
Sieg Oshagairea's page

27 posts. Alias of havoc xiii.


Interested in playing a human ninja this profile will be edited to the correct stuff in crimson throne.

kayal (Fetchling)

Sieg rolled muttering while asleep as his wife sleeps beside him. It was the same dream that had plagued him for the last 2 years. Everyone he had ever killed for Savian replayed in his mind.

A dark room with fresh blood on his fingers a body lying on the ground dagger clutched in its lifeless hand, a bathtub full of red water a man half submerged in the water is throat cut from one ear to the other. They began to flash by so quickly it was hard to tell where one began and the other ended their was just blood. The memories stopped one one of a small child whose face was one of terror her blood on the dagger in his hand.

"No!!! He screams as he bolts up in the blade thrashing in the bed causing the covers to be jerked violently from Rose.

kayal (Fetchling)

What exactly are those of us not directly involved in the palace doing? Odd I could have sworn he was supposed to be CN....will have to fix that.

kayal (Fetchling)

Vital strike with devastating charge should stack I think....which brings the damage from that first strike up more.

Devastating charge (combat)

You put a lot of power behind your blows when you run into combat.

Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Atack, base atack bonus +1.

Benefts: When you are not mounted and you use the charge action, a successful atack deals an additional 2d4 points of damage. If you are using a 2-handed weapon, or a 1-handed weapon in 2 hands, you instead deal an additional, 3d4 points of damage.

kayal (Fetchling)

Question on the shadow clone trick. Do we use it as mirror image in every way or the way I had read it as it is 1 d4 images and in every other way it works as mirror image? Also would it be ok for Sieg to occasionally allow pedestrians to unknowingly help with his monetary endeavors?

kayal (Fetchling)

All right just want to say RAAARGGGHHH. Stinkin playtests bringsis outs the evils it does.

Now back to your regularly scheduled programing. Also does the ancestral weapon work by allowing you to just pay the price at a certain level or every level? Because it doesn't make sense to pay 6000 something at level 6 but still only have +1 on it or am I missing something?

kayal (Fetchling)

I just want to say I am really excited about this game. I like how it is all looking so far. Also three characters sneak attacking things scares me in a good way.

kayal (Fetchling)

If I'm reading that correctly wouldn't you be better off paying the price at 4th lvl than 6th because that would still just be a +1 weapon it just costs 3x as much?

Also look at Rose's build if you want an interesting idea for duels it is set up as an "iaijutsu" build so that first strike will do quite a bit if it lands. Unless you mean more on how one would start it than how one would fight during it.

kayal (Fetchling)

DRA how do you want Rose to use ancestral weapon? Have it work as is from paladin's divine bond? I was thinking a flat +1 to attack/ damage or just damage or attack or something that goes up every 5 lvls so it would be a +5 at 20 not sure how ths works balance wise but I don't see a couple extra points being game breaking but I could be wrong.

This would only work for ONE chosen weapon if broken or lost you have to have it REPAIRED not replaced. This is to explain that I can't imagine your family's sword breaking and just replacing it at the next store you walk into.

Will do boss man.

The shadow asp dojo in the plane of shadows. Also DRA do you want Rose to use ancestral weapon? Have it work as is from paladin's divine bond? I was thinking a flat +1 to attack/damage or just damage or attack or something that goes up every 5 lvls so it would be a +5 at 20 not sure how ths works balance wise but I don't see a couple extra points being game breaking but I could be wrong.

Same question I had and same decision after the answer...creepy.

Steven T. Helt wrote:

Edit: I'm willing to forever give up the mount feature (there's talk in the playtest about making the mount optional) for either the Ancestral Relic feat (a benefit of previous samurai classes and not unlike the divine bond alternative), or for the following text for Martial Stalker for your campaign only:

I'm all for dropping the mount for ancestral relic. Cyra wanted me to say this since she can't get to a computer at the moment.

kayal (Fetchling)

Central for me and Cyra.

Also now that all the other players have been chosen I shall send out my offer again. Anyone who wants their characters weapons custom drawn just let me know what they'd like to see.

kayal (Fetchling)

The ninja is here and reporting for duty. Can't wait till I figure out how he will react the first time he sees Daveth I'm imagining him thinking he was sent after him. :)

For anyone who is curious about my style, I am doing this for my own practice since it is in this field that I plan on my future being in.

Changed background a little and changed one of my feats so it now fits the background better.

Just want to say for those who will be chosen I will draw out your characters weapons for you if you wish. Just let me know what you want it to look like again this is not an open call, but fir those who will be in this game. Ask DRA about what kind of work I do if curious.

Wow...was looking at my HP after all the talk and I went 44 hp..."Note to self NEVER get hit". Then I looked at my rolls and went that's odd... I never added my first level hp to my total.

downrightamazed wrote:
PsionicFox wrote:

Quick question: The Black Dragonflight. Are they just black dragons? Because I think I'm going to give him the White dragon bloodline. Honestly, it has little to do with the character, I just wanted to know for my own curiosity.

The Black Dragonflight army consists of orcs, trolls, hobgoblins, gnolls, and many dark folk. All of them are terrifyingly well equipped and magically enhanced. The regular foot soldier orcs are clad in full plate mail, for example. Hobgoblins and Dire Gnolls serve as NCOs, young black dragons and Erinyes are officers. Many other devils also assist and there are oracles that do the bidding of the Dragonflight's leader, the spectral Veriala.

They have cavalry that ride dire boars and beserkers on dire badgers and worgs. They also have dragonriders.

Your character would know none of this, BTW. :-D

I'm assuming Sieg knows all this though?

Sorry missed that its from SGG's feats of battle book.

Devastating charge (combat)
You put a lot of power behind your blows when you run into combat.

Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1.

Benefits: When you are not mounted and you use the charge action, a successful attack deals an additional 2d4 points of damage. If you are using a 2-handed weapon, or a 1-handed weapon in 2 hands, you instead deal an additional, 3d4 points of damage.

The name is at least for the moment Rose suspect to change though.

just wanted to let you know if you need an incentive for Sieg Cyra's samurai's family is involved in the political world and if she is sent he would go with her. Also opinion on devastating charge.

downrightamazed wrote:

Okay, reading through everything and I have some questions for some of you. Please answer back in spoilers. If I asked you stuff or didn't ask you stuff it doesn't mean anything one way or the other in terms of selection. Just looking to get equal info on everyone and make sure I'm seeing your character the 'correct' way.

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Why didn't I get a message? Are you not considering my character?

Just kidding I need to pass the time waiting for my dentist apointment.

DRA sent you an email. Also I think you now know why Ronin gave me my own special folder. ;) always wanting to know stuff.

That Tristan person looks familiar just can't remember why....

Huh a half succubus and a half erynies interesting.

Weapon Expertise (Ex): At 3rd level, a samurai gains an unparalleled expertise with his chosen weapons. At 3rd level, the samurai selects either the katana, longbow, naginata, or wakizashi.

A nodachi isn't one of them unless DRA allows it of course. Though for the purposes of playtesting I'd say don't change anything yet, but that's just me. I'm honestly fine with what ever.

Dotting here is the ninja. Still trying to decide on vanish of shadow clone.