
Sommdiggedy's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 10 Organized Play characters.


I appreciate the quick response, however to put it in perspective the character is designed for a slow progression exp game, so while it is good to be mindful of higher level abilities, access to things like crafting, sooner will be much more useful in the long run.

You also state that Unsworn Shaman is a massive downgrade, can you explain a little further how?

To be honest, I'm used to playing martial types and reading all the versatility of the shaman makes my head explode.

I appreciate the quick response, however to put it in perspective. The character will be part of a slow exp progression, so while being mindful of higher level abilities is good, it might be a year before I actually need use of them.

The earlier I can get into crafting the earlier I can help supply my group with magic items.

Also, you said that its a massive downgrade to the Shaman, would you mind explaining how, because I'm not seeing it, but then again, when I start to read the shaman my head explodes from complexity (I'm used to playing the martial types)

So I am new to the Shaman class in general.

The changes to Unsworn Shaman appear to allow the hex related feats now due to the change to "This ability replaces spirit and alters hex."

I need some advice,

I'm trying to build a shaman which can be a healer, using the life spirit when adventuring, then switching to the lore spirit for crafting stuff on my downtime.

I'm getting confused by the Unsworn Shaman archtype, which I think would be the best situation for my shaman, however I am unsure if I lose the spirit abilities (such as Channel from the Life spirit). Also, any tips on creating a shaman to do these two jobs, would be much appreciated.