Man in Battle

Sir Christof De Castro's page

7 posts. Alias of Roland "Rev" Graves.


"Forgive me Professor, but what made you think this Midget as "Strange"? He was on some sort of leash I believe you implied? A wire from its backside?"

Christof has been listening intently, trying to keep a grasp of the man's strange tale, wondering if it could be true.


Sense Motive? Christof finds his story too odd, also wondering if he is hiding anything behind it.
1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10

The trip over was extremely unsettling, being unable to shake the feeling of being watched, so Christof was already in a heightened state when they arrived. He now wore his armour over the suit, an elegant breastplate set with fine detailing and a pauldron on his left shoulder carved to look like a stern lion's face. On his hip, he had now buckled a gigantic German style zweihander, resting one hand on its handle to keep it from the ground.

He stopped at the Constable, "Scotland Yard Business, Good Sir. We shall need immediate entry." With that, he thurst the papers at the man.

Christof watches as Sherlock Holmes leaves, taking a secret passageway of which he hoped there weren't too many of in this place. He listens intently to all the members in the room, particularly the odd Mr. Feist.

"So, how should we proceed? This Professor Litefoot named the "Tongue of the Black Scorpion" by name, according to our mentor. I find this odd, especially his knowledge of their workings and what specific poisons they favour."

He turns to Alasdair, surveying him for a moment before continuing, "You mentioned you are a Chemist? Would you know anything of the poison supposedly used? Trying to confirm the hearsay we have just been informed about, you understand."

Giving a nod to the man as he made his quick exit, Christof tries to process all the information that Sherlock just given them.


Knowledge Local:1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20 Any ideas on the theatre? The Manor? the two people we are to question?
Knowledge Religion:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13 Anything I have heard about this Church of the Black Scorpion?

Christof had foregone the chairs, choosing to stand near the side of the room. A young man, clean shaven and with blonde hair just long enough to rest on his shoulders. He is obviously well off, wearing a fine suit underneath his long coat.

"I'll be honest with you, Mr Sherlock. I have never been much one for subterfuge, its not truly in my blood. However, Direct Service of the Queen? I can pledge myself to that. You can consider my skills and training at your disposal."

Turning to the room, "My full name and title is Sir Christof De Castro, but you may all call me simply, Chris."

Sorry, Good Sir. If it helps, I am really going to focus on more of a team-work-style Cavalier. It's always good to have another mighty meat-shield, though.

Christof de Castro is of noble birth but far from the line of succession. Instead, he turned himself to noble goals, knowing that the court was never going to be his. He trained with the military, honing himself as a lancer to serve king and country.

Sir Christof De Casto
Human Cavalier 1
Neutral Good

Initiative: +1
Senses: Perception -2

Strength: 18 (+4)
Dexterity: 13 (+1)
Constitution: 11 (+0)
Intelligence: 14 (+2)
Wisdom: 7 (-2)
Charisma: 16 (+3)

Languages: English, French, German and Russian
Speed: 30 ft (20ft in my Breastplate)

AC 17, touch 11, flat-footed 16
CMD 16
HP 10 (Maximum 10)
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will -2

Base Attack +1, CMB +5
Melee: Masterwork Greatsword +6, 2d6+6 (19-20/x2) or Masterwork Lance +6, 1d8+6(2d8+4 when mounted.)
Ranged: Javelin +2, 1d6+4 (x2), range 30'

Favored Class: Cavalier
Campaign Trait: Royalty
Armour Expert: Reduces Check Penalty by -1.
Charming: +1 to Bluff or Diplomacy if they are (or could be) sexually attracted to me.

Acrobatics -1 [no rank]
Appraise 2 [no rank]
Bluff +3 [no rank]
Climb +2 [no rank]
Diplomacy +7 [1 rank]
Handle Animal -1 [no rank]
Heal -2 [no rank]
Intimidate +7 [1 rank]
Knowledge (Local) +6 [1 rank]
Knowledge (Nobility) +8 [1 rank]
Knowledge (Religion) +8 [1 rank]
Knowledge (History) +8 [1 rank]
Perception -2 [no rank]
Ride +3 [1 rank]
Sense Motive +2 [1 rank]
Survival -6 [no rank]
Swim +2

Power Attack

Class Features:
Challenge: +1 to Damage, -2 to AC vs not challenged, +1 to ac vs challenged
Mount: Warhorse
Order: Lion
Tactician: Bonus Feat: Precise Strike

Masterwork Greatsword
Masterwork Lance
Masterwork Breastplate
4 Javelns
Nobles Outft (with jewellery and signet ring)
Miltary Saddle
