Sensorghost's page

Organized Play Member. 13 posts (18 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 8 Organized Play characters.

The Exchange

Knowledge is a trained skill. Does Lore Keeper domain power allow a check to be made against a creature that falls under a skill that the character lacks ranks in? For example, if the character has NO ranks in knowledge Dungeoneering, does lore keeper allow for checks against aberations or oozes?

The Exchange 1/5

So I'm going over the updated PFS additional resources file,(Current as of 11/28/2012)and I notice that under the Advanced Race Guide it mentions "racial evolutions" are allowed. What are racial evolutions? I can't find anything referencing them.

Lantern Lodge

If I have snap shot, greater snap shot, and rapid shot, can I make an extra ranged attack on an attack of opportunity?

Lantern Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

For examplle if I have a Bard with the template "Archivist", which replaces several of the bardic perfomances with other abilities, and I take the prestige class Pathfinder Chronicler, that grants the bardic performance ability at 3rd level, do I get the replaced abilities back?

If run as described I would say yes, because the Chronicler grants you the ability as a lowr level bard. That is a 3rd level Chronicler acts as if he was a 1st level bard. This is how it is written in the book...

"Bardic Music (Su): At 3rd level, a Pathfinder chronicler
gains this ability, which functions like the bard class feature
of the same name, except that the chronicler’s effective bard
level is 2 lower than her class level. Levels in this class stack
with levels in any other class that grants a similar ability to
determine her effective bard level."

Does this mean that I get the "Inspire Courage" performance of a 1st level Bard, even though as an "Archivist" Bard replaces that performance with "Naturalist"?