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Definitely is.

Shifty wrote:
Question wrote:
I don't get why pathfinder society is more popular than regular pathfinder games now. Is it because the pre-made scenarios make it really easy to run?

They are easy to run, but so was 'B2, Keep on the Borderlands' back in 1979 (Although I didn't get a go at it til 1982 I admit).

What they are is cheap, relatively consistent in size and duration, usually quite fun, set at a decent level of difficulty (though YMMV depending on the players and their optimisation) and the idea that I can take my character is now PORTABLE is excellent. Rather than have my character tied to one group and one GM, I can also play with another group from time to time, or if my current group goes on hiatus I can still continue.

How many great characters have you had over the years that vanished because the GM had to move, decided to stop etc?

It's also cleaner from an admin standpoint in that there are no more loot arguments, each player gets his/her own sheet, balance is generally retained, and no one player (GM's 'significant other') gets special treatment, or a unicorn, or a pegasus, or +5 Full Plate.

That said, PFS can actually be 'regular' Pathfinder - between the Scenarios and Modules you can certainly entertain both 'short sharp shocks' or protracted sessions via the modules (especially the linked ones) and now there's even AP's.

Question wrote:
I figured "old school" DMs and players wouldn't like all the rules and restrictions of PFS.
I'm about as old skool as they come, and frankly all I can say is that the reverse is true.

It's all about playstyle. I resepct players who like playing more of a boardgame or dont like playing with music because it messes with their concentration on finer rule points. I also respect PFS style. For me though, roleplaying is 50% character and 50% the person behind the character. Having disposable player groups is just not my thing. For me characters are linked the way the people behind them are and getting to know a group of people is a great part of roleplaying. Making everything exportable, equitable, perfectly balanced, manageable...sounds too much like a Blizzard (World of Warcraft) representative. On the other side if it allows more people to get back into RP games (and I think it may have acheived this) then PFS is a beautiful achievement. Again, this is my opinion and my playstyle.

If there are still people interested in playing in a regular campaign inner west Sydney, I'm looking for 2 more players.
-rules are a tool to promote roleplaying, not a bible
-chill, play, have a drink (red wine for me)
-get kicked out by my wife when it gets late

Thanks for the reply Shifty ! I'll have a look into it, although I must admit that I do like to feel comfy with the same group every week. The whole "old slippers are the comfiest" thing !

Hi all,

I think I've found the right forum. I moved over from Europe not too long ago and I'm looking for a group located inner-west Sydney. Big fan of roleplaying and investigation, I've played a lot of old scholl D&D2 and Call of Cthulhu, but I'm told pathfinder is really good ! Can't play every night because of 2 young terrors at home but still enthusiastic to play every week. Cheers.

Hi all,

I hope I'm posting in the right forum. I moved over from Europe not too long ago and I'm looking for a group located inner-west. Big fan of roleplaying and investigation, I've played a lot of old scholl D&D2 and Call of Cthulhu, but I'm told pathfinder is really good ! Can't play every night because of 2 young terrors at home but still enthusiastic to play every week. Cheers.