Thorn's End Guard

Sir Captain Kip Drago's page

43 posts. Alias of Roidrage.


Still unconscious........Kip stays on the ground at least I hope he does hehe.

Forgo my last post, and Sir Captain Kip Drago falls to the ground and takes a long nap.

Fort save:1d20 ⇒ 4
60/70 MDC left, that was MD right?

He started to try and answer the many questions of the young girl as the target finally made a move and through a gem at him. As the young girl falcon punches his attacker the Sir Captain comments, "What the hell kinda crazy woods are these, you got exploding gems and little girls that stronger then fraggin Juicers?" He looks to his group, "I think I need a drink, but let us check on our attacker there." He moves in with his pistol ready and will take an aim shot at the first thing that moves funny.

"Got ourselves in a Lazlo stand off deary, we holding blasters and they are holding gems.....Oh man this sounds crazy, damn casters. Bet my brother could figure out they are, Bah!" In a frustrated look he growls out to the women "Okay, so are you our test from the lady or not? If your not bring on the creature or just give us back our stuff and you can keep your limbs." He looks over to the Reliana and gives her a smile and wink, "Don't worry miss you got yourself genuine Knight protecting you, trust me I'm a elf we know our knights. Plus you got's Sir Captain Kip Drago on your side." Then looks back at the gem wielders from his gun sight waiting for there answer.

Not taking his eye off his targets in the woods he starts to respond, "Watching a figure hiding in the woo......WAIT WHERE THE HELL DID YOU COME FROM!" He turns away from his target to look at a little girl next to him, "It's dangerous here little one hide behind the big bad wolf over there."

He looks over to Walther, "What do you want to do? I say we blast them before they throw gems at us. I'm getting tired of this trying to find out whats going on, let's slag everything and just get out of here." He raises back up his pistol and aims towards the targets waiting for his groups response.

Drago whispers to the group about the second female in the woods and keeps an eye on her.

As the rumble is made Kip sets his eye to thermo-imaging and looks where the man was and then to the forest.

Gripping his pistol tighter, "Excuse me miss, but what the drek are you talking about? I say you back up with this gem business or you might get yourself hurt, you got me?"

Sir Captain unholsters his pistol but keeps it down, staying quiet he watches one trying to avoid being the next target until he got to Samson.

As Kip follows up the wolfen, he'll move low to the ground with his hand near his particle beam pistol and staying quiet for a moment.

"Yeah, but it seems he gets in trouble like the rest of us.......Not saying you get in trouble there Sir Knight, just saying...umm...nevermind let's see what all this trouble is about." Sir Captain Kip Drago follows large wolfen up the tree.

Looking up in a huff then looks between Jesset and Walther he starts to think. "Hhhmmmmm....Do you two think you could help launch me to the top of the pit? Only thing I can think of."

Just to confirm,is that small building is outside the pit

"YES HURRY! THERE BETTER NOT BE ANY NEW SCRATCHES ON SAMSON!" Kip shouts at them. He then looks to the hole that Walther made and then gives him a quizzical look, "I'm thinking there's more to you buddy, and I feel I should stay on your good side, haha."

Trapped in a whole with a bunch of smokers, glad I got that toxic filter. Sir Captain thinks to himself as he double checks his armor and slides in his saber he looks to the other, "Not sure what to expect ,but if I had my Samson with me we would be just fine." He moves closer to the other three, "So since were all in the same boat I think we should introduce ourselves, of course all of you know me....Sir Captain Kip Drago master of the ultimate suit of armor known as Samson!" He gives a cocky salute to them and waits for applause.

Kip skims the note as he slowly gets up, "What the bloody hell did I drink or smoke last night?" He starts to realize there in the pit and a little sense of panic hits him, "What! Where the devil am I? My Samson where is he? If I don't get back they might tak....." Sir Captain Drago finally sees the other two and acts like he's fixing his monocle eye. He scans the area all around with his thermo imaging in his eye trying to find anyone else. Feeling a little short he a little away from the group as he does so.


Does my toxic filter help at all?
Fort 1d20 ⇒ 18

Overhearing the conversation, the Sir Captain being out of his element aka his power armor. He begins to look for others that might be interested in whats going on with these ladies. Spotting Walther taking an interest he moves next to him on the well. He sips his beer and then starts to talk in a low tone to the large gentleman, "Hey mate, just curious to see something odd with them ladies over there? They got some strange weaponry to keep those chica's in line." As he talks Walther notices the strange looking cybernetics of Kip's right eye is made to appear as a monocle.

Just curious, I forgot is it normal to wear body armor in the burbs?"

can I get a good look at them?
Also I'm good with us knowing each other, you guys agree?

Seeing that odd dark blue smoke, the Sir Captain's interest is peaked and focuses his amplified hearing to over hear there conversation.

Let me know if I need to roll anything for that, also do we know each other?

The dashing Sir Captain Drago, lifts up his tinted goggles to take a good look at the fine ladies. He shakes his head and the brutes yelling out cat calls, he says softly "These guys just make it easier for me." He waits by the bar, coming up with his plan of approach.

Perception:1d20 - 2 ⇒ (20) - 2 = 18
With amplified hearing and an multi optic eye I still don't get any perception bonuses hehe.

"Certainly there most be one with a little more class." He snorts as he raises his nose and moves with Mishael to the outside glancing back to see if anyone follows them.

Perception:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

We will stride off slowly enough if he begs for our business, we'll stop and listen to his offer. Especially if I wasn't able to retrieve keys from him. Sorry for the confusion.

The Captain looks straight at Artued,(He looks over the servent and looks for a set of keys or a pouch he might be holding closely.)
Perception:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
"You should be nervous, how dare you provide Sir Captain Kip Drago with a stinky barrel for a place to rest." He moves closer and pokes the man on the chest, "Is this how you treat how class clients such as myself! I hope your master knows better and my father deserves more respect then what you have offered me!" As he pokes him in the chest with one hand he will swipe the keys or whatever he saw and he starts to tear up. "Now lets get moving! Come on my loyal beauty, let us see what these unmannered sort have to offer." He snaps his finger to have Mishael come forward and as she moves forward he holds out his arm for her to take.

Intimidate(only in the way a noble would make a commoner feel small):1d20 + 14 ⇒ (3) + 14 = 17
Preform(Acting):1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
Sleight of Hand:1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28

Guess I will turn back into the Captain then, oh well.

"Guess the little runt wasn't lying, I wonder whats hidden in that room we were just in. I'm a little neverous about them locking us in here." He comments to his noble bodyguard.

Perception:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17

Captain Whispers to his bodyguard, "Start the work, I will be needing some air and will join you in a little bit."

He then moves to sit down on the barrel to see the worker's response to him being near the familiar item.

Sense Motive:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

As Captain Kip Drago notices the slab he pretends to be lost in sadness to study it further. As Mishael raises back out of his studying, He whispers to her, "Your Captain needs to figure something out, this has been a strain on me let them find me a place to rest while you make the arrangements. And just put the dancing as a test to make sure they didn't make my father a fool that should smooth it over." As he finishes his whispers he looks somber and gives the man a nod to confirm what his bodyguard suggests.

Perception:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Sir Captain feigned shock and suprise to the man's techniques, then leans towards Mishael and whispers, "Ask him if he can get the deceased to move more intensely my father was fond of an certain dance could it be possible for his wake...."

Spellcraft:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

Sir Captain stares at the man while covering his mouth with his handkerchief. He waits a moment the moves over and whispers to Mishael, "Tell him I wish to some of his examples of there services to make the deaceased as he put it beautiful and then move on to the coffins and have fun with it if you wish." Then moves back to staring at the man.

He crosses his arms and gives a big huff, "Tell the man to hurry then." As he waits taps his foot loudly getting the attention of them and exposing some of his fine jewelry(part of his disguise check).


Kip looks away from the man holding the handkerchief up to his face and cries a little into it, and glances back seeing the mans reaction.

Perform(Acting):1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
Bluff:1d20 + 11 ⇒ (4) + 11 = 15

Sir Captain starts to speak but catches himself and covers his mouth with a handkerchief. He begins to sniffly and then tries to speak again, "You see sir I am Sir Captain Ki....*cries* Sorry for my rudeness but I lost my pa..*sniff**sniff*" He then waves his bodyguard to finish his sentence.

Perform(Acting):1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16

He's new guise is a famaliar form but the Sir Captain's usually bright teal suit is now a somber dark purple. "Sad news has brought back the Sir Captain of the Lucky Scallop here, you see my father Merchant King Bolind Drago has finally fallen to his illness and I, Sir Captain Kip DRago, his only heir must find the proper place to lay him to rest. Of course money is no problem." Sir Captain Kip Drago holds out his arm to the sky as he finishes with a tear dripping from his left eye.

Perform(Acting):1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

"My goddess you know, I am always up for a threesome or more." He gives her a sly devilish look.

He starts to look around, "Wonder if your drink will ever come? ha-ha" He gives off the most self indulgent laugh you have ever heard.

"I guess we were my fiery vixen haha. It seems no matter the guise they always run from bloody flag." He chuckles in a light hearted mood. "It seems the others move fast, shall we go look around like we own the place. Since we are the power couple and I have the keys hehe." He pats his jacket pocket.

Perception:1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Looking more for private or secret doors then the others.

As Mishael requests a drink, he replies in a soft tone, "Anything you wish my fiery goddess." Then he suddenly his left arm shoots up and with a loud *snap* of his fingers, "SERVICE! My goddess requires a drink, but only one that’s flavor can match her beauty." Then he gives a devilish look to the lone girl, "You know my dear its rude to stare with your mouth open, we may have to punish you. Right my dear?"

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (10) + 11 = 21

Kip smiles back, "We shall!" With that he opens the door for Mishael and escorts into the fine establishment. Unlookers seem drawn to the pair as Sir Captain Kip Drago comes struting in.

Preform(Acting):1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
Going to use my bardic preformance to try and fascinate the onlookers from the brothel. Will DC-14

As they wait Bloody asks Mishael, "I do you wish to play our information gathering technique? Do you want us to come up with a story ahead of time or a just improvise our way through this? Either way I'm okay with."

"Sound Idea, let us wait then." He replies to Mishael.

He whispers back to Mishael, "Ah wardrobe always gets me, maybe I could get some pointers from you after the jooo....(He gives a look of relization and his voice turns a little darker like Bloody Flags)...job so I can learn to hunt my prey better. And no I didn't notice." then gives her a smile that hopes she didn't notice his real voice.

"Flag sends only the best he see's fit for the job my dear." He gives her wink, and his acting curosity gives way as he leans in to whisper to Mishael "What gave me away?"

Kip holds his arm out for one of the ladies to take it, "So do any of you want to come in with me, and then get additional company if you know what I mean?" He raises his eyebrow as he finishes the question.