Abraun Chalest

GM Sean M's page

5 posts. Alias of Jörmungandr.


Yep, works fine now ;)

Hi guys, just wanted to say, the link, at least for me, seems borked. Takes me to a "missing URL" golem.

High, I bought PFACG on release, and I can say, along with my group of friends, we love the game :)

Heh, I've always said Chell-E-axe for Cheliax :)

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Hopefully a quick and easy question, since I'm a person from Australia I am an Australian. A person from Mendev is a Mendevi? Just curious what people collectively call people from Mendev (assides from "Hey Templer!"). Also I'm thinking of borrowing the idea of the Night's Watch and having them be a bulwark against the Worldwound, do you think it's a decent idea? If it is what would you call such a group(Honestly I hate coming up with names)?