
Snakey's page

109 posts. Alias of Mr. Subtle.

I need to build the fourth member for our party that is to begin an AP in a week or so (ROTRL), I am looking for the best fit for the party with my rolled stats.

My stats are:
17, 16, 13, 11, 11, 9

The party make-up, so far:
Alchemist, Oracle of lore, and a monk.

What would you suggest?


If you had a player who wanted to play a Paladin, but did not want smite-evil, what would be a fair trade-off to replace the smite ability?

So my girlfriend finally convinced me to run a one-on-one campaign (can't seem to find reliable/enjoyable players in our area), so I whipped something up, and we played for a few months. We played 2-3 times a week, and I didn't really take the idea seriously at first so my campaign is showing cracks that grow as we play (undeveloped story/setting), but we're growing attached to our characters. With exam week + busy work schedule, the campaign has tapered-off a bit.

Not knowing how much characters would actually develop playing solo, I feel I've let us down with a shotty attempt.

Seeing as though I just ordered the Shackled City hardcover (still in the mail), and she is just getting back from vacation, we have agreed to start fresh, and play through the campaign.

Not ever playing a "solo" campaign before, I've made some mistakes, but more importantly- there have been some triumphs. My "main" character, and hers have developed a rich relationship, we would like to retain those characters, and re-tell their story.

The low-down:
I am starting Shackled city with one player. She will play two PCs, and I will play one GMPC (I'd prefer not to play more than one as much as possible)

The PCs:

  • Ezme: Human caster, probably wizard (The Witch fits, be she hasn't seen the class yet, I think she'll have to get-over the name first!)
  • Idunnr: Elf, ranger or rogue most likely.
  • Uulmec: Half-Orc, fighter-type. (this is my GMPC, he has a background as a soldier, so has to fill that niche, but he is otherwise most flexible, as long as he can protect Ezme!)

    The issues:
    We need a balanced party, especially going three PCs. Healing will be an issue, and cleric doesn't really fit any of our characters.

    I thought about going Paladin for my GMPC, but Smite-evil+GM+metagame is hard to avoid and clunky, but niche-wise is perfect. Barbarian also fits, but will be doomed without a cleric. Fighter works, but not very versatile. Inquisitor works, but more mechanically than thematically.

    So what I would like advice on, are:

  • General tips for campaigns/written adventures with one player.
  • Building a balanced party, within the limits I posted above.
  • Things to watch-out for in the AP with a three person party.

  • I need help building a character that rocks with a Rapier, the details are below.


    "Chess", a well connected man from the swampy southern regions of our world. He has that southern hospitality thing going-on, he is charming and known for his elegant swordplay and good-natured bravado. The town he is from is small, and borders swamplands, his father was sheriff, and his father's father was sheriff/mayor. Chess grew-up under his father's wing (single-parent), as an only child. He spent many days at the local jail as a little boy doing menial tasks for the warden, while his father was out.

    His father was killed on duty. Chess was inline for sheriff, but ran instead to the larger neighboring city (think New Orleans-like). As a young man, he got his first real lessons on the streets of that wild city, fraught with gambling, drinking, prostitution, and every-other vice. He somehow came to wield a rapier, and took it upon himself to protect the poor and weak he saw abused and defiled daily. Unable to fully escape his LG upbringing, and the lessons of his father and the warden, he never fell for the trappings of crime and vice (well, not too much).

    He became known as the street sheriff, a perpetual do-gooder, well versed in the ways of crime, and yet friend to many within those circles. He knows how to play his cards, and knows what is right, and how to enforce it, regardless of the law. He may never return to that town, to that jail he grew-up in, but the lessons of his father and of that warden will never leave him, he will always do what he perceives is right and just. His unyielding vigor in battle, his quick footwork and ever-swooshing and piercing rapier, shall bring the mightiest of foes to their knees in apology, or alternatively, on their faces bleeding.


    Now that we know who he is, we can better work on what he is.

    Rest of party: Half-orc/Paladin, Elf/Ranger, Human/Wizard(enchanter).

    Starting at 3rd level.

    Rolled Stats: 15,14,14,13,12,11

    Race: Teetering between Human/Half-elf.

    Class: Fighter or rogue, or whatever fits my concept.

    Concept: I envision a Rapier-savant, agile, mobile, impressive. He will probably throw daggers or darts (throwing-knifes) as back-up. This is a RP build, but of course, RP builds still have to be good at what they intended to do. Probably NG aligned, lightly armored, relying instead on his mobility and cunning; and of course, exceedingly handsome.

    Further notes: The party would like someone with Disable-device, but the ranger is pretty stealthy, the wizard is knowledgey, and the paladin is diplomatic, so not sure about going all rogue. This is actually a GMNPC, in my campaign, but my players prefer if I play a full-on character, so he is long-term.

    Thank you for your help in brainstorming. Any builds that fit my concept will be appreciated, I will be sure to post my final draft of Chess.

    I want to create a rogue that fights well with knives and I would like help with the build.

    The other party members are, a Half-Orc Paladin (falchion/healer), an Elven Ranger (curve-blade/archery path), and a Human Wizard (enchanter).

    He's going to be a Half-elf, starting at third level. My rolled stats are: 15,14,14,13,12,11.

    I was thinking of TWF, throwing daggers and having high UMD:

    dex-17 (+2race)

    Feats: TWF, Finesse(talent),skill focus/UMD(race), +?
    [this is just a start, open to alternatives]

    Core only, and thanks in advance!

    list of happiest states

    I live in Michigan, and I have to say that there may be some truth to this list afterall...
    (I'm actually a happy person, I guess you'd have to live here to understand...)

    Just thought I'd share this.
