Skullford - Forgive me, I'm nub's page

Organized Play Member. 55 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

I've had Yahoo as my homepage since 1995. As you can see I'm not big on change but the quality of Yahoo has become indefensibly horrendous. Every article having some imbedded video or slideshow does not help get me information faster. Twitter feeds are not relevant sources of information to formulate whole articles about. I don't care who is outraged.

My computer absolutely hates Google so I cannot use that either.

What do you all use or suggest for a good browser home page? I'd prefer something newsy and not dumbed down for Kardashian crowd.



So I was playing with 6 other people and we were having a pretty hard time against a (20AC spellcaster in level 1-2 scenario!)single enemy and this enemy managed to take down our cleric so a bard used a wand to resurrect her and I just realized how ridiculous wands are.

Bad guys don't get to use wands, if they did the battle would never end, yet pcs can which pretty much removes all threat of death as long as one caster can stay alive. The biggest problem is the fact you get so many charges. I understand potions because you would go broke buying potions and would use them wisely. The economy of wands seems cheesy.

I'm mostly just griping because I am a monk and I went for sponge as opposed to hitter. What good is someone that can't be killed when nobody will ever get killed with wands around. I like the fact there is a limit to spells, which wands completely remove. I understand there use outside of battle, but maybe there should be some loops to jump through during battle.

Can I use a dagger for both melee and ranged and is a thrown dagger considered melee or ranged?

"Melee weapons are used for making melee attacks, though some can be thrown as well. Ranged weapons include thrown weapons or projectile weapons that are NOT EFFECTIVE in melee." - Core Rulebook

I want to pick up the opening volley feat and I just want to make sure throwing the dagger would qualify as the ranged attack. Also if I upgrade the dagger to +1 what is the chances the dagger will break when thrown?

Hard copy preferably.