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![]() The following products are included in this shipment:
^ Just got a shipping notice for this, no idea why, already have them via sub ages ago. ![]()
![]() So, I've recently started running this for a live table and I'm enjoying it but I've been using mighty kiddie gloves because everyone is pretty much a new player. So, I thought I'd try my hand at running this as a PbF here on the site using Roll20 to handle images of maps and our battles. If you like to apply, please post a character here, I'll give it a few days and then select five folks (with typical PbF attrition the extra person won't hurt). Character Creation
Social Contract Stuff
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Hi, had a problem with the order but I think I fixed it and my account balance has dipped by the ammount for the order but I can't access my pdfs. Not sure if this is because the physicals haven't shipped yet but just wanted to check. Thanks and if anything is wrong it'll be my fault :) ![]()
![]() It’s early dusk and the nightly rain begins early bringing the temperature outside down quickly making you glad of the fire pit in the Rusty Dragon Inn. Inside the low susurration of conversation and the sound of the rain beating against the roof fill the common room as people begin to fill the inn for the evening. The smell of Tian cuisine and roasting meat fills the air making your mouth water as a serving girl brings you the drink you ordered as you came in. As you sit to enjoy your drink you can hear that the majority of conversations are concerning a series of attacks a group of goblins have been launching against local travellers thanks to their acquirement of a supply of fireworks. Apparently they've been emboldened by the explosions and coloured sparks that they managed to gain control of. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Hi people,
Character Creation
Social Contract Stuff
![]() The town of Drenchport, well it certianly earns its name with its near constant downpour of heavy warm rain blowing in off of the Eye. The town is small and mainly built from washed up floatsam and recovered wrecks giving it a motley appearance with only a few larger residents made from stone. It's early evening and most of the crew have retreated to the Drowned Dwarf, an inn of ill repute on the edge of town. Inside it's warm thanks to the fire pit in the centre of the ground floor though the smell of mold and damp is present even here like it is in the majority of the town. Tonight a pig roasts over the pit and a serving boy keeps the spit turning. The captain, dressed in his best clothes, his beard recently trimmed, is sitting at the head of a table and the majority of the crew are either seated at the table or nearby. You can tell by the captians scowl that if his mood doesn't improve soon he's going to kill someone just to aleviate his boredom. ![]()
![]() Hey guys,
Basic premise of whats been going on is that you've been in Drenchport for the last week on shore-leave but the captain is bored and most of the crew are low on gold so you're probably setting out to sea in a day or so. Don't need a massive Journal of what you've been doing just a rough idea :) ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Hi people,
Character Creation Guide
2. Money will be the average for you class. 3. Only rules and mechanics from the paizo published books, this means things like psychics and gunslingers are out, at least until Ultimate Comabt is published for the gunlinger. 4. You have two traits, these can come from any of the published material excluding the Adventure Paths. 5. Class and Race are upto you guys but I'm not likely to want to add exotic things like a Dhampire. I'll also have a soft spot for things that fit in with the game like a Sea Witch. Oh and the archtypes are avaliable. 6. Oh, and if it hasn't been obvious so far begin at level one. So, no doubt I've forgotten to provide some important detail that you need for character creation, I always seem to, but thats what I've got so far. I don't expect pages of background or description but at least a paragraph each will make it easier for me to pick a player. I won't start this immediately but I won't be leaving this weeks either so first in won't be first served but they'll have a good chance. Lastly, I promise, I'm an Australian so my times are fairly weird for the average American and while I post as often as I can expect me to only promise one a day even if I do more when I can. ![]()
![]() Hey guys,
Anyway, here we go,
![]() A group of men and a woman, their clothing muddy from their recent travels, arrive at a graveyard, a mutual friend being interred today in the Restland’s graveyard. Overhead heavy clouds release a steady downpour of drizzle adding to the somberness of the funeral and chilling the faces of the attendees while underfoot the sodden ground squelches as they walk towards the group. Ahead the men and women who recently arrived can see the group of mourners already in attendance. Half a dozen men and a woman stand opposite another woman who you recognize from description as Kendra Lorrimor. Kendra is standing by a small wagon hitched to a mule and in the back of the wagon lays a coffin. The coffin is made of an unknown dark wood with its top embossed with a carved symbol of Pharasma with at short prayer to the goddess of bones etched underneath. As the travelers approach Kendra nods to them and they take their place standing by the other mourners.
![]() The inside of the building is unimaginably cooler than the blast furnace like air that had sat heavily outside. As you’re led deeper inside the small stone building sounds of the town fade to a dull background drone punctuated by the occasional yell and the light levels inside seem quite dim when compared to the brightness of the outside, at least until your eyes begin to adjust. A slave, a collared man in his twenties with Varisian features, leads you through the home to a large meeting room and asks that you make yourselves comfortable while he announces your presence to his master. The room has a dozen large round cushioned chairs that form a circle around a small fire pit which is thankfully unlit at this time. You’re here thanks to the advertisements you’d seen around town. They’d offered a decent wage for some work as guardsmen on a venture that would take you to the north but were a little vague on the details. You’d already spoken to a man who’d taken your name and asked about your skill set and now you were to meet the lieutenant of the woman who was putting this venture together. The seats are comfortable despite lacking a back and it’s only a few minutes until the slave you met earlier returns and informs you that his master will be down in a few minutes. The slave then offers to bring you refreshment if you would like. ![]()
![]() Hi people,
1. Classes, anything in the Core, APG, the Gunslinger and the Magus are allowed just to be different and since Alkentar isn't that far from Katapesh. 2. Races, anything in the Core and I'll discuss some of the races found in the Bestiaries. 3. Starting cash is the average for the class selected where ever it may be found. 4. 20pts for abilities and they're assigned using the normal rules from the core. I think that covers everything but as always I tend to forget something. As with Zalika and Iuni, I'd like to try and keep us within the milieu of the setting with maybe only one obvious foreigner to provide a bit of spice. As this is invitational and I've tried to pick people who are fairly active hopefully we'll be able to have some decent fun. Oh, and in this one I'm lifting my "Good Guys" preference and saying play what you want but try and keep any evil dudes faced out from the party, internal verbal sparring is fun, dueling each other not so much :) ![]()
![]() Granted a charter by the the Swordlords in the city of Restov the five adventurers have been traveling south from the city for three days. The charter they were given states the following. "Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg’s Trading Post. The carrier of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this 24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of the Dragonscale Throne." Today your group hopes to arrive at Oleg's Trading Post, the last outpost of civilization before the open wilderness of the Greenbelt. The terrain is rugged with moderately dense woodlands to either side of the southern road. Patches of snow sit under some of the trees and the air carries the crisp chill of winter. The road itself is muddy and the going difficult. Eventually, as the late after noon begins to throw a gloom over the woodland road the travelers spot the outpost ahead of them through the trees. From back here all you can see is the wooden palisade that surrounds the outpost and the old, rundown, towers that still contain the defensive catapults that have become broken and useless thanks to exposure to the weather and a lack of maintenance for years. ooc: Currently Explored Stolen Lands Oleg's Trading Post Key to Oleg's
![]() Hi people,
So far we're looking at...
Simon Bornen the Paladin Sigurd Mjornson the Inquisitor (Might want to check but I actually think
Pavel the Ranger Elanor Krupp the Witch Good luck guys :) Edit: Thought I'd add the images from the recruitment thread since they're rather nice and they make an easy short hand for some of the exposition I'll be writing later :) ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() So guys,
Characters would be created using on Paizo published materials with races and classes taken from the Pathfinder core book and the Advanced Player's Guide. You'd also have two traits, one from the APG and the second taken from the Kingmaker player's guide. I'm sad to say but the playtest material is not available at this time for character creation so no Magus, Gunslinger, Ninja or Samurai character will be accepted. So having said all that I hope to hear from people soon and I'll let people know who made it in within a few days so we can get this ball rolling too. Jormungandr ![]()
![]() It’s late in the day when you finally reach the Restlands, the graveyard only a short distance outside of Ravengro. It’s a large graveyard and well-tended from what you can see as you approach the gate where a small group of mourners have gathered. Overhead heavy gray clouds sit brooding, promising heavy rains later in the evening. For now though only icy drizzle falls in wavering sheets both cold and unpleasant. One of the mourners, Kendra Lorrimor from the descriptions you've heard, stands near a casket. She pretty now despite her slightly red and puffy eyes but you think a less somber mood would make her beautiful. Like everyone else she's wearing mourning colors and she gives a quick fleeting smile as she spots you arriving but it quickly fades as she gives a nod. "As tradition requires I will ask of you, my father’s friends and confidants, who shall bear him to his final rest?" Kendra asks in a soft gentle voice. You're not sure if you should volunteer but your fellow mourners look a little unsteady and there are only a few of you. Your legs are tired from travel and you boots muddy but as you approach kendra offers you a black cloak to drape around your armour as you act as pallbearer. ![]()
![]() Hey guys, since we have our group I thought I'd change us over to an OOC thread since we've got our crop of players :) By my reckoning we've currently got...
Not sure what else to say but please stay tuned since I'll no doubt continue with the commentary and questions :P ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Hi people,
The module I intend to run is the Cult of the Ebon Destroyers and as such I'll be looking for three more players (I already have one lined up) to create an 8th level character for the game. Character Creation
Small Caveat: I'm always getting requests to play ninja, gunslingers and other weirder things, before asking please read the character creation section above. I'd like the player's to create a group with a shared history in their background, something along the lines of an experienced group of adventurers come to Jalmery (the location of the adventure) to experience a local holiday as tourists. ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() Hi people,
I'd be after four to five players with a spot reserved for Poor Wandering One for now who I believe wanted to play a variant fighter. I'll allow all the classes and races present in the player's guide but don't really want to include anything not in the Paizo published books asides from the Magus. I might negotiate on that but I'd have to love the concept to bits. Can't think of anything else to put up for now so yeah, give us a concept and we'll talk :) ![]()
Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
![]() I'm not sure how feasible it would be but I don't think it'd be massively time consuming so I'd like to suggest the following. Would it be possible to have the Avatars updated to include a picture of each NPC that has a picture in the adventure paths currently in print. As a pbp GM it would probably help with the visualization of NPCs if I had their actual pictures to use as Avatars. I understand if this isn't something that would be seen as particularly important but I'd love it, I'd also presume some others would too :) ![]()
![]() It was late in the day, the heat from earlier turning to humidity as the evening storms began brewing. The sounds of the ocean lapping against the sides of the ship continued unabated as they had for the entirety of the journey and overhead an occasional caw could be heard from a passing seabird. The majority of the crew and passengers were up on deck trying to find a measure of relief from the heat using the sea breeze. The half-elven woman, Aerys Mavato who fought with a crew member almost the moment she came aboard, is sitting with her back against the foremast writing in a large book with a bottle of alcohol close at hand. Near to the bowsprit the gnome Gelik Aberwhinge and a pair of crewmen are swapping tale tales while Sasha Nevah, a fiery young woman, leans against the ships handrails listening intently while trying to look uninterested. Almost opposite Sasha stands Ishirou, the older Tian swordsman, stands looking out to sea seemingly in a world of his own. Ieana, a Varisian scholar intrigued by the possibilities of discovering ancient knowledge in the Mwangi expanse, stands near the captain talking quietly with him as he guides the ship across the ocean. As far as you know the entirety of the passengers are standing up on deck, barring of course the criminal Jask Derindi who is still locked up in the brig below decks. It must be horrible down there during this part of the day and a part of you wonder what he must have done to deserve his incarceration. ![]()
![]() Hi People,
People would be starting off at level one as per the adventure and if there are any other details you need to know before we get going please feel free to ask, I've played many a 3.5 but this will be my first Pathfinder foray so I might make a few dumb assumptions and I won't be offended if you point them out. |