
Sphen86's page

Goblin Squad Member. **** Pathfinder Society GM. 501 posts (3,675 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 22 Organized Play characters. 5 aliases.

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I imagine this has been asked before, but a quick search of the forum didn't pick up anything, so.....

Book 1 of Eyes of the Ten is listed as being a double length (8-10) hour scenario. None of the others are listed as such, but even the creators can accidently omit something. Is it only book 1 that is designed to take the extra time?


Library of the Lion is the only scenario I've played that is kind of like what I'm looking for. Sneak in, find the hidden thing, grab it and get out, no one else knows. The Disappeared also has that sort of feel, sneaking in and all that, but are there any others that would work well for this sort of thing?


So I was reviewing one of my lesser used PFS characters and noticed that it has 3 traits (one combat, one social, one faction). So I thought, why does it have 3? Then I remembered that there are some chronicles that exist that let you give another character (usually new ones) free traits. I started digging through my chronicle sheets and couldn't find anything that did that. The trait in question is Whistleblower, a Liberty's Edge faction trait.

So I'm hoping the collective knowledge of the Pathfinder world can help me out and point me in the right direction. Thanks.

I used to be really good at this stuff, but nothing compares to the gold that can be dug out of the hive mind...

So here is the synopsis of the class: Luck
The class focuses around a core ability that I am calling Twist Fate. It allows them to re-roll some dice and add bonuses to d20 rolls. This obviously starts out really low, but then increases as they go. They also get a lot of "didn't hit me" stuff (evasion, uncanny dodge, resiliency) and some skill based stuff (jack of all trades, a modifier inspiration mechanic). Also some other smatterings of abilities (deep pockets renamed The Right Tool for the Job).

The feeling I'm going for here is an always prepared sort of character; has the ability to fill in skills, has minor spell-casting, survives things that they shouldn't. (Might make it an archetype, haven't decided)

So, after the rambling, any ideas on a name?

So I was reviewing one of my lesser used PFS characters and noticed that it has 3 traits (one combat, one social, one faction). So I thought, why does it have 3? Then I remembered that there are some chronicles that exist that let you give another character (usually new ones) free traits. I started digging through my chronicle sheets and couldn't find anything that did that. The trait in question is Whistleblower, a Liberty's Edge faction trait.

So I'm hoping the collective knowledge of the Pathfinder world can help me out and point me in the right direction. Thanks.

I know these exist elsewhere (see bottom of post), but I figured instead of every single actual play posting their own thread, we could try and condense them to make them easier to find. And I'll start with ours.....

An actual play podcast playing the Serpent's Skull Adventure Path.

When do we post?
Every two weeks on Saturday mornings. Next one will be 11/16/2019.

Where can the episodes be found?
Google podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, PodBead, and iTunes (of course).

Other details
We have 5-6 players. Started at the beginning of the story.
We are also one all of the following areas:
Twitter @bashshield
Face Book

Also, for those of you interested in such a thing, this was linked to our Twitter a while back, but I can't remember who made it. But it is not us, so no credit claimed.
List of Pathfinder actual play podcasts


No posting here yet. Need to get the characters squared away first. So go back to the discussion thread and chat. Now. Go away.
Why are you still here?
It's over.
Go away.


Here is where you should all congregate to discuss your characters. Some of you reached out to me through PM, some of you are from the recruitment thread, and some of you I contacted directly. Either way, you're all here now. Please take the time to chat and figure out what you'd like to play.

1)So here is the deal. I started a RotRL game, and people stopped posting. So I shut the game down. As such, let me be very clear on one thing about my DM style. I post to tell you how the world (and its inhabitants) respond to what you and yours are doing. I WILL NOT push you along. Not my thing.
That being said, I am looking for players who will take an active approach to the game. Who will explore the dungeon and tell me what they're doing. I'm looking for 4 posts a week (preferably on weekdays). I don't tend to post on the weekends, so grace period there. I don't care what the posts are, either. If all 4 of your posts are roleplaying, great. That means you're still invested in the game. And that is what I want.

2) Also, as the title says, I am looking for PLAYERS, not characters. If you post in here and say, "Oh, here's my character, please consider it", I'm going to ignore you. I firmly believe that the group of players should build a party together in chat (I usually give about 2 weeks for this) to fill the roles. I have 1 players lined up, and I'm looking for 4 or 5 more to fill the rest of the "table". Again, please do not post here about your character. Only post here if you can commit to the game.
2a) Now, I know that not everyone who signs up will make it through. Real life gets in the way of the game. I get that. And there will be breaks from the game during major holidays and such. However, it you can't post, or don't think you'll be able to post, I expect you to say something. Doesn't need to be much, just a quick "Won't be on much for a few days/weeks, real life stuff" is all it takes.

3)All that being said, if you've made it this far and haven't given up on me for being an overly pompous @hole, then we can continue to character building.

1) Paizo only with a few exceptions to follow. I prefer Core stuff, but I’m down for anything…. anything that fits the theme of the campaign. If you make a gunslinger, that’s cool. If you make a gunslinger that is modeled after Al Pacino, I’m going to take my proverbial DM finger and proverbially flick your character off the proverbial map and tell you to make something else. Anything not from the Core Rulebook has to be from a book I own, which is most of them. I have pretty much everything except the player companions and gazetteers. Just ask.
Non-Paizo allowed sources: 3.5 Eberron races (Warforged, Shifter, Changling) and their racial feats. These are done as is from the original source material. Possibly some changes to feats if the level (or BAB) requirements call for it.

2) You will discuss your party amongst yourself. I don’t pull punches and I won’t change the AP to compensate for the party make up. Don’t have a rogue? There will still be locked doors and traps. Don’t have a controller? There will still be mobs. Keep this in mind while you’re discussing your party make up.

3) The technical side.
22 point buy (not a typo)
2 traits
Full HP at level 1
Roll for starting gold, minimum is 150
No evil alignment (prefer no CN; but if you think you can pull it off, I’ll let you try)

4) Once you have your character nailed down, I want you to tell us about them. The info I'm looking for is: Why are they adventuring/willing to adventure? Why are they adventuring here? What do they want? (Short term and long term) And this last one is both proverbial and literal. Do they want safety for the village? Great. Do they want a Rod of the Sunlords? I'll work it into the game eventually. So give me a break down of both the characterization and the mechanical progression you hope to make.

5) Background skills are allowed, but only for Craft, Perform, Profession. And only if it's not related directly to your class. I think that works against what this option is going for. So, if you're a Bard, you can't use your background skill in Perform. If you're an Alchemist, you can't use your background skill for Craft (Alchemy).

6) Standard multi-classing.

I'm sure it has been asked before, but a google search only brought up 5th Edition hits (and yes, I did include Pathfinder in the search).

So what kind of action is it to activate a Figurine of Wondrous Power? Does it vary by statue? Is there a standard for wondrous items?

So here is the rundown of the item. It's a short, brown leather cloak with a dark circle on the back that sits between the shoulder blades. It grants the following:

1) Allows the wearer to effectively store hours of their wild shape in the cloak at the beginning of the day (like recharging a staff). Can't hold more than the wearer could normally use (ie 1 hour per level). Holds those hours until used or gains a new wearer.

2) If the wearer also has a Figurine of Wondrous Power, they can expended additional daily uses of their Wild Shape ability to gain new abilities in their form. For instance, if they have the griffon statue, they can use their wild shape ability to turn into a dog, and a second use to give it wings (aka a fly speed). The dolphin gives a swim speed. The frog a climb speed. Etc. The small circle gains the silhouette of the last Figurine used.

Mantle of the Shapshifter just seems lame and doesn't really give the feel I want for this item. I've also ruled out Cloak of the Wild and Polymorpheist's Cloak. Anyone have any good ideas?

This hasn't become an issue yet, but I wanted to get some feedback before it did. I've recently taken misdirection tactics as a feat (as evidence by the subject) and want to know what people think of the situation of using it to negate a critical hit. Natiral 20's are supposed to be an automatic hit. But the wording of the feat states that by rolling a Bluff over the attack roll, the attack misses.

Personally, I'm in the frame of mind that misdirection tactics wins over a crit in the situation (with a high enough die roll, of course). But I'm obviously biased towards this cool feat that I took. I can't find any errata on it, and a search of the rules boards came up empty. Does anyone know if there is an official ruling? Has anyone used it in their game before? Or seen it used at a con (or other such thing)?

Thinking about how fighting with a pole arm works. Great for the reach, but so many people don't let them get used when an enemy is adjacent. But how often does a spear get depicted as being used essentially as a quarterstaff with a pointy tip? So, I had this thought as someone who thinks that the quarterstaff is so under-powered.

Un-named Combat Feat
You are able to use a pole-arm as a double weapon without reach.
Prerequisites: Two-Weapon Fighting, Martial Weapon Proficiency
Effect: You are able to switch a pole-arm from a reach weapon to a double weapon using the standard rules for both.

Obviously needs some work on the formatting, but my mind isn't on it fully and just want to make sure that I'm not wasting my time on this if it is already done.


Sandpoint is a large town, but not big enough to be called a city. It has a theater, a few taverns, a well known glass works, and a few other points of interest. All in all, just large and popular enough that their annual Swallow Tail Festival is known through the area, attracting locals from Magnimar to see them release the butterflies at the start of the festivies.

This year, the Swallow Tail Festival also marks the dedication of the town's new temple. After the previous one burned down early last year, this new one is largely dedicated to Desna, but most good aligned deities have a shrine inside (Erastil's being the biggest of those).

The six of you find yourself in the town square amongst all of the locals, everyone gathered to hear the opening speeches. Mayor Deverin goes first; as always, her speech is a little stuffy but short. Next is Sheriff Hemlock, his words about safety and responsibly enjoying the party bringing the mood down some. Last is Father Zantus; somewhat nervous at his first festival in Sandpoint, he still comes off as affable and gets the crowd back in the partying mood after the Sheriff's warnings. As as the sun reaches it's crest, he declares the festival begun, pulling the rope and releasing the tarp over the wagon. Hundreds of blue Swallow Tail butterflies burst into the open, filling the sky and the on lookers with their gossamer wings. The children in the crowd begin to chase after them as the games begin all around the square and through out town. Musicians begin to play lively tunes as the crowd begins to disperse towards the various attractions, the sound of their conversations soon filling the square.

There are a variety of festival games to be had, and a ton of food. All of the vendors in town have stalls set up, so feel free to peruse them. Most notably is the glass blowers stall, displaying a wide variety of decorations and goods. As for the games and contests,
there is:
Arm Wrestling
Horse shoes
Poetry and Music
more to come as the day progresses
Feel free to choose from them, or just to enjoy the party.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Alright folks, those of you invited into the game, start posting and discussing concepts here. General rules so far are as follows.

Character creation stuff
1) Paizo only with a few exceptions to follow. I prefer Core stuff, but I’m down for anything…. anything that fits the theme of the campaign. If you make a gunslinger, that’s cool. If you make a gunslinger that is modeled after Al Pacino, I’m going to take my proverbial DM finger and proverbially flick your character off the proverbial map and tell you to make something else. Anything not from the Core Rulebook has to be from a book I own, which is most of them. I have pretty much everything except the player companions and gazetteers. Just ask.
Non-Paizo allowed sources: 3.5 Eberron races (Warforged, Shifter, Changling) and their racial feats. Classes from Kobold Quarterly as long as I own the issue. Tome of Secrets, both races and classes.

2) Discuss your party amongst yourself. I don’t pull punches and I won’t change the AP to compensate for the party make up. Don’t have a rogue? There will still be locked doors and traps. Don’t have a controller? There will still be mobs. Keep this in mind while you’re discussing your party make up.

3) The technical side.
22 point buy (not a typo)
2 traits
Full HP at level 1
Roll for starting gold, minimum is 150
No evil alignment (prefer no CN; but if you think you can pull it off, I’ll let you try)

4) Once you have your character nailed down, tell us about them. The info I'm looking for is: Why are they adventuring/willing to adventure? Why are they adventuring here? What do they want? (Short term and long term) And this last one is both proverbial and literal. Do they want safety for the village? Great. Do they want a Rod of the Sunlords? I'll work it into the game eventually. So give me a break down of both the characterization and the mechanical progression you hope to make.

5) Don't hesitate to ask questions. I have one of my home games tomorrow after a full work day, so I won't be checking in much until the day after. But I will try.

Greetings to all interested players. RotRL is the first AP I ever ran, the first pre-written adventure period, back in 3.5 setting. It failed hard. Started it again a few years back with the anniversary edition, ended after a TPK under Jorgenfist. I want to try it again. So here is the deal for anyone interested in playing.

1) I don't want a fully made character presented to me. I want to choose some players and then have everyone discuss in the discussion thread what they want to play. This doesn't mean you can't have a character in mind, I just don't want to have someone spend the time to stat up a concept and then not get to play.
1a) So here is how I want that to happen. If the rest of the terms below are agreeable to you, I just want you to say hey, consider me. This is my character concept. Then I will look at your play history through your profile and see if I think that you're a good fit. Prefer players that haven't already played this AP, but just a preference.

2) I want a post every week day, and once on the weekends. Seriously for this. It takes all of 15 minutes to check it and post, even if the website is being slow. You can do it. If you're going to be unavailable, just let everyone know. If you want to play in the game, I need you to WANT to play in the game. I promise to commit to the same myself.

3) Character creation: will be kept pretty close to PFS rules, but we will get more into that when I get enough players.

4) Recruitment will end at the end of the month.

Shadow Lodge

Does this spell exist already? For a magic item, I want to have a spell that is essentially Summon Equipment. Not arms and armor, but tools. Crowbar, fishing pool, that sort of thing. I seem to recall such a spell, but I can't seem to find anything. Anyone know of such a spell? Probably be first level conjuration

Shadow Lodge 2/5

I have a character that uses improvised weapons in place of the traditional ones. He mostly uses a crowbar for melee and whatever is handy for ranged. That being said, I want to know if it is legal to get a masterwork crowbar and then enchant it. I would have no problem paying normal costs for this, I just want to be able to run his theme all the way through to level 12. I won't be able to do that without being able to get some +1 or better weaponry. So, is this legal?

And would it be legal in Pathfinder Society? I asked around at the convention I was at this weekend. I got a general "I don't see why not, but I don't know for sure."

Shadow Lodge

3 people marked this as FAQ candidate.

I have a character that uses improvised weapons in place of the traditional ones. He mostly uses a crowbar for melee and whatever is handy for ranged. That being said, I want to know if it is legal to get a masterwork crowbar and then enchant it. I would have no problem paying normal costs for this, I just want to be able to run his theme all the way through to level 12. I won't be able to do that without being able to get some +1 or better weaponary. So, is this legal?

And would it be legal in Pathfinder Society? I asked around at the convention I was at this weekend. I got a general "I don't see why not, but I don't know for sure."

Shadow Lodge

So I came up with this concept of an escape artist, Harry Houdini style. But I need some ideas. I thought of the easy ones like static bonuses to the skill used for an escape artist (like escape artist for example), but I wanted something more creative than just that. The only actual ability I came up with was the ability to magically create a key a small number of times per day.

What I am looking for in prereq's is:
able to cast first level arcane spells
at least 5 ranks in escape artist and disable device
has Trapfinding class feature

This should give a wide enough range of mixable classes (when you include archetypes in the mix), that it shouldn't be to difficult to attain this class. As such, I don't want it to have any amazing abilities to it that will have people dipping, just enough to make people interested in a character designed along this path.

Thoughts? Suggestions?

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I stress about this contest every year. As soon as it is over, I start on next year's stress fest. And I've never even made it into the top 32. I want to wish you all good luck with the contest. I think the worst thing is also the best, Sean's advice threads. Especially the part that says that a good enough item can completely disregard all of the other pieces of advice. It just makes me wonder is my item good enough? Well, that is my vent. And good luck again to everybody.

So I sat and stewed on a design for a weapon that does all three types of damage (piercing, bludgeoning and slashing). The design I came up with was a two handed exotic weapon that does slashing on one side with a slim axe head, bludgeoning on the opposite with a hammer head and piercing on the end with a spear. Then I thought to myself, what kind of damage should it do? I thought of 1d6 for the the slashing and bludgeoning and 1d4 for the piercing. But I'm not sure if it should be 1d8 and 1d6. Opinions?

So here he is. Started out as the Golem Master, but became kind of a hybrid with the old Artificer class. Give me your feed back, but be constructive.


I won't even attempt to transfer over the table, never works, so I'll just break it down for you
BAB: 1/2
SAVES: Fort (bad), Reflex (bad), Will (good)
SPELLS: Prepared caster, used Wizard's progression but maxed out on 3 per level (you'll probably see why in the spells section)

Enchanters are masters of item creation. They master the ability to channel magic into the natural world and derive their power from the study of the very essence of magic. As such, they are not limited to arcane or divine, but instead are focused only on what their study and intellect can bring them.

Role: Enchanter’s work best in a larger group acting as supplemental casters and offering bonuses to other group members. They are also well suited to any adventure that contains a large number of constructs, due to their Construct Training and Spirit Transfer abilities.
Alignment: any, but tends toward Lawful
Hit Die: d6

Appraise (Int), Craft (Int), Disable Device (Dex), Knowledge (Arcana) (Int), Profession (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Use Magic Device (Cha)
2+ Int Modifier

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Enchanters are proficient with the dagger, club, heavy crossbow, light crossbow and quarterstaff, but not with any type of armor or shield.

Spells: Enchanters cast spells drawn from any list. Their extensive training does not limit their ability to cast only arcane or divine. An Enchanter must choose and prepare his spells in advance. To learn, prepare or cast a spell, the Enchanter must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against an Enchanter’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the Enchanter’s Intelligence modifier. An Enchanter can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on the table above. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Intelligence soccer (see Table 1-3 Core Rule Book). An Enchanter may know any number of spells. He must choose and prepare his spells ahead of time by getting 8 hours of sleep and spending 1 hour of meditation. While meditating, the Enchanter chooses which spells to prepare. In addition, any cure spells cast by an Enchanter heal full damage on any construct, but only half on non-constructs, due to their specialized training.

Cantrips/Orisons: An Enchanter gets a limited number of zero level spells that he does not need to prepare in advance. These spells can be cast as many times per day as needed. He gets detect magic and read magic for free in addition to the ones he selects.

Animated Companion: Starting at 1st level, an Enchanter gets an animated companion that can take one of two forms. The first is very similar to a Summoner’s Eidolon, with the following exceptions. In this section, “customizations” refers to the Eidolon’s “evolutions”. An Enchanter creates his companion and it is a construct and gains all construct traits; as such, it does not need to be summoned and cannot be banished as it is native to this plane. He creates this construct for free and scavenges additional materials and learning as he studies and adventures. He can add customizations to his construct to alter its base form and give it new abilities as he sees fit whenever he grows a level. However, to remove or replace an existing customization has a cost of 200 gp per point of the said customization. Ie, you decided to take away an additional pair of legs and give an additional pair of arms instead. Adding the arms cost only the normal amount of points from the pool, but removing the legs cost 400 gp (limbs being a 2-point customization).
An animated companion has the following class skills: Bluff (Cha), Disguise (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Perception (Wis).
Animated companions can have the following base forms:
Starting Statistics: Size: tiny; Speed: 20; AC: +2 size, +2 natural armor; Saves: Fort (good), Ref (bad), Will (bad); Attack: bite (1d3); Ability Scores: Str 12, Dex 18, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 11; Free Customizations: bite, limbs (legs) (2)
Starting Statistics: Size: tiny; Speed: 10; AC: +2 size, +2 natural armor; Saves: Fort (bad), Ref (good), Will (bad); Attack: 2 claws (1d2); Ability Scores: Str 12, Dex 16, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 11; Free Customizations: claws, limbs (arms), limbs (legs)
Starting Statistics: Size: tiny; Speed: 10, climb 10; AC: +2 size, +2 natural armor; Saves: Fort (bad), Ref (bad), Will (good); Attack: bite (1d3), tail slap (1d3); Ability Scores: Str 8, Dex 20, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 11; Free Customizations: bite, climb, reach (bite), tail, tail slap
Starting Statistics: Size: tiny; Speed: 10, swim 20; AC: +2 size, +4 natural armor; Saves: Fort (bad), Ref (good), Will (bad); Attack: bite (1d3); Ability Scores: Str 12, Dex 16, Con --, Int --, Wis 10, Cha 11; Free Customizations: bite, improved natural armor, swim (2)
The following customizations are new and can be used for the animated companion:
Small (1-point customization): Your construct is now small sized; subtract 1 from the attack bonus and AC and 2 from your Dex score due to size increase, but gain +2 to Str. Damage dice on all your attacks go up by one size as well.
Medium (2-point customization): Your construct is now medium sized; subtract 1 from the attack bonus and AC and 2 from your Dex score due to the size increase, but gain +2 to Str. Damage dice on all your attacks go up by one size as well.
The following customizations are NOT available for your animated companion: Gills, Wing Buffet, Basic Magic, Minor Magic, Major Magic, Incorporeal Form, and Ultimate Magic.
The following customizations can only be taken once your construct is at least small: Pounce, Mount, Reach, and Trample.

Alternately, your animated companion can take a different approach. You may start play with a Clockwork Spy (Bestiary 3 p.58). After this, each customization point you would otherwise gain counts as 500gp in training and materials that can be directly applied towards the creation of a new construct (such as an Iron Golem). Any difference in price can be made up out of pocket, and you must still meet all other prerequisites required in the construction of a new companion. While this ability allows for the creation of multiple constructs, you can only have one as your animated companion at any given time.

Construct Training: Due to the Enchanter’s training with constructs, he has developed a better understanding of how they move. He receives a +1 dodge bonus to Armor Class vs. constructs, as well as a +1 bonus to Reflex saves, attacks and Perception checks against constructs. This bonus increase to +2 at 5th level, +3 at 9th, +4 at 13th and +5 at 17th level. In addition, at level 5 an Enchanter can by-pass any constructs immunity to magic. He instead treats the creature as having spell resistance equal to 10 + the CR of the creature.

Enchanter: At 2nd level, an Enchanter learns a weapon or armor enchantment with a bonus of no more than half his Enchanter level. He may apply this bonus to any item that would normally be able to be enhanced with this enchantment for one hour per Enchanter level. At every even level, he gains another enchantment to learn and may use that new enchantment on the same item or may split them up. For example, at 2nd level, you learn the +1 bonus. You may place that bonus onto your sword or an ally’s sword for 2 hours per day, and may even place it upon a suit of armor or a shield. At 4th level, you learn the flaming weapon ability. You must place the flaming on a weapon that is already +1, or it will not function. You may use these both in conjunction to make a weapon +1 flaming. An item must be masterwork before this ability can be used on it. This ability takes 1 minute to function and you must hold the item you are attempting to enchant. This will not work on items that are already enchanted beyond your ability to duplicate.

Bonus Feat: Starting at 2nd level, you gain a series of bonus feats despite the normal prerequisites. At 2nd level, you gain Craft Wondrous Item. At 4th level, you gain Craft Arms and Armor. At 6th level, you gain Craft Construct.

Use Magic Device: At 3rd level, your familiarity with enchantments grow. You may substitute your Int modifier for your CHA modifier when making a Use Magic Device check. In addition, you gain the ability to spot and disable magical traps like a Rogue. This ability does not give you any other Rogue features and doesn’t give you the ability to disable mundane traps, only magical. At 9th level, you may take 10 on any Use Magic Device check and half the penalties (minimum one) you take for being of a different race, gender or other. At 15th level, you can automatically pass any Use Magic Device check with any object that is not an artifact.

Spirit Transfer: At 7th level, you develop the ability to transfer your essence into your bonded companion. This begins as a standard action and lasts for as long as you desire. During this time, you see what it sees, and can control its actions. Your body, however, is defenseless while using this ability. If your bonded companion is destroyed during the use of spirit transfer, you are automatically returned to your body and take 5d6 subdual damage.

Disenchant: Starting at 8th level, Enchanter’s get the ability to disenchant items. By sacrificing a spell of equal or greater level to the one that was used to enchant the item, he can attempt to permanently remove the enchantment from an item. Objects, whether attended or not, get a Will save (DC equal to 10 + spell level + Enchanter’s Intelligence modifier) to resisit this ability. Unless otherwise noted, an item’s Will save modifier is equal to the item’s caster level. If multiple spells are used on an item, but there is only one enchantment, then an Enchanter must sacrifice one spell per spell used for the construction of the item, but only makes a single check for the disenchant. If there are multiple enchantments on a single item, then the Enchanter must sacrifice spells and make the disenchant check for each enchantment; this must also be done in the order if there are any prerequisite enchantments. For example, an Enchanter attempts to disenchant a +1 flaming longs word. He must first remove the flaming before he can target the +1 as the weapon must be +1 before it can be flaming. Treat a +1 (or +2, +3, etc) as magic weapon with a spell level equal to the bonus.

Improved Spirit Transfer: At 13th level, you gain the ability to transfer your spirit into other constructs beyond your bonded companion. You may, as a full round action, send your consciousness into a construct that is within 60 feet. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to ½ your Enchanter level, a failed attempt still counts toward this total. An unwilling construct gets a Will save DC equal to (10+your INT modifier+1/2 your Enchanter level). Every round that a construct is possessed by you, it gets another Will save until it passes and you are ejected (an immediate action), you relinquish control and return to your own body (a free action), or it fumbles and you gain complete control until you leave of your own free will. If your body is killed while you are using this ability, you can attempt to remain in control of the construct until your body has been revived somehow. If you are ejected before while your body is dead, your spirit immediately passes over. Once a construct makes it save against this ability, it cannot be affected by it again for 24 hours.

Craft Master: At 17th level, you are treated as having all of the Item Creation feats even if you haven’t taken them. These include those bonus feats you received at earlier levels as well as Brew Potion, Craft Rod, Craft Staff, Forge Ring and Scribe Scroll.

Greater Spirit Transfer: Starting at 19th level, you get the ability to transfer your spirit into any level creature that is native to your plane. This works like Improved Spirit Transfer, but the target need not be a construct. Any creature with an Intelligence of at least 6 also cannot be controlled for more than 24 hours.

I know that there is a fair amount in here that has to have examples, and that such a thing is usually frowned on. But it is the first class I have ever made that needed so many examples, and I enjoyed the originality and the chance to streatch my creative legs. As I mentioned above, feed back is wellcome. Especially on the name, I'm not to thrilled with it.

I'm looking for ideas for a class that centers around enchanting. Starting with an animated object companion, temporary item enchantments and some low level dis-enchanting abilities.

Any other ideas?

What is your favorite spell? Any funny stories to go with it? Any good homebrew spells to share?

It doesn't have any funny stories, but this is one of my favorite spells I've ever brewed:


School: Transmutation Level: all casters 0
Casting Time: One standard action
Components: V, S
Range: One object/surface touched
Target: One item weighing ½ lb/level and a surface to stick it on.
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: Yes (object)
A caster places this spell upon a small object and a solid surface, usually a wall. This allows the caster to place the object on the wall and leave it unattended for one hour per level. Primarily developed by adventuring mages to hang lanterns during sleep periods, many other applications have been developed from hanging pictures to practical jokes. This spell has no effect on non-solid or magical surfaces such as water or wall of force. It will not hold up to pressure exerted that exceeds the maximum weight capacity of the caster. It is a DC10 STR check to remove an item that has been stuck to a surface.

And then there is this one:


School: abjuration Level: Alchemist, Cleric, Druid, Hedge Doctor, Inquisitor, Magus, Ranger, Sor/Wiz, Witch 5
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: S, M (scrap of troll skin)
Range: touch
Target: one creature touched
Duration: one round per caster level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: yes (harmless)
Any creature affected by this spell gains fast healing 5 per round. This effect begins immediately at the end of the caster’s turn, and continues to heal damage dealt to the target of the spell each round at the beginning of the targets round. This spell will not heal acid or fire damage. An undead creature targeted with this spell would instead take damage from its effects.

And this one from Morrowind


School: Transmutation Level: All casters 4
Casting Time: Full round action
Components: S, M (1 lb of lead)
Range: short (25 ft +5ft/level)
Target: one creature/object
Duration: 1 min/level
Saving Throw: Fort negates Spell Resistance: yes (harmless)
An invisible force pushes down on the target of this spell, increasing their carried weight beyond their normal limits. Causing 500 lbs of force for every 2 caster levels, this spell often immobilizes its target with this extra weight. While the spell causes no harm directly, it can still be used to do damage indirectly (such as causing a flying creature to no longer be able to support itself and thus fall).

And one of my favorite visuals:


School: evocation (force) Level: Cleric, Magus, Summoner, Sor/Wiz, Witch 1 bard, druid, hedge doctor, inquisitor, ranger, paladin 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: somatic
Range: touch
Targets: one creature touched
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (see text) Spell Resistance: yes
Creating a pulse of energy, this spell forces a target 5 feet back from the caster and knocked prone. A Fortitude save prevents the target falling prone, beating the save by +10 or more instead forces the caster back 5 feet. The target gets any bonus they would normally get against trip attempts as bonuses to this save; creatures 2 size categories or larger than the caster gets a +2 bonus to their save for each size category they are bigger than the caster. The inverse is true for smaller creatures. If the target is flying and fails its save, it drops 60 feet per round (or until it fits a solid surface). Each round it is still air-borne it can make a fly check (DC equal to the Fortitude save) to right itself or it drops another 60 feet.

I know that this has probably been done by every homebrewer out there, much like everyone has a ninja class. But I've been tossing around this idea for awhile now, and even though it completely doesn't fit any of my settings, I am finally breaking down and starting work on it.

So what I need is ideas. Namely, I'm looking for force powers. I've got the force push/pull/lift, sprint, jump, choke, lighting, precognition and mind trick. And the base concept is basically going to be akin to a monk for AC bonuses, flurry with a "lightsaber", etc.

Thanks for the time and remember that its always a trap.

This is the first bloodline I've ever done. I tried to model the bonus scaling after what is in the book, but I'm not to sure how good of a job I did. But anyhow, what do you think?


The forces of chaos twist and swirl through you. Those with a strong history of mental illness in their family, over exposure to the plane of chaos or cross breeding all cause this to appear amongst the populace. Appropriately enough, even those with no connection to chaos are just as likely to have this bloodline.

Class Skill: Acrobatics

Bonus Spell: You gain a bonus spell at every level beyond first, and two at every odd level beyond first. These spells are chosen at random from the spell list of another arcane caster, and are always of the highest level of spell that you can cast. A Chaos Sorcerer does not chose his spells, they are picked randomly from the Sor/Wiz spell list.

Bonus Feat: Any combat, meta-magic, or teamwork feat may be selected.

Bloodline Arcana: any spell cast from the compulsion sub-school is cast at +1 caster level

Bloodline Powers:
The sheer randomness of your existence gives you the advantage of your life.

Touch of Insanity (Su): At 1st level, you gain a melee touch attack that affects any creature with an INT score as though under the effects of a confusion spell. A Will save DC 10 + ½ Sorcerer level + Charisma modifier negates this affect. The range for this increases by 5 feet for every 5 Sorcerer levels you have (5 feet at 5th level, 10 feet at 10th level, etc.). At 11th level, it instead uses an insanity spell. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Forces of Change (Su): At 3rd level, you may alter the energy type of any spell that deals damage to one that you desire. Half of the damage die are of that type and the other half are of type chosen randomly from the table below. In case of odd number of die, the extra goes to the desired type of energy. For example, a fireball spell dealing 3d6 damage is turned into a sonic ball. It would deal 2d6 sonic damage and 1d6 of a type chosen from the table (also possibly sonic).
1 Fire
2 Ice
3 Lighting
4 Acid
5 Force
6 Sonic

Alien Mind (Su): At 9th level, you become immune to compulsions of all kinds and gain a +4 to saves vs. the enchantment school.
Chaos Theory (Su): At 15th level, you can cause one roll to be rolled twice and the more desirable result taken. This can be a roll made by anyone, even the DM. However, this ability must be announced before the roll is made and can only be used once per day. This is an immediate action.

Chaotic Defense (Su): At 20th level, you gain immunity to one type of energy and resistance 10 to the others. You also gain one of the following: SR 10 + your caster level + your Charisma modifier or DR 20/-

I have never been good with CR's and need to know if this is approbriate for the level and abilities of this creature. It has some pretty strong abilities, but realitivly low attack and defense. So let me know what you think would bring it into balance, or about the creature in general.


CR: 12
N Medium outsider (extraplanar)
Init +4; Senses: blindsight 120 feet; Perception +15

AC: 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14, (+4 Dex, +4 Natural)
HP: 52 (8d10+8) (Min 16; Max 88)
Saves: Fort: +10 Ref: +8 Will: +20
DR: 5/-; Immune: divination effects & spells; SR: 25

SPEED: 30 ft
Melee: unarmed +8 (1d4+4)
Special Attacks: emotion drain, anti-focus
Special Abilities:
At will – greater invisibility, plane shift

Stats: STR 18 (+4) DEX 18 (+4) CON 12 (+1) INT 24 (+7) WIS 18 (+4) CHA 10 (+0)
Base Atk: +4; CMB: +8; CMD: 22
Feats: Alertness, Improved Iron Will, Iron Will, Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes
Skills: Perception +17

Environment: any (extraplanar)
Organization: solitary, pair, team (3-24)
Treasure: cloak of major displacement

Emotion Drain: Any creature with emotions (any with an intelligence score) that comes within 30 feet of a Faceless must make a will save (DC 28) or be struck by this ability, causing apathy in the creature. After the first round, an afflicted creature takes no action but gets another Will save on its turn. If it fails the second save, it sits or lays prone and does nothing even to defend itself. If a Faceless stays within range of an afflicted creature for 1 hour, the creature grows so apathetic they stop breathing and expire.
Anti-Focus: A Faceless may focus on a single creature as a standard action and remove or stop all active effects caused by spells or spell like abilities for up to 5 rounds. This can be used on a target only once per day.

This human shaped figured pushes back its hood to revel a blank skull without even hair and ears, looking like an uncompleted statue. Its white skin does not even have wrinkles marring its surface. Its long grey robe covers all the rest of its body, making it impossible to see any other part of its form. The Faceless can be seen wherever great events are taking place, be they good or evil. The Faceless feed off of emotion and care not whether those emotions come from suffering or from hope. Where they come from is unknown even to those that have spent a lifetime studying them, mostly because they refuse any actual communication with those around them. Most people cannot see the Faceless, and those that do are often those who are in the grips of emotion. This causes most to fear them and consider them bad omens, but the Faceless do not actually cause these events, they simply travel to where they are happening to feed off of the emotions being released, and can be seen at births as often as executions. They use their emotion drain abilities only as a last resort if they cannot escape from combat or in defense of one of their brethren.

Where do you guys get your inspiratioin? I get a ton off of this board, but also from a lot of the great authors of our time (ie Terry Brooks, Robert Jordan, Brandon Sanderson to name just a few). But I am always interested in new ideas and concepts for weapons, armor and items. As such, I'm trying to broaden my horizons and wondering where others get their mojo from.

So I've been compiling some of these and haven't posted any for awhile, so I figured I'd get them all up at once for people to see. Not all of them are original ideas (and I'll mark those, don't worry), but I'd like to hear feed back on them anyway. Especially if the original poster(s) of the idea has a comment.

Force Push:

School: evocation (force) Level: cleric, magus, summoner, sor/wiz, witch 1 bard, druid, hedge doctor, inquisitor, ranger, paladin 2
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Components: somatic
Range: touch
Targets: one creature touched
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (see text) Spell Resistance: yes
Creating a pulse of energy, this spell forces a target 5 feet back from the caster and knocked prone. A Fortitude save prevents the target falling prone, beating the save by +10 or more instead forces the caster back 5 feet. The target gets any bonus they would normally get against trip attempts as bonuses to this save; creatures 2 size categories or larger than the caster gets a +2 bonus to their save for each size category they are bigger than the caster. The inverse is true for smaller creatures. If the target is flying and fails its save, it drops 60 feet per round (or until it fits a solid surface). Each round it is still air-borne it can make a fly check (DC equal to the Fortitude save) to right itself or it drops another 60 feet.
This one came about from a mix of things. There is the obvious Jedi influence, but the Mass Force Push is original spell and it comes from the first Fable game and the similiar spell there (it was my favorite).

Force Push, Mass:

School: evocation (force) Level: all casters 3
Casting Time: 1 full round action
Components: somatic
Range: 10 feet
Target: one creature/level in a 10 foot radius centered on the caster
Duration: instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (see text) Spell Resistance: yes
This spell acts like force push, except that affects all creatures within a 10 foot radius.

These next two came from another thread on the boards, Favorit Item (That Your GM Approved). I liked them so much, I copy+pasted and brewed up stats for them.

Force Hook:

Aura: moderate Transmutation CL: 9th Slot: none Weight: 4 lbs Price: 300,100 gp
A long metal chain shoots forth from its fist sized casing, the barbed hook catching on the target area. The chain can reach a distance of 50 feet and will stick to any surface at least 1 square foot in size. It will support up to 500 lbs, although more expensive models have longer chains and/or heavier weight limits. Small objects can be pulled towards the user; if the object weighs more than the wielder, it requires a strength check or else be pulled towards the object. It can also be used as a swing or a grappling hook to climb. When desired, the command word (release) will disengage the hook from where it is attached.
CONSTRUCTION: Craft Wondrous Item, stick, telekinesis; Cost: 150,050 gp
Note on this one, the spell stick is a homebrewed spell not lisited in this post. But it is a 0 level spell for a Wizard. Also, I'm not to happy on the price of this one; it follows the formulae, but it still seems to expensive to be affordable when it'll actually be of use to a party. Opinions on that?


This enchantment is placed on a suite of armor, the armor absorbs a weapon or shield into it and changes form accordingly, always adopting the appearance of an animal. The animals head drapes over the wearer’s like a helmet, the front legs come down their arms and the animals paws cover their hands, making it appear as though they are attacking with a creature’s claws. When worn, the character still counts as being armed and all feats related to a specific weapon still affect the one absorbed into the armor and all special weapon properties still apply, ie attacks made are still considered to be made by the weapon that was absorbed. This enchantment will not work on weapons with reach, ranged weapons, tower shields, weapons that the bearer is not proficient in, or anything too large for the wearer of the armor to wield proficiently.
Armor Animal Skin:
Slashing Weapon: Bear, Cheetah or Wolf
Slashing Weapon and Shield: Lion, Dire Bear or Leopard
Piercing Weapon: Snake, Elk, or Scorpion
Piercing Weapon and Shield: Rhinoceros, Elephant or Crocodile
Bludgeoning Weapon: Ram, Hippopotamus or Pachycephalosaurus
Bludgeoning Weapon and Shield: Gorilla, Kangaroo or Ankylosaurus
Slashing and Piercing Weapon: Wolverine, Raptor or Badger
Slashing and Bludgeoning Weapon: Horse, Owlbear or Tiger
Piercing and Bludgeoning Weapon: Caribou, Boar or Bison
Slashing, Piercing and Bludgeoning Weapon: Crocalganger, Were-Bear or Drake
Slashing, Piercing and Bludgeoning Weapon and Shield: Two-Headed Dog Bear, Were-Tiger or Dragon
The character still has use of their hands, but still gains the benefits of the equipment absorbed into the armor (as well as the armor itself), but cannot be forced to drop them. Any sunder attempts targeting a specific hand still affect the weapon or shield as normal. If a creature doesn’t have claws at the “hands”, whatever form of attack it uses it replace them (horns will come out of backs of the “hands” or teeth will line them) when the character wearing the armor makes an attack.
Aura: strong Transmutation CL: 10th Price: +3 bonus
This one has some of the best imagery that I'd ever seen, but it is kind of a logistics nightmare. If anyone can find a better, smoother way to word this, I'd be much appreciative.

Adventurer's Bag:

Aura: Transmutation CL: 9th Slot: none Price: see below Weight: see below
Popular amongst professional adventurers who value always being prepared, but don’t want to lug around every potentially useful piece of equipment. These bags are the size and shape of a normal bag, are an observer could easily mistake it for a bag of holding. But instead of storing items an adventurer has placed within, they instead create the requested item when it is needed. These bags can be used to create any non-magical item from that is considered “adventuring gear”, up to a certain amount of gp value (listed below), and can only create an item up to a specified weight limit. Pulling an item from the back is a move equivalent action that provokes an attack of opportunity.

Bag Total Item Market
Bag Weight GP Limit Weight Limit Price
Type I 1 lb 100 gp 10 lb 2500 gp
Type II 2 lb 250 gp 20 lb 5000 gp
Type III 3lb 500 gp 50 lb 10000 gp

When the gp limit for a bag has been exhausted, or if the owner simply wishes to refresh it, he must put the amount in gp that will bring it back up to its maximum value in the bag and have a spell caster capable of creating an adventurer’s bag cast fabricate on it. This restores the bag back to full usefulness. If an item is placed within, the bag will act as a normal sack and its magic will not work until all items are removed from it.
CONSTRUCTION: Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate; Cost: 1250 gp (type I), 2500 gp (type II), 5000 gp (type III)

This idea sprung up from the deep pockets ability, and I thought "Hey, this would be so much easier for higher level characters than just dumping everything into a portable hole".

Bag of Duplication:

Aura: Transmutation CL: 9th Slot: none Price: 2000 gp Weight: 5 lbs
This sack will clone an item placed within it. In one minute, an item placed within the bag will be duplicated exactly, down to the finest detail. The bag works only on non-magical items that weigh less than 10 lbs, and has no effect on precious or rare materials. Placing or retrieving an item from the bag is considered a swift action and does not provoke an attack of opportunity.
CONSTRUCTION: Craft Wondrous Item, fabricate; Cost: 1000 gp
Biggest challenge on this one was making sure it wasn't easy to abuse for wealth.

Smoking Pipe:

Aura: faint Conjuration (creation) CL: 3rd Slot: none Price: 9720 gp Weight: 1 lb
This item is used to create a cloud around the smoker. Three times per day, a person using the pipe while it is lit can use it to create the effect of obscuring mist. This effect is centered on the smoker and is treated as though cast by a 3rd level caster. In addition, the user may instead expend all three charges at once to create the effects of fog cloud.
CONSTRUCTION: Craft Wondrous Item, obscuring mist, fog cloud Cost: 4860 gp
This one I'm proud of for its simplicity. Easy to use, easy to understand.

All right folks, that's all I've got for you today. Some of the things I've made I'm keeping (RPG Superstar hopes for some of them; just have to pick one), and some really need to be play tested before they're "finished". But what do you think of these?

Also, I know I've made some spelling errors. Never been my strong point.

Shadow Lodge

Aura: faint Transmutation CL: 1st Slot: none Weight: see text Price: 400 gp (hemp), 500 (silk), 600 (spider’s silk)

This 50 foot segment of rope is enchanted with regeneration and will grow back any section cut from it. Whenever this rope is cut in two, the longer of the two pieces will re-grow back to the original 50 feet of length over the next hour. The rope retains the original hardness, hit points, weight and other properties of its base form. If the rope is cut in half exactly, or if it is cut into more than two pieces before it has a chance to reform, then both (or all) of the pieces will grow back to the original 50 feet but loose the magic within and become as normal hemp rope.

CONSTRUCTION: Craft Wondrous Item, mending, Cost: hemp 200 gp, silk 250 gp, spider’s silk 300

Now, I'm not satisfied with either the name nor the prices. However, I didn't want something like this to cost an arm and a leg. So any suggestions in those fields are as welcome as general opinions.

Also, if this item, or something just like it, is already out there, please let me know. It wouldn't be the first time one of "my" ideas has been pointed out to me as already being published by Paizo and I just never noticed it. Thanks to all.

Shadow Lodge

So here is the first draft of a new class I brewed. The thought was for a character that was naturalistic and could just as easily be a NPC as a PC.

The only thing I'm really on the fence about is the mix of the familiar and the animal companion. I like the concept, a lot, but I'm just not sure it is a good idea. Or if it just needs some fine tuning. But anything you guys see, let me know.

I didn't include the table as they always reformat all funky, but I will give you the break down on such things. They have one good save, Will. They have a 1/2 BAB and spell progression and lists of a Druid.

Hedge Doctor:

Hedge Doctors are local healers and wise men. By building an attachment with the spiritual world beyond our own, Hedge Doctors gain power in this one. Hedge Doctors usually only travel when sent on quests by their spirit guides, whether this be for new insights or to gather sacred relics.
Role: Hedge Doctors fit best in a support role. With their spell casting ability, they work best in the background of the group helping to guide a group on their travels and with local customs.
Alignment: Any
Hit Die: d8

Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Fly (Dex), Handle Animal (Cha), Heal (Wis), Knowledge (All) (Int), Perform (Cha), Sense Motive (Wis), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis)
4+ Int Modifier

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Hedge Doctors are proficient with all simple weapons and light armors. They are also proficient with the favored weapon of any deity they worship.
Spells: Hedge Doctors cast divine spells drawn from the Druid spell list, and also gains all healing spells. Their alignment may stop them from casting spells outside of their moral or ethical beliefs. A Hedge Doctor must choose and prepare his spells in advance.
To prepare and cast a spell, a Hedge Doctor must have Wisdom score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a Hedge Doctor’s spell is 10 + the spell level + the Hedge Doctor’s Wisdom level.
Like other spellcasters, a Hedge Doctor can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. His base daily spell allotment is given on the above table. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Wisdom modifier.
A Hedge Doctor must spend one hour each day in commune with the spirit world to regain his daily allotment of spells. A Hedge Doctor may prepare and cast any spell on the Druid spell list, provided that he can cast spells of that level, but he must choose which spells to prepare during his daily communion.
Orisons: Hedge Doctors can prepare a number of orisons, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on the above table. These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again.
Familiar: A Hedge Doctor gains a familiar, the same as a Wizard. This familiar is a visible manifestation of his connection to the spirit world and grows as his connection does.
Spirit Boon: At second level, and every four levels there after (6th, 10th, 14th and 18th), Hedge Doctors are granted a boon from the spirit world. A Hedge Doctor can have a number of these boons equal to their Wisdom modifier affect themselves at one time. These boons last for 24 hours and can be traded whenever he replenishes his daily allotment of spells. A Boon’s bonus is equal to ¼ a Hedge Doctor’s level (minimum one).
At 5th level, a Hedge Doctor can grant one of the boons given to them to an ally of their choosing. This transference takes 1 minute and lasts for 24 hours. An ally can only benefit from one Boon per day.
At 15th level, a Hedge Doctor can have a number of Boons effect an ally equal to their Wisdom modifier per day.
A Hedge Doctor gains one Spirit Boon from the following list at 2nd and 6th level.
• Bonus to one either Fortitude, Reflex or Will saves
• Bonus to all skill checks that have at least one rank in them
• Bonus to Initiative
• Bonus to Attack and Damage rolls
• +5 movement speed for every 5 Hedge Doctor Levels
• Bonus to AC
At 14th and 18th level, his list expands to include the following Boons.
• Resistance 5 to one type of energy
• DR (½ Hedge Doctor level)/ Magic
• +2d6+10 temporary HP
• Immune to Fatigue, Exhaustion and Sleep conditions and effects
Improved Familiar: At 3rd level, a Hedge Doctor gains the Improved Familiar feat for free and can immediately choose to gain a new familiar at any time that he replenishes his daily allotment of spells. To change his familiar in this way, a Hedge Doctor must leave at least one slot blank for the highest level of spells that he possesses.
Meta-Magic Feat: At 4th level, and every four levels thereafter, a Hedge Doctor gains a Meta-Magic feat that he meets the pre-requisites for as a bonus feat.
Medicine Man: At 5th level Hedge Doctors gains some potion making abilities. Instead of casting a spell, a Hedge Doctor can choose to create a potion of that spell. A spell must have a range of personal or touch to be able to qualify for this ability. He must still meet any material components required for casting the spell, but need not pay any additional cost in materials or gold to create a potion. A Hedge Doctor can have a number of potions created in this way equal to ¼ of their Hedge Doctor level. The ritual casting ability cannot be used with this ability.
Ritual Casting: A Hedge Doctor’s connection to the unseen world allows him to summon spirits to aid in his casting. By extending the casting time by one step, he can cast a spell without using any of his allotted spell slots. A casting time of one round becomes one minute, one minute becomes 10 minutes, 10 minutes becomes 1 hour, 1 hour becomes 10 hours and 10 hours becomes 1 day. Meta-magic feats cannot be applied to spells cast in this manner and any material costs must still be meet. A Hedge Doctor must have at least one uncast spell of the appropriate level to be able to use this ability, and he cannot use this ability on a spell he has prepared at the beginning of the day.
Insightful Flash: Once per day, a Hedge Doctor can gain an insight into a creature’s intentions. By making physical contact, he can gain a bonus equal to his Hedge Doctor level to a single Diplomacy, Intimidate or Sense Motive check made against that creature. To be affected by this ability, a creature must be sentient and have an Intelligence of at least 6.
Healer: At 10th level, Hedge Doctors gain a bonus equal to half of their Hedge Doctor level to all heal checks for any creature for which they have at least 1 rank in the corresponding Knowledge skill.
Natural Familiar: At 11th level, a Hedge Doctor’s familiar grows in power again. He can gain a companion from the Animal Companion list that gains the benefits as both a familiar of the Hedge Doctor’s level and an Animal Companion using the Hedge Doctor’s -5 as his effective Druid level.
Improved Potion Making: At 13th level, a Hedge Doctor can create a number of potions using his Medicine Man ability equal to ½ his Hedge Doctor level instead of ¼.
Blessed Health: The spirits that watch over a Hedge Doctor protect him from outside influences. At 15th level, a Hedge Doctor becomes immune to poison. At 17th level, he becomes immune to diseases and at 19th level he is immune to curses.

Shadow Lodge

I'm going to be running a campaign where-in the players are monster cathcers. They'll start out small with animals and work up from there. The hard part I'm having is that I don't know what kind of mechanic to use for the capture of the beasts. A Perception check against the Craft (trap) or survival skill used to set up the trap seems the best way; and then the monster of course can attempt to break loose. But it seems to me that there should be an easier way. Does anyone know of anything that is already made or can think of a simple way to do this.

Thanks in advance.

Shadow Lodge

So here is the contest. I'm going to tell you about this new item, and you get to name it. If I pick your name, then you win a suprise reward (hint, it is a thank you).

So here is the item concept:
It is a ring, or whatever, that allows instantaneous communication between wearers. It can be done once per day and with a message of no more than 10 words. It works at no more than 300 feet and works as an immediate action.

I have the item created in everything but name. So help me out here, if you please.

Shadow Lodge

Had a thought some weeks ago about a spell that forces flying creatures to land. Haven't been able to come back to it until now. But since I hate flipping through every spell section of the Core Rulebook, APG and Ultimate Magic to see if such a spell already is written in them, I figured I'd ask the people who already know. That would be you guys. So, does this spell already exisis within Paizo Publishing, and if so what is it called?

Shadow Lodge

I came up with the thought of a spell, but it kind of overlaps with some others. I call it Bind/Unbind (maybe Knot/Unknot). It is a 0 level spell that would knot or unknot ropes. Touch range, verbal component.


Shadow Lodge

Do any of you use pre existing items as magic items and/or artifacts in your games? I'm a big Terry Brooks fan, and a lot of his books have multiple items in them that would make wonderful magic items. But at the same time, I don't want to seem un original.

Shadow Lodge

I have an idea for a spell that makes the target appear dead for the duration if the spell. And since I am at work and can't go flipping through the Core, APG and Ultimate Magic, I figured I'd just post it here and see if you guys knew if this is already out there.

Thanks for your help.

Shadow Lodge

It is an enchantment for armor and shields that lets the possesor put them into the form of a piece of jewelry. As a standard action, the armor or shield can spread out back into normal form. I used shrink item and disguise self as the spell requirment and it is CL 13.

While normally I would look at this and say +3, when I think about it as a player, I would never sink that much money into something like this. Since it is more flavor than anything else, I am leaning towards a +2. So what do you think?

Also, it really needs a better name than shrink-a-dink.

Shadow Lodge

I've recently gotten into the creation of spells. I've had some really good feedback from some of my low-level spells. But there are a few to many spells for me to want to sit down and flip through all the books to see if some of my ideas overlap with existing spells. As such, I am coming to the experts of the boards. So here are my ideas, any other feedback is appreciated as well.

Walls of Shadow and Light Bard, Cleric, Sor/Wiz, Witch level 3
Caster can create illusionary walls and shape them into whatever form they want, hovels, castles, bridges etc

Song of Battle Bard level 6
Gives bonuses to battle rolls

Armor of Shadow Cleric, Druid level 0
Gives a +1 bonus to AC for every 5 levels.

Shadow Lodge

I have made a class based around Combat Manuevers. All I could think to call it was Controller. But that name is horrible. So, what would you call it?

Shadow Lodge

I had a though for a new magic item. It would be a foldable picture frame that you can pull out and use a command word to have it capture the image of whatever you see through it. Then, as long as you didn't replace the image, whenever you unfold it, it will display the same image. It will be Illlusion only, and not interactive in any way. If you pass through the frame when it is displaying the image, nothing happens.

I see this being used by spies to copy letters, PC's to remember what the villian looks like, or by nobles to have life-like pictures of far away, pleasent settings.

As to the name, all I could come up with were cheezy puns off of polaroid. So, I need some help with it, if you would.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

School: Transmutation Level: All Arcane Casters 0
Casting Time: One standard action
Components: V,S
Range: One object/surface touched
Target: One item weighing 1/2 lb/level and a surface to stick it on.
Duration: 1 hour/level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless) Spell Resistance: Yes (object)

A caster places this spell upone a small object and a solid surface, usually a wall. This allows the caster to place the object on the wall and leave it unattended for one hour per level. Primarily developed by adventuring mages to hang lanterns during sleep periods, many other applications have been developed from hanging pictures to practical jokes.
This spell has no effect on non-solid or magical surfaces such as water or wall of force.

Shadow Lodge

So, I've been off the boards for a while now, but with the release of Ultimate Combat, I've been back into the homebrewing mood. So here are a few more ideas for everyone to look at, and hopefully use.

Archer’s Clutch: Simple in appearance, but complex in design, this drawing device hooks onto a bow string and allows an archer to shoot with more accuracy. A character proficient with a bow using an Archer’s Clutch can take a standard action to take careful aim at a target, granting them a bonus equal to the INT mod to their next attack.
Cost: 40gp
(Cant decide if this should instead just be a simple +1 to hit)

Weapon Morph: The Weapon Morph enchantment subtlety changes a weapon to alter its damage type. Any weapon with this enchantment is able to change from bludgeoning, slashing, piercing or subdual as the wielder wishes as a standard action. A ranged weapon with this ability transfers it to its ammunition.
Aura: moderate Transmutation CL 5th Price +2 bonus

Wrist Weights: Formerly used only in training, some fighters began to see a use for them on the battlefield. Redesigned for use in combat, these weights can still be used with all forms of armour. Sacrificing speed for power, these weights are useful to those who want a little more damage when they strike. These weights are a standard action to remove.
For every 10 lbs of wrist weights, a melee attack gains -1 to attack and CMB checks, and +1 to damage (up to a maximum of -5 and +5). These weights count towards a characters carrying weights, and make it impossible for a character to use the Quick Draw feat or Flurry of Blows ability.
Cost: 10 gp per pound

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder has their annual RPG Superstar. Kobold Quarterly just ran a Relics of Power competition. I have homebrewed weapons, enchantments, races, artifacts, wonderous itmes, even whole worlds. But none of those I game with ever have. My players even range from those who started gaming last year to those who've been gaming almost as long as I've been able to talk.

So here is my question. Is Homebrewing a common thing in your group? I know Paizo gets thousands of entries every year, but I honestly wonder if most groups are like mine or if mine is the oddity.

Shadow Lodge

A friend of mine is moving to Eugene OR here very shortly (buy the time you read this, he may already be there). I am trying to find him a group to play with. Having never been there, I do not know any of the surrounding towns or how alive the gaming community for Pathfinder is in Eugene.

Please post here if you are interested, espically if you happen to be a DM. Pre-existing groups should also not be a problem. Thank you.

Shadow Lodge

I have long wanted to write for the gaming idustry. Two things have held me back. 1)Time to write regularly. 2)Knowing who to write to.

The advice I have been given is too send in submissions to various gaming magazines. But which one(s)? I do not have the money to check them all out and know which are the best.

So here I pose the question. Which do you recommend?