ShadowMagic's page

Organized Play Member. 2 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 6 Organized Play characters.


Dark Archive

Teir 12-15!!! I can’t wait! I can finally think about getting my Sorceror to 15th lvl!!

Dark Archive

Hi, I am new and just joining SFS and I am planing on going to a game this Saturday and I'm not quite sure how to reach my goal, I'm split between the Technomancer and the Operative. I like the spell casting ability of the technomancer but I think the operative is a better Overall. I need a lvl 1 character now, but late game I would like the character to be able to teleport short ( possibly long) distances, be able to turn himself invisible, and be able to debuff my foes. Help would be very much appreciated.