Lunas's page

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XMorsX wrote:
Paladin/sorcerer is going to be the strongest from the ones you have made.

so any suggestions on gear or type of guy to make.

I have made one of these palidin/sorcerers before in another campaign but with lighter rules and starting at level 6

Currently we have
a gunslinger/ranger only one who has not yet died
a palidin/monk
a summoner/bard

3 of us are making new things to bring to the table tommrow
im making a palidin/sorc i think one is making a magus/fighter
3rd guy i have no idea what he is making but he seems to not be able to play both classes at the same time as in he played a monk/cleric and he pretty much ignored the cleric side of his PC he is making a fighter/gunslinger.

Humm no real healer...