Shenron's page
Organized Play Member. 46 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.
I am still working on the dragon. Kind of hard. LOL.
Ya, I like the fetchling race too. I have always been a fan of the Shadow Realm and what archtype do you think;
> Poisoner
> Cutpurse
whats an Agile AoMF?
I just figured I am sitting on a 20 Dex right now, so It would let me be able to hit things a lot better with my fists
Thinking on it, would Weapon Finesse be a better option for feat #4?
I see what you mean. I think it would be wise to go the improved feint route after this?
Here is what I think that might make more sense...Give me more options...
1st Level Feat: Combat Expertise
Combat Trick Feat: Improved Feint
3rd Level Feat: Improved Unarmed Strike
5th Level Feat: Sap Adept
7th Level Feat: Enforcer
9th Level Feat: Sap Mastery
1st Feat: Enforcer
Second Feat: Sap Adept
Third Feat: Improved Unarmed Strike
With the Thug Archtype...
This idea seams cool, but isn't 1d3 damage a little low?
blackbloodtroll wrote: Later, pick up some Brawling armor. The Prolong Magic trait is a good choice.
Later feats could include Sap Adept, Sap Master, and Shatter Defenses.
Where is brawling armor?
blackbloodtroll wrote: Option 1: Tiefling, Thug archetype, pick up Improved Unarmed Strike, Enforcer, Nightmare Fist, and Nightmare Weaver feats. This looks interesting. What feat should I pick up first? Where is the Thug archtype?
Ya, improved feint at first feat was a goof.

So, after playing an Archer, a Cleric, and in my current campaign a Gunslinger.
Well, my GM said he was going to restart our original campaign and I figured it was time to get back to my roots and play a Rogue, I am kind of a Rogue at heart.
So, I have this idea of a Guild member that due to whatever reasons, decided to go adventuring.
I have already decided I am going to use the Cutpurse Archtype. My starting feat is going to be Improved Feint.
Where I am having issues is with is Race Choice. I have narrowed it down to two options;
Option 1: Tiefling - I like them for the use of their Darkness spell like ability (which mixed in with sneak attack gets kinda crazy) plus their other racial abilities are nice. Plus, my second feat option would be Armor of the Pit, because it is just sweet!
Option 2: Fetchling - Well, I really like them. There racial abilities really compliment the thief type and are a lot more useful in different situations then the darkness trick. Plus, their Shadowcloy is amazing and helps cause dim lighting for one target for one round.
Anyway, I really like them both. I need help deciding. Please list reasons why for your answers.
Ya? Do you have the name of the feat? Or where it is located?
So, I thought I saw these feats somewhere but I do not remember what they are called or where I saw them from but I remember what they did.
> One of the feats added +1d6 to sneak attack damage
> A feat that increases the use of a spell like ability
Anyway, if anyone could point me to these, it would be awesome.
There was a sword called the Orcish Fullblade somewhere. Not sure where but those stats would be perfect for the buster blade.
I like the idea of the Gunblade using the alchemical sword style of rules...
The blade would be stats as a short sword, it fits in a though holster after all.
Gun part, use revolver rules from Ultimate Combat. Plus, the cylinder can also be loaded with special alchemical rounds that do not act as bullets, but when the trigger is pulled that quickly pulses with fiery energy causing an addition 1d4/1d6 fire damage as per alchemical fire. This decision must be decided before the attack.
These must be found in the core book. Great fun. I was going to switch out the Grave Touch for Animate Dead and Life Sight for Create Undead? I would make these like the original unlimited and no components required.
Where is the necromancer specialist? I cannot find it to even begin work on that.
On a second note, has there been any conversions of the bone and ash golems? Oh, and what would masterwork skeletons translate as?
Thank you for the help. It looks really awesome so far. I think it might be easier as an archetype but I want to keep both on hand just in case.
Do you think at will for the create undead ability is too powerful? What do you think the archtype should look like?
Should it be for the wizard or sorcerer? Or even a Cleric?
This was one of my favorite supplements back in he day. I am horrible at conversions for whatever reason. I have also been looking for that perfect necromancer class and have yet to find it. I was impressed with the oracle (reminded me of the Diable 2 necromancer) but fell short in the summoning.
So, i dug up my old Hollowfaust: City of Necromancers book and I am wondering if it would be hard to co nvert the Animator? Or make it a Archtype for the Oracle?
Plus how would you convert the Dragon, the masterwork skeleton (A template maybe?) and some of the magic items?
So, I do not remember where this awesome prestige class was located in the 3.0 or 3.5 supplements. I want to say the Complete Scoundrel or the Complete Warrior. I could be wrong.
Anyway, does anyone know what I am talking about? Has anyone converted it?
Has anyone done a conversion for this? I think it was one of the best supplements to come out of the 3.5 line.
I think that would work better. What do you think the Intelligence stats would be?
Thanks for that awesomeness! I will definitely use it. I hope I can copy and paste it without much trouble it so I can have better access to it.
I also want to rework the Soul Chain if a character claims it for themselves. I think how it is statted is to harsh.
Maybe I will change it to this;
"DC 15 Will everynight, if the save fails the character's alignment shifts and the character gains a compulsion to add souls to the soul chain."
1 person marked this as a favorite.
I am using a setting from a different RPG but I want to start my players off with Crown of the Kobold King adventure. Most of it is just using the
Pathfinder Stat blocks but where I have ran into problems is this;
> The Werewolf Girl
> Kobold King
> Traps
> The "original" monsters in the back
And I think that is it. Any thoughts and help would be great. I will be running this soon...
As anyone done a complete conversion of this?
What do you think is the best version of PF converted Mind Flayer?
You can PM it to me if you want.
Alright, if anyone is looking to get together with their friends or whatnot and put together a play by post game or if you are just looking for another haunt, I goyt a place for you. We just came online but we have built in die rollers and we are completely fan based. We support all types of games and systems and friendly bunch to boot.
Do you guys take money orders?
Think it would be worth converting? I think so, how problematic do you think it would be?
Ya, if I remember it gained sneak attack dice, all of the Feint Bonus feats, and at 5th level gained something like feat mastery, which let them feint as a free action.
Well, I am working on a Dark Sun conversion that is moving slow due to lack of feedback.
Anyway, I just discovered Psionics Unleashed and I am wondering if it will be back in print soon?
Or if I have to, I will just drop Expanded Psionics into the mix and deal with it.
Any thoughts?
So I do not have the Complete Warrior in which that 5 level prestige class was in.
I am wondering if anyone can convert it for me?
Ability Modifiers: +2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, -2 Intelligence (Thri-Keen are quick and willful but their alien minds make it hard to relate to human society)
Size: Medium
Speed: They have a base speed of 30ft.
Dark Vision: Thri-Keens of Dark Vision out to 60ft.
Strong Legs: Gain a +2 racial bonus on all Acrobatics Checks
Hard Carapace: +1 bonus to natural armor
Monstrous Build: Thri-Keen posses two pairs of arms, one stronger main pair and a weaker secondary pair. They can take Multiattack, Multiweapon Fighting, Improved Natural Attack, and Improved Natural Armor monster feats. These are not bonus feats but must be purchased separately.
Natural Weapons: They have four claw attacks that deal 1d4.
Languages: Thri-Keen and Common. Thri-Keen with high Intelligence can chose from Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Goblin, and Undercommon

Here is what I have so far. Oh, I checked out Athas.org and there is not much on there.
Ability Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Intelligence (Half-Giants are strong and healthy but are dim witted).
Size: Medium
Speed: They have a base speed of 30ft.
Giant’s Blood: Half-Giants count as both Giants and Humans for any effect related to race.
Mountain Folk: +2 bonus to all checks to resist difficult terrain
Stones Endurance: +1 Natural Armor Bonus
Tenacity: Half-Giants receive a +2 bonus to Will Saves
Languages: Goliaths begin play speaking Common and Giant. Goliaths with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Orc, and Terran.
With DM’s Approval: You can replace Stones Endurance with;
Powerful Build: The Half-Giant is considered “large” for the purposes of grapple attacks, swallow whole effects, and other such effects. The Half-Giant can also use weapons that are large.
Ability Modifiers: +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, -2 Charisma (Mul’s are strong and quick but aren’t very friendly)
Size: Medium
Speed: They have a base speed of 30ft.
Dwarven Blood: Mul’s count has both humans and dwarves for any effect related to race.
Hardy: Mul’s gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
Tireless: Mul’s only require have has much rest to benefit from the effects of a full rest.
Languages: Mul’s begin play speaking Common and Dwarven. Mul’s with high Intelligence can choose from the following; Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Terran, and Undercommon.
I need help converting Muls, Tri-Keen, and Pterran.
I am having some difficulties.

I am starting a campaign in 4th Edition because the Dark Sun stuff is already there and the Essential line impressed me so I want to give it a chance but the big problem I have with 4th Ed. is its importance on movement and a lot of the powers deal with movement, so depending on how effectively I can abstract those effects we will either stay with it or switch to pathfinder.
I link had some good ideas but I think people over complicated it at points. In my personal opinion, I do not think the races need re-statted, they just need re-flavored.
Anyway, I really like the Dragon #315 rules for defiling. Does the negative effects stack? Because if so, I think -4 to con is a little harsh. I really like that system though, I was thinking about doing something quick and easy like;
Defiling Magic
The caster who chooses to defile instead of preserves drains the life force from the land and enemies as well as allies close by.
* The casters effective caster level is considered to be 2 levels higher then it actually is to determine spell effect, range, DC, etc.
* Starting at level 1 and increasing every three levels, the Defiler deals 1d4 points on negative energy damage to all living creatures and destroys the land and plant life surrounding him, making it infertile and nothing with grow for years. This effect starts in a 5ft. square at the defilers feet at first level and increased by 5 ft. for every three levels afterward. (For example a 9th level Wizard who is a defiler would deal 4d4 points on negative energy damage and kill plant life out to a 15 foot radius.
Sweet, thanks for the help. I will have to see what I think of that variant in the APB.
I did not mean to imply that monster PC races (zero level ones) and balanced.
I guess I just say the Dhampyr and I was expecting more. Maybe I got to use to the half-vampire template in the Denziens of Darkness book.
Alright, to start off I found a lot of the monster races just awesome! On some of them I had some issues as follows;
> Orc
> Goblin
> Kobold
They seem to be heavy sided in negative ability modifiers compared to all the others.
The races in Beastairy 2 are awesome as well, but they seem a little underpowered from the Beastairy counterparts.
I mean I think there should be so much more the following;
> Dhampir
> Fetchling
> Grippli
I think at least one of these or at least two of them should on par with a Drow Noble or a Snurfnibblin.
Maybe I am crazy...
Looking at some undead templates in the Beastairy and Beastairy 2, I would say give them a channel resistance bonus equal to their CHAR bonus or a straight +4.
Has anyone done Trolls? Blood Elves?
How well does the Hunter Class translate to PF?
Awesome Conversion! Thank you for all of your good work.
What do you think of adding the recharge mechanic in PF? Maybe as a feat, like for Dragon Born, Unending Breath (Their Breathe Weapon recharges on a 5 or 6?)
I have always hated some of the limitations to the iconic abilities.
Has anyone done a Dark Sun conversion?