Siiepher's page

Organized Play Member. 3 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.


Heyo, this is my first time running a PFS game. I'm running it with a home group, who are also first timers to PFS. I'm starting them off with the Pathfinder Introduciton Scenario First Steps: Part 1. This seemed like an obvious choice to me after doing some research. What I'm not sure about is to what season I should start on after that. I'm aware that the story of the PFS has progressed throughout the seasons. Should I start play on the most recent season? Or should I go back and run some of the previous ones?

Thanks for all the advice, I've looked it over and it turns out the party just didn't make their characters as good as they could have. And they didn't take into account the enhancement bonus stacking.

Hello, I'm currently running a campaign with a player that chose the Aegis class from the Dreamscarred Press Psionics books. He is easily outperforming all of the other party members in combat. It feels like that class gets way too many benefits for not enough downsides to me, especially the strength bonuses that come from the armor. But I could be wrong, I'm still pretty new to DMing. Any opinions / advice on this are welcome.