Spectral Dragon

Shadowcross's page

46 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Please cancel both my Pathfinder and Pathfinder Chronicles subscriptions.


After 4 months, finally all magazines have arrived!

What a trip...

Uhm, does this mean the replacement issues 149 aren't even mailed yet???

You said you contacted Cerberus about it 2 weeks ago already?

It's been 4 weeks now since I got my answer from CS.. when can I FINALLY expect to get my missing issue?

It's been FOUR MONTHS now.

Got my reply - waiting for 149 now. Hopefully it will arrive soon and I can try to forget the last 3 months...

150 & 359 finally arrived yesterday here in Germany - damaged though.

149 still MIA - and I second the question someone asked before: I wrote an email to CS, will we get some kind of reply or do we just have to wait and hope we get the replacement sent?

Still no Dungeon 149 & 150 or Dragon 359...

When can we finally except replacements? Especially for 149?

Stebehil wrote:


thanks for the info. Now I´ll wait for the end of the week (and ask myself when I will get around to reading all the new stuff I get at once :-))

My status ist still:

Dungeon 149 - not arrived
Dragon 358 - arrived
Dungeon 150 - not arrived
Dragon 359 - not arrived

I´ll wait till the end of the week (or till monday) before I declare Dungeon 149 MIA.

Same here... why can't they start with the 149's?

Curufinwe wrote:

Dragon 358: arrived

Dragon 359: MIA
Dungeon 149: MIA (if it was sent without a name there is a good chance it went back right away :/)
Dungeon 150: MIA
Pathfinder 1: Arrived here yesterday :)

Same for me.

So, will this just concern 150 & 359 or also 149?

Status as of today:
Dungeon 149 - missing
Dungeon 150 - missing
Dragon 359 - missing
Pathfinder - missing

Well, I'm fairly sure Paizo will demand money from TPFG for shipping the magazines to us.

Until they didn't get the money from TPFG, we will likely not see/hear of any magazines being shipped.

Lisa - correct me if this assumption is wrong.

Lisa Stevens wrote:
I wish I had a firm date for you guys, but I don't. We have been working all week trying to get my company in the U.K. in touch with TPFG. They have the magazines at TPFG that we need to use to ship to you guys, so until we get those issues from TPFG's warehouse, there is nothing that we can do. We have been told that TPFG wants the magazines out of the warehouse, which we are thrilled to do, but I need them to contact my company in the UK so they can arrange for pickup. Once that is done, I can get you a clear timeline, but while I am at the whim of TPFG, there is not much I can do except continue to badger them.

Uhm, sorry, but I don't give a damn anymore on anything TPFG says... so if they really wanted to get the magazines out of their warehouse, why don't they call your guys?

Why don't your guys just drive there and ring the bell at the office/warehouse? Of course, armed with a nice selection of baseball bats, crowbars and 4x2s.

Why continue waiting for action from TPFG when they already proved over and over again that they are unable to do anything right?

Take initiative!

Lisa Stevens wrote:
My team from Cerberus is standing by and are trying to set up a time to pick up the magazines from TPFG. I've heard that the final issues are all packed up and ready to ship, so hopefully, once they pick up the magazines, there will only be labelling and posting to go. Once they are shipped out, I will let everyone know right away.

Uhm, I'm not sure I like what I'm hearing... but maybe it's just not clear enough for me.

1. Which issues are we talking about now? "Final issues" sounds like 359 & 150 - is that what you were referring to?

2. How long do you expect this to take? Are we talking about another 2 weeks until they ship? So another 4 weeks at least until we get them?

3. What about the STILL (!) missing Dungeon issue 149? What do you plan to do about that? It's about TWO months now that I wait on my magazine!

Thanks for your update, but seriously - basically it's just the same "please wait another few weeks for the magazine you already paid" line we've been hearing for weeks and weeks now.

Don't complain! :) At least you have Dungeon 149... :(

Still missing Dungeon 149 & 150, Dragon 359 and Pathfinder here in Germany.

I can see his D1 review when checking from his profile page.

Joshua J. Frost wrote:

Quick update:

We know where the physical copies of the missing magazines are currently located and we know why there's been a delay and we're working to get everything resolved to get the final issues mailed out ASAP. Unfortunately, I cannot provide any additional details at this time.

May I ask why you can't say any details? Especially about the WHY?

Seriously, considering how long we had to wait so far, and considering the more than idiotic way TPFG behaved, we deserve to know more.

Lisa Stevens wrote:

<details on Lisa's Plan>

I am waiting for a return email from someone at Esdevium who should be able to help me with this. With any luck, he will get back to me today.

Like you, I have given up on TPFG. Hopefully we can get Cerberus the magazines in quick order and get the magazines shipped out. Wish me luck.

Wow, amazing.

Honestly Lisa, I didn't expect something this drastic this soon. I fully support it, I think it's a great idea and justified, just... well, I'm honest - I didn't expect you would finally give up on TPFG that soon.


Thanks for the update Lisa, I just won back a LOT of respect for Paizo & especially for you. This is really the way to go. Awesome!

Chibeles wrote:

That's it! That's what I found different about the envelope ! A return adress !

Probably I'm being paranoid, but is it possible that the return adresses and the missing names in the recipient adress are more than just coincidences?...

Absolutely not - you're not the only one. Let's see what happened so far:

- Missing magazine - they claim the lost a "bag of envelopes".

- Suddenly they print return-addresses on their envelopes - this starts JUST after they "lost" a bag full of envelopes.

- They suddenly have problems with money, phone, their credit card system

- Now envelopes without names appear

Sorry, this is all TOO MUCH... This screams LIES & SCAM.

A few hours ago, I got my email.
At least one thing that finally worked out.

Now I'm only still missing Dungeon 149 & 150 and Dragon 359... :( Once I have those, I might be a happy customer again too.

Lisa Stevens wrote:
I have an email in to TPFG to find out why the magazines were shipped out without a name on them. That is just crazy and I need to hear from them how something like this could have happened. I expect TPFG will reship those issues out on their own dime. I will let you know when I have more information.

Thanks for the update. It's good to hear something at least, even if it's bad news.

Sadly, I'm afraid "reship those issues out on their own dime" will also mean "on their own TIME" - meaning it will take at least a few weeks again:

1-2 weeks until they get them back
1-2 weeks until they have them sent out again
1-2 weeks until they reach us

So currently, I expect it to take anywhere between 3-6 weeks until I finally get my magazine.

That is, IF - and that's a very big IF - they both get the magazine back and they have the money to send it to me again. Both of which I seriously doubt after the events of the last weeks.

What will Paizo do to ensure that TPFG will actually get the missing magazines to us? Will we have to wait another 2 months - not knowing if the magazine will actually ever arrive at all?

Okay, a friend of mine living in the same city (actually only like 200 yards away) has got his Dungeon 149 on Friday/Saturday - I still do not have mine.

As I already feared, they weren't able to deliver it because of the missing name.

When are we finally going to get our magazine?

What is Paizo going to do about this?

A comment from Paizo is way overdue.

Dungeon 149 - not arrived yet (STILL NOT! Others in city have it since last week)
Dragon 358 - arrived on 22/08/2007.
Dungeon 150 - not arrived yet
Dragon 359 - not arrived yet

Seriously, how stupid do you have to be to send out all your envelopes without names without noticing?

I'm amazed that everytime I figured it can't get any worse, TPFG managed to make themselves look even more like total idiots and amateurs.

If there is no name on the envelope, there's a big chance I won't get mine.. I live in a house with lots of flats, an envelope lying around without a name on it will never make it to me.

Can I expect to get a replacement shipped ASAP in this case? Or do I get told to wait another 2 months until Paizo finally deems it justified to ask for a replacement?

Lisa wrote:
I have an email in to TPFG asking for a schedule for when the last magazines will ship. As soon as I hear something from them, I will post it here.

Shouldn't they have shipped WEEKS AGO ALREADY???

Stebehil wrote:
If I get my print copy of Pathfinder before the magazines, my patience will come to an end.

Yes, my thoughts exactly - esp. for Dungeon 149&150.

(Although I'm afraid to say it out loud, because, you know - that might make Pathfinder arrive even later than it would normally!)

Delivery Status, southern Germany, 22/08/2007

Dungeon 149 - not arrived yet (STILL NOT!)
Dragon 358 - arrived on 22/08/2007.
Dungeon 150 - not arrived yet
Dragon 359 - not arrived yet

Still missing 149/150 & 358/359 here in Germany!

Karui Kage wrote:
And don't forget, the person under Hold Person gets a new save every round to break it.

Which doesn't help him at all, since he's most likely dead after the first round -> CDG

Nothing here in southern Germany - hopefully tomorrow then...

WormysQueue wrote:

That is not quite correct. You're right with respect to web enhancements, but as far as errata are concerned, F&S takes the advantage and works them in their books. So most of the German translations contain less errors than the English original.

While it's certainly true, that they have less original errors compared to the english versions (because they work in the errata's from the english versions), they often put in NEW errors and very bad translations that warp the meaning of the rules so that they sometimes are very different from the original intention of the english version.

E.g. the german translation of scry makes it seem that nobody can scry a person that was the target of a resisted scry for 24h, when in fact it's just the caster of the resisted scry that can't try again.
Just one of the many errors my group has come across - because I use the English version and they have the German one.

Zaister wrote:

Nothing yet in Germany regarding Dragon 358/359 or Dungeon 149/150. Stores in Germany however seem to be having at least Dungeon 149 for a few weeks, a friend of mine bought his issue three weeks ago.

Has anyone in Germany got one of these issues off his subscription at all?

Not me and not my GM either. Both of us still missing all 4 magazines.

I don't think they lost "one" bag - they lost them all. Or probably more correct, they didn't even send them yet!

Paizo, when are you going to more aggressive ways trying to get a reply from TPFG?

Thanks Lisa for the additional update - I really hope Paizo does not lose this big amount of money they invested into TPFG just a now - they really seem to be going down :( I would hate to see Paizo going into trouble because of this.

But I want to point to what Ikki said - can't you just allow us to DL the pdf-issue in the meantime? Or are there royalities to Wizards involved in that?


First of all, thanks for your post - I really understand you are taking this matter seriously and are trying your best to resolve it.


Lisa Stevens wrote:
Stay tuned as I learn more and thanks so much for your loyalty to Paizo and your superb patience.

Patience? Sorry, but my patience has run out weeks ago. But what are we supposed to do? It's not like we have any chance to act. We're are forced to sit and wait and being told repeately "they will arrive soon".

But we can do nothing except sit and wait.. and suffer because of TPFG total incompetence in business. And the apparent lack of influence you - Paizo - has on them to fulfill their part of the contracts better.

It's not like we get any kind of reimbursement for the weeks we have to wait...

Sorry if I'm coming across as bitter and angry at Paizo - I appreciate your good CS and open communication with your customers - but I think you try to "protect" TPFG a little too much - you should openly confront them and demand actions/reimbursements for THEM screwing up majorily.

I have yet to receive both magazines and according to other posters, they are available in German stores for 1.5 weeks already.

I'm pretty sure we were patient enough until now, but 6 weeks after the official "sent-day", I guess it's understandable and justified to ask for replacements please?!

Still nothing new in Germany.

I think Paizo should sue them - this is inacceptable. This is a scam basically - they screw us over, both Paizo & us.

It's like a MONTH late now! (even calculating in the ridiculous 2 weeks of delivery from UK to Germany, which could have gone faster 150 years ago).

Vic Wertz wrote:
When issues arrive from TPFG, do they bear dated postmarks?

Nah, that would allow you to uncover their lies easily.

Seriously, I wouldn't pay that company a single cent - it's by far the worst I've ever seen. I said it before and I'll say it again - I fail to see how a company like them can stay in business. It's just unbelieveable.

Still no sight of 149/358 in Germany.

Nothing new on either 358 or 149 here in Germany :(

I would like to get both documents too please!

stadler <at> web <dot> de

Many Thanks!

TPFG doesn't deserve a single penny for the crap they are doing... geez, how difficult can this be?

*shakes his head in disbelief* I just hope I get my remaining mags fast - if ever...

mwbeeler, that's a view on paladins that would make any of your paladins proud :D

It's also a very strict and specific view of paladins - you can easily play them differently while still sticking to what is written about them.

It all depends on your personal style and image of a paladin.

Vic Wertz wrote:
We think TPFG should be able to ship them next week. We're sorry about the delay.

How they (TPFG) managed to stay in business is probably amongst the biggest mysteries known to mankind.

Although I must admit, I'm slightly annoyed at Paizo's involvement in this delay too - how could it possibly take 3 weeks to notice & solve the money issue? Seriously, a change in payment options should have long been worked out by Paizo & TPFG... BEFORE this happend - not 3 weeks after the magazines were supposed to have been sent.

And why does it take TPFG then ANOTHER week to send them out, after the problem has been solved?

So we will probably get Dungeon 149, 150 & Dragon 358 at the same time, them effectivly being delay about 5 weeks?

*shakes his head in disbelieve*

llaletin wrote:
At least you guys are always there to let us know how things are shaping, so no worries.

Actually, in this case "letting us know" would have been an official email to the subscribers - a more than 3 week delay is no a triffle - this is a serious flaw in service.

This topic might have some good points about Paladins & STAP too (at least if I remember it correctly, I didn't re-read it completely now)

Cheating Ahazu (Obvious Spoilers)

For your joy:

Wir Wiener Wäscherinnen
Würden weiße Wäsche waschen
Wenn wir wüssten
Wo weiches Wasser wäre.

Awesome :) So much fun at work!

Anyhow, if you still haven't been able to understand the explanation after flash_cxxi's post, I guess you'll never get it (or you simply do not want to get it).

PS: I'm not a native speaker, so feel free to point out any mistakes in my post (but of course only if you back them up with Webster/UrbanDictionary quotes).

Now that's certainly one of the worst jokes of an excuse I ever heard.

Add another "I'm so happy Paizo will send Pathfinder themselves, otherwise I'd cancel all subscriptions at once"-voice here.

Same here, no luck yet in Germany - although maybe (hopefully) it arrives today!

Mando, I'd love to get your documents too!

Email: savage@pendaran.de

Many Thanks!