Skullford - Forgive me, I'm nub's page

Organized Play Member. 55 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Daniel Plainview (Their Will Be Blood)

Bard 3 (Court Bard)
Rogue 3 (Charlatan) Coax Information

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I love arguing about things while nothing gets done. Lets argue about whether global warming is real while corporations build toxic waste sites right next to waterways. Oh no inclement weather and now the waste is leaking into our water sources, WHO COULD HAVE SEEN THAT COMING!

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Frank "Courier" - Transporter

Cavalier(Beast Rider)4

Uses Alchemical Grease on himself before fighting large groups of enemies.

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A defeatist like Bill P in Aliens.

"Maybe you aren't up on current events, but we are getting our a**es kicked here man!"

An obsolete cleric that follows Aroden, who claims Iomedae perverts his teachings like Plato perverted the teachings of Socrates.