nothing away from the class for me, my average AC for a melee PC level 5ish ranges from 19-22 without magic items, the (Duh)Melee Eidolon that I designed has a 19 AC, when I buff him with Mage Armor he gets a 23, not to far off there. Level 20 minimum AC is 34 on quadruped, no size changes, no caster buffs, and no evolutions in Natural AC or Ability scores. Many of my PC's I never bother boosting any higher than that range anyways, depends on the concept I'm going for and honestly figuring in wealth you can only do so much under normal standards for any given level. Don't get me wrong, I have my share of PC's that are beyond the normal wealth Cap for their level for any number of reasons and I have Maxed them out in just about every fashion, making them near impossible to hit for anything in their normal CR range, but that's far and in-between. Damage, I love being able to do damage, but sometimes I think it can really take away from the game. I have several PC's that have so many attacks and do so much damage...heaven forbid if they crit, that I end up asking the GM for the AC at the beginning of the encounter so that I can have all my attacks and damage rolls added up by the time it gets to my init, and then rise recycle repeat, and I end up missing all the interesting stuff that the rest of the party is describing their PC's doing. I ended up bringing my graphing calculator to one game because I could keep all the damage tracked on the screen more easily that way. Honestly I think that the magic items can be removed as well though I haven't had a chance to test it beyond level 5 yet, I prefer to decide the power level of a class by playing it over time. As for magical weapons *Shrug* if it can wield them and you have the money to provide them I say sure. I'd rather spend the money on buffing my PC, and use evolution to make my pet nastier I see lots of 1st - 20th+ level potential for this class/pet. I play D&D as much for the Role-play as I do the Roll-play doesn't matter to me weather I do the most damage, just that I can participate. I designed my pet to fit my character concept, I'm a gnome that has been living in the desert for a long time, he chose a form that fitted that environment, a Scorpion like creature, I designed an exotic saddle for it and can ride it, as well as using craft engineering to design a turret-style mounting for a heavy crossbow. I plan on taking mounted archery so I can have a decent attack of my own, thinking rapid reload would be a good one to take as well. Summon monster SLA, love the extra little boost there class isn't supposed to be about that ability but the SLA makes it so you don't have to waist known spell slots on that spell chain, and can focus more on the support your pet and the party aspect of the class.
Anyway that's my 2c sorry to ramble, sorry for the massive post, and for the run-on sentences and bad grammar. I still will play this class even with the changes made, and more than likely even if they stay when the final release drops. Spider - Halfling Rog4,GldThi4,Sor6,AcT10 |