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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber. 9 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist.


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

"Investigating the Neighbors", page 16/17, says that on a Critical Failure, players gain the same information they would on a success, "but as if the NPC were of a level that is 3 levels below their actual level." But the entry for Success, it only says that PCs confirm the NPCs in question work for Hyrune and what their specialties are. There's nothing on any of them about their level.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Such a silly little question, I can't believe I can't find the answer anywhere.

On page 13, under "B. Abandoned Temple", it says that the cave to the north is filled with "soft but nasty-looking green light". But nowhere in the description of area B1, or even B2 or B3, is there any indication of what would be giving off that light.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I'm running Graveclaw, just got through the encounter with Drusilla last night. And something I should definitely have noticed ahead of time, but only realized at the table, is that the Hunter's Hagbook is useless for my party. Our casters consist of a Bard, an Oracle, and a Summoner, all of whom are spontaneous casters, and the Hagbook, as a Grimoire, only functions for prepared casters.

Has anyone else run into this issue? Any advice on how to surreptitiously alter the book's function to be usable by such a party?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

The book makes it clear that a key facet of Twined Stories is that performances take place on both the Material and Ethereal planes. Multiple references are made to this applying to The Winnowing of Gachanta. The climax of Act III is said to split the party between the Material and Ethereal planes...but nowhere is there any explanation of how this is to be achieved, unless half the party just happens to be capable of going Ethereal on their own. Am I missing something?

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

In Chapter 2, Lasheeli Aminda has come to the Field of Maidens to retrieve the statues that were once her aunt and grandmother, whom her profile on page 90 says she barely knew.
"Barely" being the keyword that confuses the hell out of me. Lasheeli is stated on page 41 to be in her early 20s. Geb created the Field of Maidens nearly 400 years before the events of the Adventure Path.
Putting aside the question of how long-lived Lasheeli's mother must have been when it's clearly implied she and her sister are the first aasimar in many generations, how does Lasheeli "barely" remember family members that died nearly 400 years before she was concieved?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

From Bestiary 3 via Archives of Nethys: "Loading a cannonball into the cannon itself to fire it is a swift action; this allows the golem to take two shots per round with the cannon."
Two shots per round *every* round? Because RAW, this seems like two shots every *other* round to me:
Round 1, shoot, reload, shoot
Round 2: reload, shoot, convert move action down to a second swift to reload again so it's loaded for two shots next round.
But the phrasing also makes me think that the golem really is supposed to be allowed to fire off its entire 20-ball magazine in 1 minute by full-attacking. So...thoughts?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

I have an NPC who's a wereshark. So their hybrid form is Large. They use a ranged weapon.

Enlarge Person has a specific caveat that while your equipment grows with you, it shrinks again when it leaves your person, meaning that ranged weapon damage dice do not change. Lycanthropy does not have such a caveat, nor can I find any such things in the general Polymorph subschool rules. So is it correct to give their ranged weapon an upgraded damage die while in hybrid form?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

One of my players brought this up to me - and immediately discarded the idea, so I don't exactly need to work out the answer, but I'm still curious what people's thoughts are:

How does the Throwing enchantment affect a Double weapon, like say a quarterstaff? If only one end has the enchantment, can you only throw that end at people? (Meaning you throw the whole weapon, and it always hits with that end first, so you can't use the other end's enchantments) Or do you need to put Throwing on both ends for it to work - if so, does the same apply to the Returning property?

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

In the final bit of the Ashen Ossuary, right before Concluding the Chapter, it talks about exchanging the predetermined treasures for items tailored to the PCs. I have two questions:

"Each item should be a 3rd-level magic item" - does this mean I should avoid giving a player a 2nd- or 1st-level item, even if I feel it would be more connected to their character than the available 3rd-level options, or should I stick to 3rd-level to make sure everyone's more or less even?

Should I be avoiding consumable items? Because if I give the rogue a potion of invisibility and the red dragon bloodline sorcerer a Lesser Staff of Fire, that feels unbalanced - but maybe that's just my brain being silly and I should ignore it, so I appreciate others' feedback.