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Simpatikool's page

Organized Play Member. 22 posts (553 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 4 Organized Play characters.



1 person marked this as a favorite.

Right on. Hoping for all sorts of cool options for my Technomancer.


Looking forward to this book!


therealthom wrote:

Is anyone, newcomers to SFS in particular, interested in playing the Season 1 story arc modules, possibly plus the repeatables, possibly plus a few more?


I have only been playing this game the last year or so. I would love to participate.


Yeah! More! :-)


2 people marked this as a favorite.

I would pick a book like this up IF it consolidated all the class, skill, feat and archtype rules under one cover.


When I read the Hack Capacitor, especially the lvl 12 and 18 versions, you can make multiple hacks available. While my Technomancer is not high enough level to take adavantage of them yet, as I read it, it is the whole reason why you would take the class option. So, you can stack hacks regardless of the the attribute limitation.



Appreciate the feedback. I think I basically agree with you. It is one thing to sit here and sort of arm chair quarterback character builds, but in practice.....It is something else.


Hello everyone,

I am trying to finalize my character concept for a Solarian.

I want to use the Lambent Vesk race in (Near Space) to focus on a Solarian who is great at the skill INTIMIDATE (The frilled racial feature).

Between a Lambent Vesk, a Gladiator Theme, I can start at first level with an intimidate of +11.

For a starting feat, I can consider some of the skill feats, to raise it higher, but I was also looking at Veiled Threat. This would allow me to use Bully a little bit more and maybe open up more social encounter options for a Solarian.

I envision a Solarian who is good at Demoralize, Bully and being a starship captain, later on taking on options like Sidereal influence.

At 2nd level, I would take the Battle Leader archetype, again reinforcing a "bossy" Solarian Vesk who sees himself the leader and acts like it.

Just wondering if this idea seems credible, I should I even bother with a feat like Veiled Threat.

Anyway, take care. Thank you.


Hey all,

Hack Capacitors were introduced to Technomancers in COP (page 92). You loose some other class features but as a move action gain the benefit of a magic hack (from a list) for 1 minute.

So, normally, magic hacks have some limitations on how many can apply when casting a spell. You cannot stack multiple hacks that affect the same attribute.

Does Hack Capacitor overcome this?


I take the MAGIC HACK class feature Harmful Spells at 2 lvl. At 6th Level I take the class Feature Hack Capacitor and select 3 other magic hacks I meet the prerequisites too. One of them is Debug Spell.

So, later on, I am in combat. I have access to Harmful spells normally. As a move action I decide to gain the benefit of Debug Spell. With my standard action I cast overheat. I roll 2d8 +3 (for harmful spells) and roll a 1 and an 8. I can decide to spend an RP to reroll the 1. Normally, If I had these two hacks as normal magic hacks, I would not be able to do this if I had Harmful Spells and Debug Spell as normal magic hacks both affect the same spell attritbute....damage.

Do I have this interaction right?

Alternatively, as your technomancer grows in level, the Hack Capacitor allows you to select multiple hacks to gain the benefit of. For instance at 12th level you can select two hacks. I could select Harmful Spell and Debug Spell with that feature for the same affect.

Thanks. Trying to figure out if this option is correct or if I am just reaching. Sort of a new player and like everyone else, my interactions are on virtual TTs.



Player Name/Alias (for Chronicle): Thel/Simpatikool
Character Name: Grimace of Gwar
Org Play and Character Number:2373129-703
Faction: Acquisitives
Race, Class and Levels: Lambent Vesk, Solarian, Level 1

Initiative: 4

Day Job Roll:Day Job: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9


Hope those who celebrate Thanksgiving had a nice one.


Rhubarb-e will purchase 2 Frag Grenades, since she used up her supply in her most previous adventure.


Hi. Ok. For the life of me. I cant figure out how to send a pm.


I would suggest the Mystic (Keshkodai?) or the Solarian (Altronus) would be good choices. Otherwise, I am fine with the GM recommendation as well.

Not certain if we need to worry about Star Ship roles.


I am checking back in.


Heya. I was able to score a Abnb at the beach for this weekend. I don't mind the delay. I'll be back home on Monday evening......


Cellion wrote:

That said, I'm not sure why you'd want to use shadow grenade. The item level limits for the feat means that you are choosing between spending a 2nd level slot on a real spell, or on at best duplicating an item level 4 grenade. And by the time you have 3rd level slots, you're choosing between a 9d6 fireball and a 2d10 solar flare grenade with Reflex negates.

I agree with that point 100%. Grenades and Explosives as a whole seem underwhelming for a Technomancer. RP wise, I love the idea of being able to create magical/grenade/explosive traps and attack vectors, but the amount of work seems to not be worth the payout it offers.


Hey all,

I was wondering about the interactions of various Grenade Magic Hacks for the Technomancer class and some of the various grenade "feats".

The Feats in question are specifically Cook Grenade, Grenade Mastery and possibly Quick Draw.

The Magic Hacks to consider are Spell Grenade, Shadow Grenade and Fabricate Explosive.

Special Considerations should also go to Bombard Fusion.

So my questions.... (or desire to confirm my theory)

Cook Grenade. Can I use Cook Grenade on a Spell Grenade/Shadow Grenade or Fabricated Explosive?

Example. Shadow Grenade. Standard Action to create and throw a quasi real duplicate of a grenade in your possession. The targets get saves. If I also have the cook grenade feat I can make the DC for their Save more difficult, it just becomes a full action.

Shadow Grenade is the real money maker in my opinion here. A technomancer creates a version of a grenade in their possession. So, I can invest in a level appropriate grenade and even add things like Fusion Seals etc as long as I expend the right level of resource.

It is my belief that the answer to my question is basically YES, these Magic Hacks can take advantage of these feats, just like if I had Weapon Specialization Feat for Heavy Weapons and I used the Technomancer Magic Hack Fabricate weapons to draw forth a Heavy Weapon.



I think that is a good observation. I was looking at the spell and reading (Determining?) that the last two paragraphs apply to the Holographic Spell.

If not, then you are right. Spellshot is definitely valuable.


I always think as a GM in order to make a setting seem grittier, resources/services have to be difficult to get, which makes all the players abilities MORE valuable.

Couple that with the suggestions from like Metaphysician above and I think you can find a happy medium.


Hey guys, new to Starfinder, but have been playing a Technomancer.

So, question. Besides being a good distraction, holographic image allows any spell with range touch or great to originate from your hologram. Would this not be a better option for ranged spell delivery than say Spell shot? I know Holo can be dispelled, but even if the Holographic image is not believed, the technomancer can use it as a platform. Greater level holo images also allow the images to sustain multiple rounds even if you are no longer concentrating.

Am I missing something. Spellshot you have to shoot. If I want that to be useful, I need to invest in long arms which does not get the free weapon spec at 3rd level. Holographic image you have to spend a spell, but then it is there. We got Spells, Spell Modules, Spell Throwers etc. Holographic Image seems like a slam dunk to me.

Just a thought I have as I level my Technomancer and have to make the right choices.



I have been toying with rolling a Kasathan Solarian who concentrates on just small arms. Taking any and all feats that help with small arms accuracy and damage. There is a Feat that lets me use 4 small arms at once. That coupled with Solarian armor and Solarian abilities that help with defense/positioning etc.It is just an idea, but essentially it is a Space Cowboy. DEX and CHR as high as you can go, followed by CON.