Darius Finch

"Sir Edwyn", Marquis D'Isarn's page

10 posts. Organized Play character for waltero.

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

How are crafted items dealt with in the Career Change boon?

Do you retain them?
Are they removed just as with all purchased items?
If they are removed and I would like the same item back, am I then required to spend the time to craft them again?

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

That is all. Carry on.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Can you cancel the Bigger Sewer flip mat in my sidecart?


5/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Can points be gifted to other players? Let's say you have a player who can't play often but really would like to play an uncommon ancestry. Could one or more players kick in some points to make it possible? We used to be able to give away the paper boons.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

It's early still and who can predict how things will change from now until May, but...

Any plans for a physical Con or will PaizoCon 2021 more likely be a virtual event again?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I recently purchased a 4 day badge for the Con. I was charged the full price and have a badge in my account, but I still have my discounted badge sitting in my sidecart.

I only want 1 badge. I would like a refund of the difference between them.

Thank you.

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

The recent blog states that characters from Broken Lands "gain access" to Aldori dueling swords.

Is this the same concept as it is for the ancestral weapons? Since the dueling sword is an advanced weapon, it would be treated as a martial weapon for my character from the Broken Lands.

Would my character then be eligible to take the Aldori Duelist archetype?

Still very new to PF2.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

When will PFS subscribers expect to see this scenario in their downloads?

I have received all other Season 10 scenarios and 4 of the 2nd edition scenarios, but this one was skipped.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm not sure where to post this. I had also left a message in the Event Submission thread.

Right now I am slated to run both of my submitted events at the same time on Sunday afeternoon from 1-6 pm.

This should be 1 event on Saturday afternoon 1-6 pm and 1 event on Sunday afternoon 1-6 pm. The order doesn't matter.

Please help.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Will badge/swag pick up be available for late arrivals on Friday night? or will that have to wait until Saturday morning?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I placed an order for some items and put them in my sidecart to be shipped with this month's AP installment. I thought I made it in time; however, I received notice that the AP is about to be shipped with it as the only item.

Can the shipments still be combined? If not, please go ahead and ship my other items on their own via USPS. I don't want to wait for a month for them to come with the April installment.


5/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Now that we know Core can be a thing...

If/when the first supplement for 2E comes out, will the campaign split into Standard and Core as we have now?

If it happens later on and your character has thus far used only Core 2E material, can you go Core at a later date?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

What happened to my PFS scenario subscription?

I had to change my form of payment due to fradulent activity on a card.

I have not received any scenarios since October.

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Any news on upcoming scenarios (especially September)?

In the past, there's been a blog giving a couple of months of future scenarios in the works.

I'm asking because we have a Con coming up in early October and am trying to see what to offer.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Not sure where to place this query, but...

I seem to recall reading about Boots that allowed you to charge through an ally's square.

Does anybody know what these are called and which book they come from?


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Please cancel my Card Game Subscription.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Please cancel my AP subscription. I will renew at a later date.

Thank you.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Is it possible to gift my AP subscription to another user so that he receives the PDFs and Hardcopies, but I retain the subscriber status?

The situation is: After we finish up Hell's Vengeance, another guy in our weekly group will take the GM helm for Strange Aeons. I would like to transfer my sub to him and them resume after Strange Aeons is over.

Can this be done, or do I need to cancel and he start a subscription?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Hi, Linda et al.

I was lucky enough to get this event in the lottery. If there is another thread concerning this event, then please redirect me.

Of the retired scenarios, the only one I have played is Skeletal Moon. So anything else is fine by me.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I had ordered Flip-Mat Desert Ruins as one of the items in my order. In its place I received Flip-Mat Battlefield. The other items are correct.

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

CONtraflow has moved to a new location this year and is coming to town a little earlier, too.

When: October 3-5, 2014

Airport Hilton
901 Airline Highway
Kenner, LA 70062

Telephone: 504-469-5000

We will be offering two PFS Specials - Siege of the Diamond City on Friday night and Legacy of the Stonelords on Saturday night.

Come join us for PFS fun!

Sign up on our Warhorn site.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Please cancel my Adventure Path subscription.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

As part of my recent order, I purchased the module "The Harrowing." Instead, I was shipped the Player Companion "The Harrow Handbook."

Please advise.

Walter Helgason

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Last year we were pretty strapped for food choices in the immediate vicinity of the hotel.

Have any new places opened up within walking distance? Any changes like food trucks or additional choices in the hotel?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I just restarted my AP subscription Wednesday as it looks like I will likely be running the Worldwound AP for my group.

I chose to have the subscription begin with the first installment of the series. My shipment is pending. Do I receive a pdf of the AP as well? Does this happen once the installment ships?


5/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I have a former Shadow Lodge character that moved to Andoran faction after the closing of the Shadow Lodge.

Can I purchase Andoran vanities that are based on fame using my total from both Shadow Lodge and Andoran or must I keep separate fame scores and wait to purchase once I have achieved that much fame just with Andoran?

I'm thinking that since fame is cumulative, I use my total from both.

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Up til now my characters were all bunched into Tier 1-5, but now I have some spanning several Tiers. I was wondering what conventional wisdom was regarding choosing which Tier to play.

If you have a level 7 character, do you like/recommend to play the high subtier of a 3-7 or the low subtier of a 7-11? Any good rules of thumb, or is it entirely case by case depending on the scenario?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

How much for a suit of Hosteling Full Plate?

Would this be:
1650gp (MW full plate)
+16000gp (+4 total enchancement)
+7500 (Hosteling premium)

Total of 25,150gp?

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Having run a few scenarios with different Venture Captains assigning missions, I've noticed several of them come off as being jerks/elitists/aloof/etc., while the Faction heads tend to me more supportive.


Dreng, wakes them up at odd hours
Aram Zey, total jerk
Kreighton Shaine, airhead

Is this intentional? More motivation to be in a faction? Do Pathfinders join factions for validation or warm fuzzies?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Does a druid with Animal as an allowed domain have to take THE Animal domain, of can he take AN Animal domain from UM? I'm specifically asking in regards to the Animal Shaman archetypes.

While we're at it, can the Animal Shaman archtypes take a Terrain domain instead?


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I would like to end my AP subscription with #48, the last one in the Carrion Crown Path.

I have been playing more, and GMing less, and already have a huge backlog of adventures to run.

Is there a subscription line geared more for players? - I might consider beginning a subscription to it.


5/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm asking because this weekend I was the victim of a one shot kill (as in full hit points to negative constitution in one hit). I was playing a level 3 character in a 3-4 Tier with d8 for hit dice. Fortunately, I had most of the money for a raise dead and the others at the table were willing to pitch in for the rest (one guy even offered to pony up 500gp). But what if this had happened to 2 or more of us? Or as a group we just didn't have the money?

Is there a benchmark or limitation for scenario writers such as: "the end villian should be capable of one-shotting 25%/50%/75%/100% of characters appropriate for this Tier"?

If I had an idea of the general risk, then I could decide if it's:
A. Completely accepatable and I'll play whatever kind of character strikes me.
B. Tolerable, but I'll limit my character choices to mitigate the one-shot.
C. Unacceptable, I'll stick with home games.

My gaming time is somewhat limited and 30+ hours spent levelling up a character to have him wiped out basically sucks. I'm neither a game designer nor a scenario writer, so I don't even know if such a metric is possible. Any thoughts?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

For whatever reason, my physical copy of AP #38 (Racing to Ruin) never turned up. I do have the PDF in my downloads. In the past, if a shipment went missing it was replaced. If that is still the policy, I will be at PaizoCon and can pick up a replacement then. If a re-purchase is necessary, I can take care of that at PaizoCon as well.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Just wondering why the extra ability damage was added to cognatogens when it's not on mutagens.

If I make a mindchemist, I'll have to limit the cognatogen to once every two days, unitl I can get lesser restoration. Makes taking the Greater version less attractive. Wonder if using the various level 2 enhancers is better.

Any thoughts?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I am looking for players for a Master of the Fallen Fortress game that I will run on Thursday night(June 9) and/or Friday morning (June 10) before PaizoCon starts.

I have 1 player so far. At least 2 others are needed.

This would be a good opportunity for anyone with a brand new 1st level they wanted to try out before the action on Friday.


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Is the Grand Melee the event we did last year with all levels of characters defending the Lodge simultaneously? Or is it the round robin fighting contest we had one year? Or is it the different stations that they had the first year where you collected money or boons as rewards?

Will a chronicle sheet be given out?
Just trying to budget my PFS time.
Thank you.

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

How soon after the release of Ultimate Magic will it be vetted for offical PFS use? I had some concepts for magic-oriented characters I wanted to play at PaizoCon, but looking at the Blog Preview makes me wonder if something in there might be better suited for them.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I was about to order a couple of items - about 20.00 worth of stuff - and the only shipping methods available to me range from 20+ dollars up to 127 dollars. This is for US delivery. I've never encountered this before.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I was looking for some advice regarding a potential Pathfinder Society character. I was planning a bard, Taldan by birth, who has become disillusioned/disgusted with Taldor and joins up with the Osirion faction. With the APG out, I see two archetypes that may fit the concept:

Court Bard: the motivation would be one from the inside who has seen the excesses of the Taldan nobility and the exploitation of Osirion. He has studied the culture and history of Osirion courtesy of the artifacts of the nobles he serves. Main gripe is with the Taldan rulership. He would probably be from Oppara. I like the satire feature of the court bard, but not too thrilled with the Charisma-check debuff.

Street Performer: this would be a have-not (unbearded) from the outside looking in. He struggles to make a living. He is fed tales of the splendor of Osirion by his father, an ex-sailor who voyaged to Osirion in his youth. The father is now out of work, alcoholic and in poor health. Leaves for Osirion and better opportunity after the death of his father. He would probably be from Ridonport. I like the madcap prank feature of the street performer, but are the other performance changes worth it?

How do you more experienced and/or opininated folks think either of these two achetypes stack up against a standard bard?

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Any organized play in the reasonably-near vicinity? We have two players looking to get into some games. Let's organize something.

I did a search of New Orleans and Louisiana and only came up with Houston events. I'd rather not have to go that far (although my only PFS so far has been at PaizoCon).

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

The feral mutagen grants 2 claws and a bite at the full attack bonus. They are considered primary weapons. What happens when the alchemist levels up and gains additional attacks? Does he then get 6 attacks with the first set of three at highest and the second set of three at minus 5?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Where do we select how we want our names to appear on the badges?

(I'm asking because I normally go by my middle name, a common practice here in the South).

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Supposing I wanted to develop my own campaign in Golarion, without using the AP's, which resource would be more useful to me in learning about the world - Pathfinder Chronicles or Campanion. Is one designed to be more AP specific and the other more general?

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Cosmo, I had prepaid for the Con tickets and received an email from you saying that that had been processed. In my account it says I have purchased the e-tivkets for Paizocon. When I try to order my banquet ticket, it won't let me. It keeps saying I must purchase tickets for the Con. Can you help.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Too bad I don't live in San Diego. Sebastion and all you other lucky So Cal people have this event in your backyard. I would love to see and hear these guys in person. I hope similar things are planned for the Apollo anniversary in 2009.

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

When generating a character for Pathfinder Society play, is the Elven curved blade considered exotic for elves or do they automatically have proficiency with it?

5/5 ***

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Since Season 0 is using the 3.5 and not alpha/beta rules, can you make a character using one of the elven subraces (gray, wood, wild)? Thanks.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Whips do nonlethal damage and don't do damage vs. opponents with +1 AC or +2 natural armor.

If you add the bane or holy modification to a magic whip, would you allow the extra damage to apply to an opponent even if the otherwise would not have harmed it? If you do allow it, would the extra damage be lethal or non?


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