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Should the spell Enchant Weapon in the Core Set have the Veteran Trait. I ask because other spells with the # symbol in their Power's effect do have the Veteran trait (examples, Aid, Good Omen, Enhance.) I've gotten to Curse's 3rd Adventure and am modifying my box and I noticed that of the 0 level spells Aid and Enhance were Veteran but Enchant Weapon was not and I'm just curious.
So on Wildcard "The Perils" there's a modifier called Confusing Confusing wrote: After you reset, shuffle a random card into your deck. At first I assumed this just means I add a random boon, but then I looked at it again and it says card. Should that include monsters and barriers? If so should it include story banes, locations, supporters? Character cards? There is a definition for card types in the back of the Core rules but this isn't helping me. Am I missing something that defines card? My guts says the intent here is boons, monsters and locations, as mixing the rest gets a little weird but I'm not 100% sure.
So how does Zellara's Harrow Deck work with recovery? Zellara's Harrow Deck wrote:
First should this be like spells and say "If proficient discard..." (For those unfamiliar with the item there is a banish to do something power.)Second who would be proficient. Its an item and the traits are Tool, Magic, Gambling, Harrow, Mental. No one from the Core or Curse has proficiency in any of those. Curious about the intent here. Thanks.
So I've been playing this game since RotR. I've played every set (multiple times... gotta play every character) plus organized play and never once have I done the following until just now... Taken an Armor Card feat. My organized play group had a saying. "Armor is a crutch." It felt like something that just took up space in your deck. We avoided armor for the most part (sure there were a couple awesome ones but generally speaking they weren't very exciting.) Now I've just finished DD and am playing Valeros and between his powers and the new way armors work and their new cooler powers... armors are finally cool and interesting. Tip of the hat to the developers. Really love what you've done with armor in the Core. Look forward to what it looks like with Curse. Thanks!
So I know the answer to this one but are random scenario's intended to be restricted to level 3? Strictly reading it playing a random scenario is playing 3C. That means the adventure level is 3. Which means you can only rebuild your deck afterwards with cards that are 3 or lower. Obviously this isn't the intent but I don't see anything that contradicts it. Is there anything I'm missing in the RAW? Pretty sure the RAI is that the level is the last level you played before the random scenario.
So... if I read this scenario right the only boon you will ever see is the reward boon for completing the scenario? You never explore the locations so you never see and encounter the boons. In so far as I can tell from my reading of the scenario you could simply determine how many boons each location has and put all weapons or spells or what ever because what they are doesn't matter. They're just a countdown clock to determine if you lose. IIRC playing this type of scenario in MM got you a reward of rebuilding with what was left in the locations if you won? Been a few years so I could be wrong but I think there was some sort of boon reward. So far as I can tell this is the only scenario of the random scenarios where you do not get a chance to acquire any of the boons. Is that intentional?
Has anyone taken characters through Dragon's Demand and after completing the Adventure Path used the reward to take their level 3 DD characters to level 1 CotCT. If so I'm curious how that played. Its a lot of CotCT scenarios before you get to level 4 and can start getting feats again (admittedly by end of DD you should still have 1 feat to fill.) Also I figure there will be a lot more side ways advancement rather than upward advancement. Anyways has anyone done this yet. I'm almost done with DD and about to start this path myself.
So Varian has a power that's worded like this. Varian Scion of Cheliax wrote: On a local check at an Urban location, you may recharge a card to add 1d4(□+1). (□ If the card you recharge is a Diplomacy or Finesse card, add its level.) My question is what is a Diplomacy card. So far as I can tell Diplomacy is not a trait. Finesse is. Is this supposed to mean a to acquire check that has diplomacy as an option.
Was looking over the multiclass options recently put out and while I like the idea of Multiclassing its so class feat costly. It got me wondering could spellcasting be a class feat. Every class uses the same spell chart for gaining spells. What if instead of getting a new level of spells at 3rd, 5th, 7th, etc... they got a class feat and had to option to pick the ability to cast the next level spells of pick something else instead. Example (Wizard class feat level 3): Arcane Casting 2
Something along this line allows a Wizard that wants to be a bit more gish to delve a little deeper into the fighter class at the cost of higher level spells. Now this would be a lot more class feats in the hands of casters. Might need to look at non-casters in comparison. Anyways rough idea I wanted to share.
Question on encounter I of Mirrored Moon. This is the encounter with the Cyclops. The Start of Section I says its a High 9 (difficulty High level 9.) High equals 80xp to spend on monsters. I'm calculating the encounter has 145xp. Elite Cyclop (level 6, party -3): 15xp * 9 = 135xp
Add it together and get 145xp. That seems way off. Is this an encounter the PCs aren't supposed to fight but rather negotiate? Better yet how is this a High 9 encounter. What is the design intent here. Help appreciated... especially as I have 5 players and need to adjust.
Although out the years of 3e/3.5/PF1 I've had an issue with the Aid rules and PF2 has the same issue. Player #1 offers to Aid Player #2 (let's assume Player #2 has a better skill roll.) Player #1 rolls the Aid. Rolls a 16+ and would have aced the check on his own... but all he does is provide a +2 bonus (in PF2 maybe a +4 bonus if critical success.) Player #2 rolls a 5 or less and fails the check. Does that situation bother other people? Its always nagged at me and happened multiple times in "Pale Mountain" with the elemental puzzle. I'd love it if Aid allowed you to take better of the two checks results. Not roll but check. Success = Your ally may use either your check result or their own which ever is best.
I would love a solution to this situation cause it drives me nutty.
Having a target make a saves vs. having the caster make an attack roll makes magic significantly less effective. Here are some reasons.
So let’s look at some numbers. Say we have two characters. We’ll call them Martial and Caster. Martial has a +5 bonus to his melee attacks. Caster has a +5 bonus to his spell rolls. They are both making an attack against the same target who has a 15 AC and a +5 Reflex save (Goblin Commando as an example.) Martial rolls to hit and needs to roll a 10+ to hit or 55% chance of success. 5% chance of crit. Caster has the target roll a Reflex save vs. his Spell DC which is 15 (10 + spell roll.) Target needs a 10+ to succeed. Caster has a 45% chance to hit. 5% chance of crit. Now let’s level up to level 4. Martial and Caster are both at +8 and attacking the same target as before. Martial rolls to hit and needs to roll a 7+ to hit or 70% chance of success. 20% chance of crit. Caster has the target roll a Reflex save vs. his Spell DC which is 18 (10 + spell roll.) Target needs a 13+ to succeed. Caster has a 60% chance to hit. 15% chance of crit. As the game progresses and we factor in buffs that affect attack rolls and item bonuses to hit, Martial’s chance to hit will significantly outpace Caster over the course of the game. Solutions to this are many. You could make spells powerful enough that they are still worth the lower chance to hit (I’m not convinced that’s the case given what I’ve seen playtesting through level 4 but am willing to wait and see.) Already many spells do a partial effect on a successful (not critical success) save. This is good. But I seriously feel some consideration should be made as to whether buffs should effect Spell Rolls (and thus Spell DCs) or if saves should reverse and become attacks made by the caster against the target. Some thoughts I’ve been having about the system. Not a math genius but I think my basics are right. Constructive comments appreciated.
So Guidance says Quote:
So is this saying the target is bolstered against Guidance (which means the target cannot gain benefit from Guidance for 24 hours?) Or is the check/save bolstered meaning the same roll cannot benefit from Guidance for 24 hours. If the latter this stinks as a cantrip. "Oh sure its at will, you can cast it as many times as you want in a day... I mean how many PCs are there... oh 4? Okay you can cast it 4 times a day, but still at will." ???
Do you think your group can finish Pale Mountain in 2 weeks. I'm doubting my group can. We play Thursday nights for 4 hours. We dealt with all the setup and Lady Vord stuff online and started with Hyena encounter. We made it through Manticore encounter and avoided the Antkeg with good checks. So 3 encounters and some exploration. Feel like we're going to need 2.5 to 3 weeks. How are other people feeling?
So half my players are out this week do to "life." We're debating pushing forward or taking the week off... problem is that there is no way we can get through "In Pale Mountain's Shadow" in 1 week. If we delay a week we fall behind the playtest schedule and I'm sure at some point "life" is going to happen again and then we'd be behind two weeks or a whole adventure. So the question... how long will Paizo continue taking survey info after each adventure's two week window?
Mage armor says you use your unarmored proficiency but doesn't say specifically that you can't be using armor as well. Is that covered somewhere else. Maybe under unarmored proficiency? What has me confused is the spell description never says you cannot be wearing armor or that you use the best between Mage Armor and your worn armor. In 1e you couldn't mix and match Mage Armor and armor. In 2e I don't feel it is clear that you can be wearing armor and benefit from Mage Armor (if that is the intent?) Am I missing something?
So the PCs explored up to A7 where they were ambushed do to setting off the alarm in A6. Near TPK but 3 of 5 PCs were able to retreat. Now what? ...SPOILERS BELOW IF YOU HAVEN'T PLAY/FINISHED THE LOST STAR... PCs plan to rest, spend a day healing, rest and then go back to finish goblins up. The denizens of the dungeon know people came after them. What would they do? I feel the dungeon should adapt to this development but not sure how that would effect the playtest. Should the denizens put up more alarms? Should they set more traps? Should they move bases (probably the least useful for playtest and most work for GM)? Should they recruit more help (if they can)? Debating having Drakus kidnap Keleri during the PCs rest day in order to impersonate her? Thoughts/brainstorming appreciated.
The skills Arcane, Nature, Occultism and Religion all have the Identify Magic action which says "The GM sets the DC for the check (see Table 4-2 on page 146)." My question is how do I use Table 4-2 for magical items. Specifically a level 11+ item (or for that matter a level 6 magic item.) The table gives the DC for Identifying of Learning a spell of level 1-10. It doesn't give information for magical item levels. I feel that either Table 4-2 needs to add DCs for magic items levels 1-20+ or the text of Identify Magic should say something like "The DC to identify a magical item is equal to the high DC of the item’s level see Table 10-2 p.337.)
So has anyone considered converting J1 (Entombed with the Pharaohs) and/or J4 (The Pact Stone Pyramid) to PF2E? They're both intimately related to Doomsday Dawn and I think my players would appreciated the added story/world info. I'm definitely considering it if I end up with time between sections of Doomsday Dawn. My big concern in with The Pact Stone Pyramid as I'd like to use the primary character's for this side trek but know they cannot possess... Spoiler for The Pact Stone Pyramid:
The Last Theorem an artifact the PCs can acquire in the adventure. Adventure #6 of Doomsday Dawn assumes that the Tengu Whark found it on The Pact Stone Pyramid adventure. Not sure if I should have the PCs find it and lose it. Hand it to the Esoteric Order and have them lose it. Have only half the item be in The Pact Stone Pyramid... thoughts if anyone else is considering converting and running these adventures.
Started "The Lost Star" (TLS) tonight. In room A1... In Room A1: No PC detected the ooze.
The text for A1 says "for now the creature slithers up to attack the moment the PCs get within 10 feet or as soon as anyone takes an action against it." So here is where I got confused. When the PCs got within 10 feet should the ooze have moved, attacked, attacked and then we all roll initiative. That would be a surprise round in PF1E. or... Does it just mean the ooze got to use Stealth for initiative. Another way to think about it. A PC with invisibility sneaks up to a target in Exploration mode and attacks entering Encounter mode. Does the PC get all three actions before initiative is rolled? Can't seem to find this answer in the rules.
So started "The Lost Star" (TLS) today. Have an Elven Wizards with Detect Magic cantrip. He expects it to work like 1E. I explain it just lets him know if there is magic within a 30' radius. He thinks a bit and comes up with the following. 1. Cast Detect Magic
Essential if you can cast it enough and move around enough you can figure out the square with the magic in it. In TLS room A2 this was used to narrow down the fact that there was something magical in the north of the room. Due to being unable to move to the side enough he couldn't put down the exact square but it gave everyone else a specific area to look in. I feel like this is the tactic that will be used with detect magic and is that desired. Seems silly but RAW its the way to go. As it is its sorta a time tax. Given enough time and enough castings you can narrow things down to the square.
I’m having trouble wrapping my head around setting DCs in Pathfinder Playtest. Specifically I’m struggling to judge the level of a task. When acting against an NPC I understand that you can use its level as a baseline (especially if the NPC is not fully defined.) But how do you set a level for an NPC on the fly? What is the level for climbing a tree? What is the level for researching info at the library? To that end I thought I would look at “The Lost Star” and see where the DCs are set in the adventure and attempt to reverse engineer them to see if I could get a sense of what benchmarks were used to set those DCs. Often in this post I’ll be comparing the DCs presented in the adventure with the DCS on Table 10-2 (p.337 of Pathfinder Playtest Rules.) Rather than repeatedly typing out “this could be a Level 2 Hard check” I will use the following abbreviation system. #X.
A4 – DC 12 Medicine check on the hole in the goblin’s body. Could be a 0H or a 1L. As the check is made on the corpse of a level 0 creature I’m guessing 0H.
A5 – DC13 Nature check to identify a hazard. Could be a 2L or a 4T. As the hazard is level 2 I’m guessing 2L. Why would the difficulty be set to Low? Is this a well-known hazard in Golarion? That would make story sense. A6 – DC 20 Thievery check to unlock door. While this is the same DC as a standard lock in the equipment chapter where does the standard lock get its DC? Could be 4S or 7L. Neither feels right. The lock is a common item so its level 0. Something level 0 has a max Extreme DC of 17 without circumstance or conditional modifiers? This one confuses me. (SIDE NOTE ON STORY – Why is A2 where some of the goblins live and sleep locked off from Drakus and the other goblins in A7, especially when Drakus has the only key?) A6 – DC 15 Perception check to notice the crude alarm behind the door. Could be a 1S, 3L or 6T. Probably 1S. Maybe the level 1 Goblin Commando or Pyro set it up? Why Severe? Story reasons? A6 – DC 15 Perception check to find evil idol in pool. Could be a 1S, 3L or 6T. No idea how to judge this one. What is the level of the check for fining an idol in dark murky water a couple feet deep? A6 – DC 12 Thievery to remove the idol from the water without touching it. Could be 0H or 1L or 3T. Is the task based on the level of the idol or simply the task itself? I my mind, with the right tools this doesn’t even feel like a check is required but I understand there has to be a chance the Quasits get released. A7 – DC 15 Athletics to climb a 15 ft. high ledge. Could be a 1S, 3L or 6T. No idea how to judge. No description of the wall just a DC. What’s interesting is that it would take 3 actions to climb without critical success or a feat. A7 – DC 15 Perception check to find secret door. Could be a 1S, 3L or 6T. We know from the description that the secret door is “cleverly hidden.” It is also locked and has a tiny keyhole that (according to A10) Drakus’ master key can open. This indicated that the creators of this space (priests/worshippers of Pharama) created the secret door or that Drakus re-keyed the whole dungeon when he moved in??? Anyways DC 15 and clever make me thing 1S is most appropriate. Low or Trivial does not seem clever? A7 – DC 15 Thievery check to pick lock of secret door. Could be a 1S, 3L or 6T. Why is this lock less than a standard lock (DC 20?) It is noted as tiny (at least the keyhole is.) Maybe only a smaller less powerful lock could fit in the secret door and still be cleverly hidden. Also from a game perspective the lower DC is a reward for the players who find the secret door, giving them an alternate means of accessing the final battle. A7 – DC 12 Perception to hear the goblins arguing. Could be a 0H or a 1L. I’m guessing 1L given the Commando and Pyro are level 1 and have no reason to care about how loud they are. A7 – DC 12 Perception to find the goblin’s stash. Could be a 0H or a 1L. Guess 0H and that this is the best the Warriors can do to hide their valuables. 1L would sort mean the Commando or Pyro hid it and really didn’t care to bother too much. (SIDE NOTE - Seems odd the goblins in A7 can make a trap with a Stealth DC of 17 but can’t hide their valuables better.) A8 – DC 15 Perception to find the body of pathfinder. Could be a 1S, 3L or 6T. Maybe 3L since Drakus is level 3 and maybe he didn’t bother to hide the body that well? A9 – DC 10 Religion to identify statue as Pharasma. Could be 0L or 1T. Doesn’t matter… essentially saying that Pharasma is easy to identify. A11 – DC 22 Thievery to unlock chest. Could be 5S, 6H or 13T. How does this fit lock fit in with the standard (DC 20), expert (DC 25) and master (DC30) locks in the equipment chapter? Don’t know how to judge (see notes on “A6 – DC 20 Thievery check to unlock door” above.) That’s most of the checks called for in “The Lost Star.” I can’t say the experiment worked very well for me. I’m still not sure how to judge the level of a task without having a creature or NPC to base it off of. To be honest the double process of choosing a level for the check and a difficulty is really hard to understand. It sorta makes sense when dealing with NPCs for whom you only have a level. But for everyday tasks than anyone can do and whose difficulty doesn’t depend on someone else’s skill I really want a chart to help me understand. What do the DCs looks like for Average Joe Villager in this world. What’s trivial, easy, hard, difficult and impossible for him/her? Then I can judge what’s appropriate for the PCs.
I'm having trouble understanding how to set DCs. First you have to pick a level. I don't feel there are enough examples to help me understand this concept enough to set DC's on the fly. Example... PC wants a new weapon goes to the blacksmith and wants to bargain for a cheaper price. What's the DC? Well sounds like Diplomacy (Request) but that requires the target to be friendly or helpful. So PC starts by making a Diplomacy (Make an Impression) against the taget's Will DC. So what is a blacksmith's Will DC? Let's assume I don't want to stat out the NPC character. Do I pick a level for the blacksmith? Let's say he's level 2. Then difficulty? Let's default to hard. So DC 15? What I'm not sure about is whether level 2 is appropriate? The blacksmith is the blacksmith and will always be the same blacksmith so his base level shouldn't be dependent on the PCs level. Is level 2 appropriate for a trained blacksmith. What about an expert of master? Long story short is I feel like I need a lot more information on what the levels mean for setting difficulties especially for DCs that shouldn't be dependent on the PC's level. In PF1E I had a gut sense of this but PP2E I'm very uncertain with the information currently presented. What is the level for breaking down a door barricaded by a bookcase?
I don't want each of these defined specifically but I feel I need a better Rosetta Stone for understanding how to set it myself. Anyone else feeling this way?
Is there a card list for MM. In the past there's been lists so you can record you character if you're going to start another party. Also the list has been great to record what boons and banes have been removed from the game after AD 3. Went looking but didn't find anything. Am I just missing where it is? Thanks.
Is anyone else finding it hard to use traders after AP 1? In AP 2 you need to have at least two AP 1 or 2 cards that you can return to the box. I’m finding these hard to come by. Most of the AP 1 or 2 cards in my decks are there because I want them there which means I need to find AP 1 or 2 cards in the scenario. If I’m lucky I’m finding enough to make 1 trade… by the time I’m hitting AP 3 its becoming rarer. It seems the farther you go into the AP the more diluted the box will become with untradeable cards. The removing of basics and elites will help but in AP 3 right now I’ve only gotten to use a trader 1 time. Generally I haven’t had the cards to spend. Anyone else experiencing this? Is this the intent? Am I just unlucky?
Season of the Righteous 1-5C says Quote: Treat the villain Faxon as the villain Belseferek. Treat the cohort Irabeth Tirabade as the cohort High Priestess Eliandra. Where do I find High Priestess Eliandra. I don't remember seeing here in the main game. Is she supposed to be a SotR specific cohort or am I dense and missing something. She was not on page 2 of 1-5C with Belseferek and doesn't appear to be in 1-5A or 1-5B. I don't have anything beyond those scenarios yet. Thanks.
So looking through the Card Guild Guide there is no information to when you get your role card. For Season of the Righteous the only information I can find for when you get your role card is by completing Adventure 3 where the reward is a power feat and your role card. If that is true then if you miss a single scenario in Adventure #3 and you don't get the opportunity to go back and complete it you never get your role card? Correct? One of my guild players ended up in the hospital for two weeks and missed all of Adventure #3. The other players finished it and are now Tier 4. If he returns and starts playing Adventure #4 and progresses up the Tiers he'll never get his role card as I understand it. Is this intentional? Thanks.
Hello fellow PACG members. I'm curious how people are purging Basics and Elites in Season of the Righteous. There are two options. Option #1 (Bookeeping) - Written on the Adventure Path Card and the default way to purge Basics and Elites. "After you begin Adventure 3, when you would banish a bane that has the Basic trait, remove it from the game; when you banish a boon that has the Basic trait, you may remove it from the game. After you begin Adventure 5, do the same for cards that have the Elite trait." Option #2 (Quick and Dirty) - Option presenting in the Guild Guide as a faster way to set up the box. "To make things more interesting and to help you remove the right cards faster, when you add a new Adventure Deck to your game box after adventure 3, remove all cards with the Basic and Elite traits with adventure deck numbers at least three lower than the adventure deck you just added." My group has determined Option #1 takes too much time (both setting up the box and recording at the end of the session) so we have opted for Option #2. Curious what other people are doing and why.
So this situation came up in Wrath... surprised it didn't come up in Shackles with Potion of Heroism. Facing the villain and a character plays Nectar of the Gods which says (among other things) "At the end of the turn, banish this card." Succeed in defeating the villain and he has no where to escape. End game. The game ends in the Explore phase and never makes it to the End Turn phase. Do you banish the Nectar of the Gods. (Logically I think so but can't seem to find the rule that would support that.) Help appreciated. Thanks,
So curious how multiple Knight's Pennons on the field of play work. Knight's Pennon wrote: When any character encounters a monster, display this card. While displayed when any character attempts a combat check, add 1; add an additional 1 if any character reveals an ally that has the Captain, Hireling, or Soldier trait... So if there are two on the field of play can one player reveal an appropriate ally to give +4 to the combat check? How does the each character can only use 1 of each card type on a check work with this. By revealing the appropriate ally is that character using the displayed Knight's Pennon card? If so that means to use both Pennon you'd need two separate character's to reveal appropriate allies to activate both Pennons? Does it matter if both Pennons are displayed by the same character (over the course of two combat encounters because he could only play one per combat encounter.) Actually does the question even matter. Knight's Pennon does not say display next to a/your character. Its just displayed. Is there an implied "by your character." Thanks,
The reward for the Adventure 3 Scenario "Crusader's Legacy" says Quote: Each character gains a card feat. One character may redeem a card. Does this have to be a card in the character's possession. Nothing in the rules (that I've been able to find) says it must. As far as I can tell it could be any card, even one the character's won't get until adventure 6. Is this the intent. Am I missing something obvious. This also applies to the Adventure 3 Scenario "The Fallen Fane." which has the same reward (swapping skill for card feat.) Thanks.
Hello... the Marketplace location from WotR says... Quote: When you attempt to acquire a boon, add 1 plus the scenario's adventure deck number to checks to acquire it. At my guild event this past Friday another player and I disagreed on how this card should be read. A)One of us thought it means add the modifier to your check result (making it easier to acquire.) B) The other thought it means add the modifier to the difficulty of your check to acquire (making it harder to acquire.) Would like people's input. From the Planar Tuning Fork thread it looks like there is one vote for A but that's all I found on a search. Thanks.
So my group is just starting Season of the Righteous. I was reading the Adventure Path card/sheet and noted the following. Quote: After you begin Adventure 3, when you would banish a bane that has the Basic trait, remove it from the game; when you banish a boon that has the Basic trait, you may remove it from the game. After you begin Adventure 5, do the same for cards that have the Elite trait. My question is how do we track that from week to week and from store to store. Does each character keep a list of cards removed from the game? Sorry if this has been answered already but I couldn't find the answer.
Question for the designers. In the Siege of Drezen it says the following... Quote: When you close the final location listed for your number of players, summon but do not build the location Citadel; shuffle the villain Soltengrebbe and 1 henchmen Brimorak per character into it. You win the scenario only when you defeat Soltengrebbe My question is why put all the Brimorak's in the Citadel? If you encounter one and defeat it you get the chance to close the location and if you close you search the location, leave out Soltengrebbe and banish the other Brimoraks. With a little effort a party should be able to meet the Citadel's close condition after the first Brimorak encountered. Was the idea supposed to be you can't close the location until you defeat the villain. It felt odd when with a 3 character party we shuffled 3 Brimorak's into the Citadel but banished them as soon as we encountered the first and made the location's close check. Thanks,
So if you have a party without a melee character (i.e. no one proficient with weapons and the melee skill) is there a reason to keep Radiance? Running Harsk, Balazar and Shardra. For that party Radiance wouldn't be a good loot card to keep around but I wonder if there is a story reason to keep it around. Thanks.
Having really enjoyed RotR and S&S I’m finding myself getting really annoyed at WotR and not enjoying the game play at all. I think my primary complaint so far after playing through the base scenarios is that it’s really random and there are too many monsters that are explore, flip and get hurt. FYI - My party is Alaine, Kyra and Enora. The randomness is really killing the fun for me. Demonic Hordes has about a 50/50 chance of hand wiping one of my casters. It’s rare they get multiple attack spells in hand so randomly getting selected to face the demonic horde more than once means the second or third time is with nothing but bare fists. Then there are cards like Carrion Golem whose only purpose is to hand wipe casters who encounter them. First before you act discard 1 card from your deck. Second you cannot use spells with the attack trait. Third if undefeated discard two more cards from the top of your deck. For Enora that’s a 6 card hand loss plus 3 cards from her deck. With a 15 card deck that leaves her just enough cards to drawn another hand and there is little she can do about it (maybe Mirror Image if she finds that spell but Create Pit doesn’t work nor does a Wand of Paralysis.) This is just too brutal. Kyra doesn’t fare much better. Additionally there are so many cards you can’t do anything about. Mongrelfolk Ranger forces you to take damage before you act. The Mogrelfolk Wizard forces you to take damage before and after you act. Wight forces you take a cold damage and bury the card before you act. Pitborn Scoundrel forces you to take damage if you are alone. The Minitaur Ghost Villian (name escapes me right now) forces you to take damage if you encounter him on your first explore. And it’s all luck of the draw. You don’t know what’s coming, you can’t plan for it and you don’t get a chance to negate or lessen it with a check. It’s like playing an RPG and your character walks into a room and the GM says “You take 40 damage.” When you ask the GM why it’s because you hit a trap or were ambushed. The problem with that scenario and why you feel put out as a player is you didn’t get a chance to detect/avoid it or a save/resist it. That kind of GM fiat in an RPG really leaves a sour taste in my mouth and Wrath is doing the same through the basic scenarios. Another issue making the basic scenarios harder is lack of Blessing of the Gods. First when you encounter Blessing of Ascension you are not guaranteed to get it. In the previous two sets BoG was auto put in hand. It’s essentially a free explore. The lack of free explores is making the basic scenarios much harder. Secondly you can no longer copy the top card of the blessing deck which is something that could come in handy from time to time, especially in the early scenarios. I'm really bummed Wrath is leaving me with a sour taste so far. I played the hell out of the previous two games and loved every minute of it. I'm really feeling a lack of control in Wrath and that luck is guiding my games more than skill, tactics or strategy. I truly hope the scenarios in AD 1 feel different as many people have said.
So in the guild guide it says
page4 wrote: ...don’t take actions that may harm another player’s character without that player’s consent. When this first showed up in season 1 one question was Siwar's role power to evade monsters and have another character's at her location encounter it. Eventually we were told Siwar can't do that without permission based on the quote above. That's cool. Now my question is in WotR with some seriously evil banes how does this work. Let take an example. Let's say you are playing a full caster like Seoni (class deck) and hit the Carrion Golem on turn 1. You don't have any weapons and your strength is pitiful. You lose you hand plus 3 cards from the top of you deck. You have now lost 9 of your 15 card deck. After drawing your 6 card hand size you have zero cards in deck. Can other player's explore without your permission. I ask because there are things like Demonic Hordes and and tree barrier that can force you to fight and any damage or a failed recharge can now kill your character. Does the game pause until Seoni is healed. What happens if this happens on turn 25 and victory is is sight. Obviously no one should take actions that could kill another character but WotR is pretty brutal and I can see situations like this arising in guild play where one bad encounter can pretty much end the game mid play for fear of killing a character. Thoughts.
So Blessing of the Dawnflower is Kyra's Iconic Heroes P card. Its essentially a Blessing of Sarenrae with some kick for clerics. It also has the Sarenrae trait. Kyra on 3 of her 4 role cards has a Power that does something cool when she plays a Blessing of Sarenrae. Strictly speaking RAW Blessing of the Dawnflower is not a Blessing of Sarenrae so it would not trigger these powers on Kyra. My question is was this intentional or as Dawnflower is essentially a fancy version of Blessing of Sarenrae and since it has the Sarenrae trait, should it count for these powers. Mostly a flavor question. Thanks!