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![]() Hawkmoon269 wrote: You will want to check out this blog post. It includes info on the cohorts in the witch class deck, and even an image of one. Roger! Thanks. Above question answered as well. ![]()
![]() Googam wrote: The cohort card for Daji DOES give the arcane skill. My guess is you saw the promo card Daji which is an ally. Ah, okay. Thanks. I did a variety of searches and Google Images only ever came up with the one version of Daji. Oddly enough, I did even more searches for Feiya and never found a full image of her card (to see if it was a typo in the PDF). I'm guessing the other cohorts in the Witches class deck also provide Arcane (deduced from the fact that none of the Witches have Arcane or Divine on their cards)? ![]()
![]() I was looking through the downloads of the Witch Character Deck to see if I wanted to buy the box. I noticed that Feiya has a Power (on the Winter Witch Role) that says, "For your Dexterity or Acrobatics non-combat check you may use your Arcane skill and add the Cold trait." When I looked for her Arcane skill to see what that was I was surprised to see she doesn't have one listed on her card. My first thought was that since she has a Cohort, "Daji", then perhaps Daji grants her the Arcane skill. However, Google reports that Daji does not have anything like that on him (looking at imgaes for the card). I did several searches to see if this is something that has been errated (both on Google and paizo) and I couldn't find anything. Is this a typo in the downloadable character sheets? I mean, it must be... right? A witch whose favored card type is Spell and the aforementioned Power must certainly have an Arcane skill. Edit: Now I'm really confused. I just looked at the other witches in the Witch deck class. None of them have the Arcane skill. So I must be missing something here. ![]()
![]() Sara Marie wrote:
Thank you for fixing this. I'll cross my fingers for the next couple of months and see how things shake out. ![]()
![]() Running the game with multiple groups at various stages is such a colossal pain with the system the way it is right now. One group is on Adventure Path 5, and another group is on AP2. It's a nightmare adding basic and elite cards back in for the newer group, then removing them again for the advanced group. Same with higher AP cards (such as monsters, barriers, etc). Another hassle is the locations. From what I've noticed each Adventure Path adds a few locations but its the only Path that uses those locations. For example, Adventure Path 4 uses only locations that have A, B, or 4. However, when I'm trying to prep a scenario I still have to sort through all the other locations adding several minutes to the preparation time. And nothing is worse than being on AP6 and seeing the scenario 2 reward is a random boon from the box. Is Valeros really supposed to be excited about getting that Dogslicer +1 he's been putting back in the box for the last 5 months? I might try adding only the current AP cards to the game and then removing them (putting them back into their package) at the end of the session. In fact, the character class decks seem to promote this since we won't have to keep previous AP cards around in their character decks any more. ![]()
![]() On Weds, Aug 27 I finally got the game I was told was shipping to me on Aug 5. It did not contain most of the items in the sidecart... only PACG: Skull and Shackles Base Set. I saw lots of emails and apologies from Paizo and what appeared to be a promise that the rest of the order was coming soon. Today, 2 days after I received the game, I got a notice from Paizo (listed as order #3255349) that says you guys are about to finally ship me PACG: Skull and Shackles. Eh? The email specifically lists the only thing I've received from you as the only thing you are going to send to me. When I go to my account and see my sidecart it has all the promo cards and Character Add-On decks *twice*. There is no mention of the Skull and Shackles base game you appear to be about to send me again. I really have no idea what's going on. These subscriptions are really starting to be more hassle than helpful. I don't save ANY money (with shipping fees it cost the same as going to the game store... and sometimes more), the stores often get their product before I do, and lately the stores typically have enough promo cards to distribute. (Promo cards were the main reason I did the subscription). Does Paizo have a clear path of how to resolve these issues? Just to be clear: 1) I don't want a duplicate Skull and Shackles Base Set, 2) I don't need duplicate promo cards, and 3) I don't want duplicate Skull and Shackles Character Add-On deck. P.S. - I'm also very annoyed with the customer service person who told me they fixed my change of address on the first Base Set shipment but didn't (which was clear when the package went to my previous address). ![]()
![]() If a monster is immune to a trait such as Fire, can a spell with the trait Fire still be used? The reason I ask is that Seoni ran into a monster with this trait but the only card she had in her hand was a Fire based attacked spell. Since she knew she would lose the fight she wanted to cast the spell just so she could recharge it rather than lose it to damage. I was unsure of what the ruling would be. We decided she could play it and it simply did no damage to the monster and allowed her to recharge it. ![]()
![]() Thanks for the responses. Zoltán Mészáros wrote:
Well, we do this now with the base set so it's certainly possible. I have one RotRL box set and all the add-ons but I currently play with 4 different groups. All the players write down cards on the character sheets downloaded from Paizo and construct our decks from those before we run a scenario. Its a huge pain but currently the only way to do it. It looks like the class decks will alleviate some this agony but not all of it. (Most of the pain comes from having to add and subtract adventure path cards--basics out of high level groups, high adventure path cards for others, etc.). Zoltán Mészáros wrote: ... So except if 2 people uses the same type of class deck (for example there are 2 fighters or wizards) you shouldn't have a problem seperating the cards after playing. So this brings up an interesting problem or two. In RotRL base set you can't have two people playing the same class. But with class deck's you certainly can. Some of the scenarios *really* need a wide range of classes or have almost no chance of winning. (Hard to close locations by banishing a blessing when you're playing Ezren, for example). This is cool, IMO. The game is generally too easy (in my most advanced group we've had to redo 2 scenarios and only had 1 character die). Adding an extra challenge will be interesting. However... Hawkmoon269 wrote: When you play in organized play. 1 person will provide the Base Set(s) (it might be the store or organizer). Everyone playing with a particular Base Set will each play a character from a different class (so no table will have 2 fighters). This seems to be a problem. I'm single, over 40, and have a great job. This leaves me with plenty of disposable income I can spend on games. However, most of the people I game with are not so lucky (or unlucky, depending on your point of view). If two people show up to play at an organized event with their one and only Fighter class deck are you really going to tell them they can't play unless one of them spends another $20? Maybe you're just referring to the big events and not the small store organized things. If so, I guess that makes sense. ![]()
![]() I'm feeling a little confused about the class decks. It seems like an awesome idea but I can't figure out what supposed to be going on with them. From reading the organized play thread I gathered that the Skull & Shackles wouldn't come with classes since each player is required to bring their own class deck. But now I read that description of the Skull & Shackles box and it comes with 7 characters classes--four of which are new. Plus there is a Character Add-On Deck with four more classes. Why are the character class decks required when there are already classes 11 classes available? Also I'm worried about redundancy. Are the class decks I'm supposed to spend another $20 contain the same cards that base set or character add-on deck have? And isn't this inviting a ton of potential card misplacement? I mean, what if 2 people are using base set classes and 2 others brought their own class decks? How do you keep the cards from getting mixed up? (This gets even worse with the recently spoiled card that lets you take a card from somebody else's discard pile into your hand.) ![]()
![]() Thanks for the response, Hawkmoon. I suppose I'm reading into this that is no benefit to me, then. I recognize that all your points in 1 and 2 are valid and probably apply to a wide selection of people, but I have no problems with playing with whatever number of people are available--including just myself. I think the most disappointing thing about this program is that all Paizo is providing is a PDF for stores to download (read this on the article announcing the Class Decks). 30 new scenarios with no new locations, villains, or henchmen? People have been posting great scenarios here without those things. I'd expect a little more from Paizo. Shrugs. Oh well, PACG is still a great game even though I find a lot of little annoyances in it. And since some people will find the organized play as defined helpful then I guess it's better than nothing (although a PDF is just some bits on a computer... so that's as close to nothing as you can get). ![]()
![]() Okay. I read the press release and this entire thread. And I still have NO idea what this is about. It appears as though it's some sort of weekly organized play at participating stores. The stores provide the base set, we players provide our character packs, and Paizo provides a new scenario each week (except the end of December). Is that it? If so, I don't get it. I mean... why? What's in it for me? I already play every week (on and off). Do player's get special promo cards or something (like Magic the Gathering with their promo cards for Friday Night Magic)? If so, then I guess this might be worth it. The press release mentions: "As characters play through Season of the Shackles, they'll fight pirates and denizens of the isles, gain tasty plunder and new spells, and learn secrets buried deep in the Inner Sea's watery reaches. Each scenario brings with it new prizes, and players of the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild can gain rewards that cross over into RPG play". I have no idea what these things are. Are the "tasty plunder" and "new spells" promo cards obtainable only by playing in this organized play? Sorry if this is obvious for everyone but me. I'm a software engineer and require more concrete details. To me, it seems like the press release was only for "people in the know". I see the obvious benefits for stores and Paizo. People coming to the stores for any reason increases sales for store owners. And patrons coming to the store for other reasons will be intrigued by people playing PACG, so more sales for Paizo. I just haven't quite got a handle on what the player gets out of this. ![]()
![]() Katina Mathieson wrote:
Clarification as requested, I received two identical shipments. Both boxes were correctly addressed to me and both contained the new cards and the promos (actually, I assume both have the promo... I didn't open the second box and check but it looks slightly misshapen as if the promo was added). Thanks for the response. I'll donate to a friend. ![]()
![]() I got 2 copies of the PACG "Sins of the Saviors" adventure deck. It appears I was correctly billed only one copy. I don't need the second copy. What should I do (if anything) with the second mistakenly shipped copy? (I hope this didn't happen for everyone... that would pretty costly for you, I imagine). ![]()
![]() (I posted this in the PACG forum but it was suggested that I post here, so I am.) I finally got around to opening my subscription shipment for Hook Mountain Massacre last night and didn't see the promo cards right away. It turns out they were stuffed into the box with the rest of the cards (as opposed to the box with all the styrofoam popcorn). When I say stuffed... I'm being literal. The edges of the cards are damaged so much that I can't play with them. I know Paizo doesn't offer replacement cards for cards that acquire wear and tear through play but what about cards damaged from shipping? I did some searches on the site but I didn't find any results. ![]()
![]() I finally got around to opening my subscription shipment for Hook Mountain Massacre last night and didn't see the promo cards right away. It turns out they were stuffed into the box with the rest of the cards (as opposed to the box with all the styrofoam popcorn). When I say stuffed... I'm being literal. The edges of the cards are damaged so much that I can't play with them. I know Paizo doesn't offer replacement cards for cards that acquire wear and tear through play but what about cards damaged from shipping? I did some searches on the site but I didn't find any results. ![]()
![]() Evolusi wrote:
I concur. That page is WAY too busy... I start to read then just give up. Respectfully request a new web designer go through the site and make things easier to read and find. ![]()
![]() HolmesandWatson wrote: I get that cost is an issue, depending upon how you sleeve, but I can't imagine not sleeving these cards; unless you don't mind the wear showing. Cost is a huge issue... but not the cost of sleeving. The base game cost $60 and the character add-on another $20. After ~15 game sessions and *very* careful handling the cards are starting to look like crap. Its hugely expensive NOT to sleeve the cards. Its easy to see why Pazio reps seems so set against against the idea of sleeves. The cards get damaged. Easily. All the piles of cards get shuffled dozens of times a scenario which is significant wear and tear. We have no way to replace the cards without buying a *completely new set*. Spilled beverage? $80.00. Easily spotted villains due to damage? $80.00. (More as new adventures come out.) Flat the Impaler wrote:
Great idea. I'm going to have a crafty relative start on this. Drunkenping wrote: I can't help but notice that the game calls for us to removes cards from the 'active' sections of the box. Does this mean there might be space for for ALL of the sleeved cards if a large collection of the unused cards are placed in that hole for the expansion decks? Good question. ![]()
![]() Kyra and Harsk are my two favorites. As cartmanbeck mentioned, Kyra is a good melee fighter. I soloed both the initial adventures with her without a hitch (couple of close calls but she recovers nicely) and she is a key member to a large group. Sure there can be other healers, but she's great at it and can hold her own in a melee. Plus if a scout uncovers an undead mob... well, she's better than Bill Murray at busting ghosts. Harsk I like for all the reasons Fromper mentioned. He does well enough solo but really shines in 6 player games. I haven't been able to bring myself to play Seelah. I think armor is nearly useless as well and the fact that she chucks boons out the window is a good reason not to have her in a group. However, I might try her solo just to see what happens. ![]()
![]() I guess my biggest complaint is that they based the characters on the iconics rather than let us make our own characters with their own stories. I mean... I really don't give a hoot about Harsk, but I want to play a Ranger. This almost kept one of my friends from even trying the game. She wanted to play a Fighter so I handed her Valeros. When she asked for the female fighter instead and I said there wasn't one she didn't want to play anymore. I talked her into it and she had fun, but how hard would it have been to just give us "class" cards instead of pre-made characters and let us name/imagine our own heroes? ![]()
![]() According to the rule book (Page 19, Paragraph 3) you leave all the cards in. However, I believe I read somewhere that when the as-yet unreleased adventures finally come out there will be a point where they tell you to remove "low level" cards as you use them (instead of banishing the card you remove it from the game). Frankly, I find this planned system a bit cumbersome. What if I'm playing a high level adventure with one group of friends but a low level adventure with a different group. I have to sort through all my cards each time I switch groups? Egads! I thought game prep took a lot of time now. ![]()
![]() The character Lem has the Divine skill under his Charisma. If he stumbles across the Detect Evil spell an its Check to Acquire is Wisdom, Divine. Does only the Divine skill matter (letting him role a d10 for Charisma and +1 for Divine? Or does the Wisdom part of the check indicate he needs to roll d6 but get's +1 for Divine? ![]()
![]() Let's say a check to defeat a monster is Strength or Melee 8. If my character has a Strength d6 and a Melee (Strength) of +2, then it seems obvious I am using the Melee skill (d6+2). However, if I complete the Perils of the Lost Coast adventure my character gets a Skill Feat. If I add +1 to Strength, does the above roll change? For example, is it now d6+3 (where I get +1 for using a Strength based skill and the +2 from Melee)? Or, do I choose between Melee d6+2 and Strength d6+1? Another way to ask the question is if the primary skill bonuses carry over into the secondary skill. (The way our group has been playing it is that the roll would be d6+3. However, after completing both adventure Perils of the Lost Coast and the Attack on Sandpoint scenario (both giving a skill feat as rewards) our characters seem to be getting overpowered.) ![]()
![]() My vision of a custom scenario website would include nice features like printing proxies for any custom villains, henchmen, locations, scenarios, and adventure cards you make. Also a voting/polling system so people could which scenarios are favorites. I've been working on the character storage app, but really its only so-so. I have very little art skills so the pages looks like crap. I may give up soon since its starting to impact the time I spend on work that makes me money. ![]()
![]() Jan Schattling wrote:
Correct. ![]()
![]() I was just wonder if there much out there in the way of fan sites for this game yet. In particular, I was wondering if anyone has made something like an online character generator and database, or perhaps a scenario/adventure builder. I am sort of working on these types of things in my spare time (hobby work like this is how I learn new tech skills) but I'd much rather just use somebody else's tools if they've already been built. Also, anyone have know how Paizo treats fan sites from their other games? I don't want to finish developing tools just to have Paizo come by afterwards and slap me with a shut-down notice. I have no intention of making a penny from anything I build, but I will certainly be lifting some art assets from this site (such as the Pathfinder ACG logo on the left side-bar). ![]()
![]() So far I have never lost (knocks on wood). I have soloed the Brigandoom several times each with Lem and Sajan and it was never even close except once for Lem after a crushing defeat... he only had 2 cards left to draw. My group (usually 4 players) has come close to losing twice (1 blessing left in one scenario and the next scenario had 2 blessings left). We've never had a death although we've had a couple of close calls (my Ranger had to go hide at a closed location and just assist fights from range... he had no cards left to draw (when his hand was reset) so couldn't risk a discard. Its a lot of fun. ![]()
![]() Cheez wrote:
It would be 3d10+2. He is pretty much unbeatable for any given fight when he has a handful of blessings. HOWEVER, blessings are used for more than just fighting. If he uses all his blessings in one fight then he can't explore again (most likely) thus consuming more turn cards. If he uses his blessings for other checks (or to help other players) then he won't have them available for his own turn... and he is almost helpless without blessings. So... with great power comes great restrictions. I found him great for solo play and terrible for group play. It really bothered me that I couldn't feed blessings to other players when they needed help because, if I did, I would be unable to do anything on my own turn. Also, there is a villain who gets tougher to defeat for each blessing used. Not a good match up for a character who relies on blessings. ![]()
![]() Serdiann wrote: Just a suggestion, for the reward, a blessing is pretty useless for ezren ! So changing or giving a choice for the reward would be better imo. Well, many rewards are useless for some characters and great for others. There are a couple of scenarios that reward a weapon or armor, but Seoni and Ezren don't care about those. A Sajan loves blessings but he really gets no love at all in the first to adventures. I think we just have to understand that not every one gets what they want every time. While the loot for this scenario might not be great for your current character it might be the best ever for your next character. |