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I have a Paladin Hosplitar in that AP 12th level I am the healer and I do just fine. Not only that. I am main tank as well.
Ancient, silent, blanketed in long shadows. Ancient builders,long forgotten, have left thier mark upon these ruins. Who knows what lies within these echoing chambers of a long fogotten world. Some say this ruin lies between two plains. Ours and the Plane of Shadow.
Look what happened to the Samurai
I played a Grippli Gunslinger. Pistol wielding rootin tootin frog from the Mwangi Jungles. Hopsalotapus was the name. Met my fate at the top of a tower fighting a demon. Wizard in the group cast a lightning bolt bounced off the wall hit my boys and me and we all blew sky high. Demon got dead though.
That was about what I expected to happen. I had high hopes the wizard was going to do some nasty damage....The fighter went down fighting awesome. Ninja...well he did too. what an interesting story. Would like to hear where this goes.
Your telepathicly linked. You have direction sense..hes a wizard so he should be able to locate you fairly easy. Locate item works wonders.
Greater teleport solves the wizard abscence
Old Fighter wrote: Mathwei ap Niall wrote: with your current groups complete lack of spellcasting (arcane or divine) vs a prepared arcane lich with three huge elemental servants you have about a 95% chance of being completely trounced inside of the next 2-3 rounds. Totally agree. I told my wife something similiar. "There's a 75% chance we wipe tonight"
Any ideas on how we can get the Wizard to us ASAP? He can teleport, but isn't familiar with this area. Blind teleport is dangerous but worth it anyway.
Best bet let him go...your sorely out numbered and out gunned. Even if it was just the lich. Your best bet is to retreat gather your wits get the liches to separate on your next suary. If you have to fight them both with what you currently have...thats a tpk.
I currently Play a Hosplitar Paladin. Very Self sufficent as a healer and a tank.
Zahir ibn Mahmoud ibn Jothan wrote: My thoughts on this:
Stealing a creature with a 6+ intelligence is "kidnapping" of some sort. We're not talking a dumb animal here.
Next, there is a technical term for keeping an intelligent creature in bondage, I'd call it "slavery," as would most Paladins. This might qualify you as "Evil," which will make you susceptible to the most effective parts of a Paladin's repertoire of buttkicking.
You can't keep it for more than 24 hours, because once per day (more for higher level Paladins) the Paladin can summon it to her side. I don't care, where or how you've got it locked up, the Paladin can just summon it.
Also don't forget the saves ont he horse in question is the same as the Paladin's.
What ever it takes to defeat evil.
Lamontius wrote:
...could you describe this further, or uh, post pictures?
I mean, uh, just so we can help you as much as possible.
Who's to say???? Possible that could have been the succubus's intention all along...let the hero close and grapple...as easy as pie...evil is so naughty evil.
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I think the real issue is a Paladin of Iomedae being a jerk. A lawful good person should not go around acosting strangers for no apparent reason. Seeking a motive would have to be generated by witnessing an even that would warrent questioning. Regardless I think the real world is filled with enough jerks just being because they can.

HappyDaze wrote: Quantum Steve wrote: Starglim wrote: steve steve 983 wrote: leo1925 wrote: Can you give more information?
Can you tell what kind of threats does he make? Does he make good on those threats or not? Can you give an example of such a situation? Also what does sense motive checks have to do with that? (i probably didn't understand something) an example would be a "seemed to be commoner", because he failed his sense motive check, walked up to him and asked for spare coins. he threaten him for coming so close to him and when the commoner moved his hand closer, which he thought was suspicious,he attacked the guy and dropped him in one hit. the commoner was a pick pocket but the paladin failed his checks to notice he might have been up to anything. To be honest, I've rethought my post, because it really doesn't hinge as much as you suggest on the Sense Motive check. If the player fails Sense Motive, as you say, the character doesn't know what is going on in the situation. As GM, you shouldn't dictate or presume what the character thinks based on that information. The player could be justified in claiming that he thought the NPC was a spellcaster, a monster or a skilled thief, thus a real threat - which happened to be the truth - especially if the party had been warned about the locals previously.
Since the paladin turned out to be correct, his action was not evil or dishonourable. It might have been reckless, but until that actually leads him to do evil, it's a personality trait, not an alignment or code issue. How does the Paladin know he was correct? Did the commoner confess to being a Pickpocket before dying? For all the Pally knew, he just murdered a innocent beggar in cold blood for standing to close to him. And aren't Paladin's supposed to help the needy? I'd swear it's in the class description somewhere.
It hate to be the one to call "badwrongfun", but there is, in fact, a right way to play Paladins. It's written in the class ... Looking for probable cause would be the start. A Paladin wandering the streets questioning random civies, seems to not be in order of the Iomedae clause. I think reviewing the gods doctrine would help clarify law and honor and all that fluff stuff.
Ipslore the Red wrote: 1-on-party encounters don't work. Your party WILL win by sheer action economy alone.
Have an entire party of serial killers working together. It's a bit too late for me to think of an entire party of BBEGs at the moment, but I'll think about it and try to suggest something tomorrow.
Stealth and social skills are a must. Ninja, rumormonger rogue, barbarian, archer fighter, possibly.
IE: The Following?
Well it'the Giants in Rise of the Runelords. The human druid had not up to that point taken an interest in eating any sientiant being alive or dead. He was warned by the Paladin, on several passes it is not a natural thing and the human indicated was not of his custome to consume said dead giant. It was more of a manners issue in my eyes but the Paladin would deem it a vial act by my thinking. Tiger on the other hand, that would be instinct.
Claxon wrote: Consumption of sentient creatures by sentient creatures is evil.
And as Imbicatus said, commiting a single evil act doesn't make you evil.
Thus the flat of the blade and not the sharp end
Thats my thoughts. I was playing a Paladin of Iomadae and informed him it is unnatural for him to be eating the giants flesh...even raw. I throunced him on the head with the flat of my blade till he got the idea.
Human druid with a tiger pet decide they are going to eat the giants corpes we just killed???? EVIL OR NOT?
Well title or no ....I am a knight....I sweep in and fight for all that is right and good...yen yang...add...you will not ruin my lands as you have ruined yours...IE...well If sir paladin does not want to be offended as your...hey I am president of the bank you will not address me as hey Kelly pr of the bank hows it going...Ego Ego Ego...then its a pissing game
Role play and story telling best resolve ever in any rule set...oh and rule set be-damned if the roll is worth the play.
If I were the Paladin in this group, I would go for killing them off as evil with smite...yep evil....and get the xp for it...all wrong for murder and mayhem to free a single rogue for legal infraction...Kill the monk first because I personally dont like the monk class and then the bard...because well second to monk...
You be da GM>...set fire to the whole tribe...its not a rule set...they didn't go by rule set either...all I know is you set fire to my kingdom...your going to get burned...yes its free will but ... re-precusions are soon to follow if you do not fit in to our laws. Paladin in Chelix? Any one?

taldanrebel2187 wrote: So the party rogue got caught stealing from a nobleman's store. After she was arrested, the party Paladin decided to try and bribe an official. After that plan fell apart (along with the Paladin, heh) Things got really unhinged. The party had the barbarian break into the city jail, killing six guards and slitting the throat of the jailkeeper in the process and killing an NPC allied with the party. The party Barbarian has 24 strength when he's raging and hits for an average of 20 damage in a round. On a critical hit he did 47 damage to the captain of the guard, killing him immediately and then intimidating the remaining guards. After breaking the Rogue out, they went to the guard house over and killed the sleeping guards (all of whm failed their perception checks :/)
To cover their escape, the party's Monk started a bar fight and then burned the bar down, chaining the doors shut. Everyone inside died, including three NPCs relevant to the entire adventure path.
They fled from town and killed the remaining horses so the guards couldn't give chase. I actually had to end the session early, because the plot was entirely wrecked and derailed. I mean these were veteran players, and TBH I could see these characters actually doing "evil" actions in an unfair, corrupt LE town.
How do you veteran DMs handle parties like this? :O
Oh the Paladin's atonement would be to hunt down his party and bring them to Justice!!!!! The mayhem...
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ShadowcatX wrote: Laif wrote: you keep forgetting barb dr... This is just fairly inconsequential in the grand scheme of things.
Quote: you keep the paladin making the on who atacks first The best paladin builds are archer builds. The best barbarian builds are melee. I think you can figure out for yourself why it is likely the paladin gets at least one full round attack before the barbarian. I detest the fact that a Paladin of Iomadae would cast his honor in the dirt to use a bow. I have not yet met a barbarian I cannot best evil or good. If I cannot lead said savage to the light of my faith by sweet litany, then I may pummel said savage to the light.
toxicpie wrote: I'm not sure at all on how the customs were. My character is a Sir, a Kingsworn knight, so would he introduce himself as such to everyone he meets, or would that come across as too arrogant for a paladin? Would it be a sort of unmentioned thing, as his reputation should precede him?
Just wondering how it will affect fellow party members and NPCs if I make myself above them in status. :)
I play a Paladin of Iomadae. Yes always introduce yourself to the fulles extent of your title, after all you represent your deity.