Shackles Pirate

Senator o' th' High Seas's page

11 posts. Alias of Treppa.


Yarrrr, we've a long way to go, mateys!

Honestly, I don't care that much as long as it's consistent. It used to be hard for me to read anything but the bolded parts of the posts, but I've gotten accustomed to the format now.

Yarrr, I seek the Great Mr. Fishy!

Yarrr, I be obsolete.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yarrrr! Avast, ahoy, and.. uh... aloha!

Was that right?

DJ-Bogie is banned for homophone overuse.


Lobster of Eire wrote:
Treppa wrote:
That's a pretty impressive pillar of fire right there.

It's a BALL!


Thot thar be a pillar, matey! Now inta tha pot with ya!

Avast and ahoy! Stand or be keelhauled!

Shaadi mubaarak ho!

CourtFool wrote:
Ruffled Feathers wrote:
President pro tempore wrote:
CourtFool wrote:

If I may, President.

There have been accusations of ethics violations by Ruffled Feathers. I move an investigation be launched immediately into these accusations. I do not see how, in good conscious, we can continue to provide a floor for Ruffled Feathers until we determine how corrupt he has become.

All in favor?
Voting to block an investigation against yourself seems…unethical. Hmmmm.
